
Meaninglessness Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Once you realize that everything is meaningless, you are able to get in touch with being... that being is so profound and divine that it transforms you from the inside."
"Grandfalloon...a group of people who outwardly choose or claim to have a shared identity or purpose, but whose mutual association is actually meaningless."
"The variable that correlates the most with being addicted to pornography is a sense of meaninglessness."
"Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless."
"The theme of death and the intrinsic meaninglessness of life and inevitability of failure is extrapolated further by the way the game integrates gameplay mechanics centered around quantum theory."
"Existence has become aimless, meaningless when any conceivable want and need is met."
"I find enormous relief in the absence of meaning."
"Maybe the work should be unabashedly meaningless."
"When we don't acknowledge those principles, the flag means nothing."
"I realized that everything I did had no meaning if there was, you know, no... no spiritual realm, no afterlife, nothing beyond this world."
"Because once you've deconstructed everything, what's left? If everything is meaningless, you just end up with utter nihilism."
"Congratulations on whoever wins because it will matter. Nothing matters."
"Life is precious, beautiful, and awe-inspiring despite its chaos and disorder."
"You need to end the hopeless search of meaning-making and dive headfirst into the void."
"If words don't actually mean anything like do and you then we don't have a language and there's no point in talking."
"What if you know big civil resistance Civil War Civil War Civil War whatever I don't it does it just doesn't really mean anything."
"And there was no meaning in this. It was just meaningless and it was just very unsatisfying."
"It is in this kind of meaninglessness that we get the profoundest meaning."
"In Washington, words no longer have any meaning at all."
"None of this stuff is anything like it's just it's so meaningless this is all meaningless."
"You can replace the word god with absolutely anything and it still makes no sense."
"Do you think it means anything? No, I don't."
"Most events in our lives are meaningless and have little to no bearing on its trajectory."
"Is it meaningless in the sense that then in the grand scheme of things perhaps but that that is that's a different type of nihilism to the one that people are perpetuating."
"Life is meaningless, everything is pointless."
"Men of our times have emptied each thing of its true meaning."
"When something means everything, it effectively means nothing."
"The universe sets for us no meaning and no purpose."
"Swearing to God doesn't mean anything, swearing on the Bible doesn't mean anything."
"Everything in Steins;Gate has a meaning, except one thing: Steins;Gate turkey. It doesn't really mean anything."
"The dark night of the soul is when everything in your life becomes completely meaningless."
"Life still had no meaning or purpose where a chemical accident a bolt of lightning hit a puddle of amino acids five billion years ago and here we are and we live for 80 or 90 years and we die and there's no meaning or purpose to anything."
"It's not the presence of suffering but the absence of meaning that leads to despair."
"Life is just like an egg... no matter what you do, there is no meaning."
"The whole thing is such a horrible nightmare, pointless, mad without rhyme or reason to it."
"Finding out the baby's gender is just like a bonus because it's just meaningless."
"This desire he had to be the last one standing at the end of the world is pointless in the light of his new realizations. They are meaningless."
"For what gain? What benefit is there? It's literally just nonsense, man. It's just actual nonsense."
"We live in a universe that is devoid of meaning."
"Purpose or no purpose, it doesn't have a purpose. Everything is completely without purpose."
"My life had no purpose, no cause, no sense, no meaning."
"We don't care that you exist. There's no reason to expect it has any meaning. Congratulations."
"All of that gets to be okay. It doesn't have to mean anything."
"I thought the rock scene really hammers in the meaninglessness of it all, the nihilism."
"I made this thing matter. It doesn't matter I admit it. I admit that whoever can do this the most, that doesn't matter because I'm a nihilist, nothing matters. That doesn't matter, this doesn't matter, none of it matters because we don't really."
"So in the end, the whole conversation we're going to have this weekend is about meaninglessness. The meaninglessness of the appearance and the hopelessness of the individual to find that. And in the end, the meaninglessness is actually freedom. So what is, is freedom."
"Our brains just throw stuff at a wall and it means nothing."
"Our whole [ __ ] is trying to make sense of some [ __ ] that doesn't make [ __ ] sense."
"Life itself holds no meaning or value. It's best to live solely under your own morals and interests: eat when you want, kill when you want, live how you want."
"Life is ultimately meaningless and we're doomed to suffer."
"death has become absolutely meaningless"
"Don't look for meaning. There isn't any."
"You don't have to apply any meaning to anything."
"There's no metaphysical meaning to this life."
"There's no meaning to any of this. So I wanted to find the most meaningless thing that I could come to and join. And here I am."
"Globalization is one of those rare terms in public life to have gone directly from obscurity to meaninglessness without any intervening period of coherence."
"Vanity of vanities," says the preacher, "all is vanity."
"If everybody gets a trophy then they're meaningless."
"The problem today is not stress. The problem is meaninglessness."
"Everything he suffered through because it didn't mean anything."
"If the universe is meaningless, then the logical conclusion is absurdity."
"There's just what is appearing as the path. It's not real. It doesn't need to be. It doesn't mean anything."
"Everything was meaningless. It didn't matter, you just get through this life with as little pain and suffering as possible."
"When you really start to feel that nothing matters, there's a great sense of just being."
"All these discussions... are meaningless."
"Starting to believe that everything is meaningless."
"The real problem that faces man is the meaninglessness of suffering."
"He believes that life is pretty much meaningless, he behaves in such a way."
"Complaining is just all verbal. It doesn't mean anything. It's just all muttering and verbal."
"Emphatically, it's meaningless it has less power than my childhood Imaginary Friends snorbu the toppa that still follows me around to this day and watches me sleep at night."
"Life is ultimately meaningless, ugh..."
"I couldn't care less about this election. It's meaningless to me."
"There's just no meaning to anything that we're watching."
"Life is absurd. Life has no meaning. Every day you have to get up and create meaning for yourself."
"10 out of 10's. I would take 10 out of 10's for the rest of my life if it meant, like, I didn't have to go through this or whatever, like, the art on the walls. Like, everything was meaningless and pointless."
"Mass communication proliferates over-communication that causes a 'bama-fication', rendering language meaningless."
"My interest is to point out that the questions are meaningless."
"Existential nihilism negates the meaning of life."
"An essentially mechanical world would be an essentially meaningless world."
"Banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless."
"The main characteristic of contemporary society is meaninglessness."
"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless."
"If you just do stuff and nothing happens, what's it all mean? What's the point?"
"Everything starts out meaningless and a lot of it stays that way."
"Beliefs in the absence of fact are meaningless."
"To explain Tibbett's story in these terms was as meaningless as trying to describe a loved one's face in terms of nose, eyes, and mouth."
"We're living in a world of illusion... what we see out there in front of our eyes, a lot of it is meaningless."
"Words are wind; they really are. You can say whatever you want to somebody, but unless actions back those words up, they're pointless."
"Emotions are just emotions; they have no meaning, they are not dangerous."
"There is no meaning, which means we get to make our own."
"Whatever you have done on earth – in quotes – has no meaning, the ground says."
"The question and answer format, if we indulge in for long, becomes a meaningless ritual."
"This is a clear duality between Naruto's team and Amado's; Amado's philosophy is the opposite, where he even stated to Code that pride and other concepts are nothing but meaningless."
"Our dried voices, when we whisper together, are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar."
"Race, sex, the name none of it matters. It's all meaningless."
"Everything felt empty, meaningless. Life and death meant nothing."
"If you watch it objectively, you will come to see that much of what the voice says is meaningless."
"I get so tired of it," I said, looking into those stupid eyes. "Tired of what?" "Hard little men in hard little offices talking hard little words that don't mean a thing."
"It's hard when the world has gone crazy, seems just like everything means nothing at all."
"Does anything mean anything? No, nothing means anything."