
Angels Quotes

There are 1139 quotes

"It's very important that you know this, that you have angels and guides... it's like a spiritual army behind backing you."
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
"Angels do not care whether you believe in them or not; they do not care whether you are a certain religion or have a certain belief or not; they love all of us and want to help empower all of us."
"It's been 274 years since he was left behind, and that's a long time, even for angels."
"Your angels and guides are supporting you at this time."
"The angels are thus the courtly state, the bodyguards of Mary and Jesus Christ."
"What would it be like to hear an angel speak? I mean, how would so much love and wisdom express itself at such a high level?"
"So today, we'll focus on the angels and the critical importance of this forgotten army."
"Never forget, Lucifer used to be one of God's most loved of all the angels before he fell from grace."
"If you look to the skies, the angels will descend and upon wings of fire."
"The popular opinion among most scholars is that the angels will die, a view rooted in both tradition and scholarly consensus."
"The primary purpose of these angels (Powers) is that they are constantly in physical war with the demons on earth."
"Angels can put on a physical form and appear as people so that means that they're so good at blending in and they're so good as appearing as humans that there are people who exist on earth who are actually angels and we're never the wiser to it."
"The reason that angels seem to look like humans is because they also mirror the image of God."
"Let your angels surround me and grant me protection in the mighty name of Jesus."
"If you see 11:11 a lot... it means that your angels and your spirit guides are there to support you."
"Angels having a dialogue and even expressing desires highlights their ability to choose and feel, not just serve without emotion."
"Dear angels, I allow you to support me as I grow to become more spiritually aware."
"The angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly. It's not that they make a joke of themselves, but they can take themselves lightly."
"Iblis was from the jinn, so Allah raised this one jinn, Iblis, the Shaitan, to come live with the angels."
"Angels aren't like sweet cherubinis, they're like warriors."
"Evil spirits are fallen angels, they are much smarter than we are."
"We are not told whether or not there are female angels in the Bible."
"The angel of the Lord gave aid and encouragement to Hagar, Sarai's Egyptian slave girl, twice in her distress in the wilderness."
"Angels not only announced blessed events, but they also warned the righteous of impending danger or disaster."
"Angels are involved throughout the Bible. If you have problems with angels, you have problems with the whole Bible."
"The angelic realm is interwoven with ours; it's all one."
"Angels are ministering spirits that minister for us who are heirs of salvation."
"Angels are very much involved more so than we even realize in our lives."
"Angels encourage, comfort, strengthen, give hope."
"Think about this: the angels are joining in our worship of our Redeemer."
"Angels are spirits, not limited like us, they can transform into human form."
"As Jesus received ministry from angels, so can we."
"There are angels and demons fighting in the unseen realm."
"There are more angels than there are demons."
"Our modern world does not believe in angels. Curious, an angel is put in the category of a myth."
"The moment you die you are taken by the hand by angels and escorted into the presence of God."
"A lot of what Christians think they know about angels is really the result of tradition."
"Angels don't appear where they're not asked to appear. They're not intrusive, they're not like sentinels in the Matrix."
"Peace is yours, you have a team of angels on your side."
"Lord, give your angels all necessary charge for our protection."
"The Samaritans see those lights that appear now on Gerizim as the angels, the manifestation of light, the angels being the messengers of God that carry the light of God with them."
"The angels have been sent to help us tonight, it's going to be strong."
"He sought the words of angels where the words of science failed him."
"Understanding loving yourself up is a love that comes from the angels."
"This is the real graduate-level work, just if you can even grasp how the angels help you understand that there is a bigger picture game at play."
"Encouragement is needed, angels watch over with love and protection."
"You're very supported by your spirit guides and angels."
"Have you ever seen or been visited by what you believe to be angels?"
"It's almost certainly a birth angel of yours, name does not come to me right now but this is a birth angel of yours and by the way, that is their primary job is to keep you on the planet for all of us."
"You never know how an angel on Earth is going to appear in your life but let me tell you if I'm in trouble I want these two helping me seriously."
"The souls of the just are conducted to paradise in the company and sight of angels."
"May the angels carry out the command of God in protecting you and watching over you."
"Finding a feather is a sign your guardian angels are by your side."
"Throughout the Bible, angels play a significant role in God's interactions with humanity."
"On angel's wings, successful news coming your way."
"Every day seventy thousand angels enter it and they exit and they never return."
"We don't worship angels, but we don't ignore them."
"There are angels around this situation, trying to bring the world back to love."
"Angels are classified in several ways in the Bible. The cherubim and seraphim, for example, are described as winged angels." - A fascinating insight into celestial beings.
"Only Michael is designated as an archangel by the Bible."
"Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise."
"The ongoing and bitter fight between the holy angels dedicated to God and the angels of darkness aligned with Satan."
"Few people appreciate how important angelic influences are in human affairs."
"If we were to catch just a glimpse of Heaven, we would see countless angels exalting and worshiping the Lord God Almighty."
"How do we employ and deploy the angelic host that has been made available to us based on the scriptures?"
"It is clear the revelation is the angels are to serve us."
"God has a plan for your life that is so big, you're gonna need help, mainly angels, to help you finish it."
"You are receiving many gifts from the Angels right now."
"The answer to your question is yes; call upon the Angels, they're with you."
"The feathers you see are signs; your guardian angels are by your side."
"Your guardian angel is more powerful than the devil himself."
"Angels are ever-present, surrounding and supporting those who call upon them."
"Julia Treat's book, 'Stepping into the Light,' explores miraculous ways of connecting with loved ones, angels, and guides."
"The angels of God will watch over you and your family."
"Look out for signs from your angels, pay attention to them and you will receive a message."
"The Angels will be by our side, prompting us to a better course."
"Angels are among us today to give us guidance in our perplexity."
"So are there reptilians among us you know there is but is there angels among us absolutely there is."
"The Angels are sent to minister to those that will inherit salvation."
"In the last days, angels and demons will be involved in struggles."
"The angels are loving you, supporting you, guiding you."
"Keep on loving each other as brothers; do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing, some people have entertained angels without knowing it."
"The Quran tells us that the angels brought a new type of knowledge, something very powerful."
"Your angels are saying there's a lot that you think of yourself that is negative, that is heavy, that is not your burden to bear. It's not true."
"Your angels are always with you, cheering you on."
"What I mean by that is you can very much feel Kanye’s pain through the music, but the focus on the album it came from was this very minimal and cold sound, with stripped back production and robotic autotune."
"Angels possess a power that dwarfs the greatest human abilities."
"Doomed angels are imprisoned by God in Tartarus, awaiting final judgment."
"Even within Judaism, there's a continuum because you certainly have God Almighty, the God of Israel, but below him, there are archangels and angels."
"Hell was a place prepared for Satan and his angels."
"As long as believers are on earth, the ministry of angels to them will never cease."
"Angels are not dead, angels have not ceased to exist, angels do not belong to the old testament alone."
"Every time we speak the word of God, we are literally giving Angels their marching orders."
"The angels are really close to you, they're really guiding you. You really need to trust your intuition."
"Ask your angels for helpful people to lighten your load."
"The angels have been whispering in your ear."
"The angels know there's always a bigger possibility out there for you."
"When a parent tells me their kid is an angel, so was Lucifer." - Father Casey
"Angels save my life every day. Beings of light, joy, infinite intelligence are just there."
"Angels have their habitats in the heavenlies... demons or evil spirits are earthbound."
"All are angels unawares. Sometimes we are bemused and blindfolded by our own reflections but occasionally we meet someone who is transparent to the creator for us and their love face shines in human form."
"Entertain strangers because you could be entertaining angels unaware."
"The way the multiverse is preparing for this war against the former angels is becoming very intense."
"Your angels want you to know that you are being protected."
"Be nice to everyone you meet because it could be an angel."
"You definitely have your Angels by your side."
"Talk to your angels, your guardians are always there, ask them for support."
"You don't have to participate in any religion to communicate with your angels. They're just there, period."
"Thank you, angels, for helping me to reconnect through nature and fresh air."
"Because she was so little and told people she heard angels, almost nobody listened."
"For He will put His angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways."
"The angels are all around you, protecting you."
"You are divinely protected; your angels are on standby."
"Based on the Book of Revelation, there's an idea that one-third of all angels turned into fallen angels."
"You who the angels love like their baby."
"Angels don't make mistakes, Stanley."
"Angels are extremely beautiful, their wings are so slender and so fine."
"Entertain strangers, for some of you have entertained angels unknowingly."
"Creating an atmosphere for Angels because there is an atmosphere that the angels of God are attracted to."
"Part of it is not just fellowship with the Holy Spirit, it's also fellowship with the angels of God."
"Angels can prophesy, not all angels can prophesy but some can."
"When you are true about your salvation, when you're real about your salvation, you create an atmosphere for angels to visit you."
"Angels are attracted to love... even to bad people to deliver them."
"Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve?"
"Archangel Gabriel is the Archangel of water, dream time, and emotions."
"On the day that you were born, the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true."
"I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me, I'll cross the stream - I have a dream."
"So when I'm lying in my bed, thoughts running through my head, and I feel that love is dead, I'm loving angels instead."
"Angels ministered to him continually."
"Your home is protected by Angels."
"When I repent, God condemns the demon, and angels come to remove them."
"You have angels all around you helping you."
"An angel and a demon can share the same fate."
"Your angels want you guys to know that you're doing a good job."
"These are the walls of a prison, and the angels aren't servants of God, they're guards."
"Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his wings."
"Somebody's heart desire is ready to come true. Your wish is coming true, and that's what your angels wanted to tell you here today."
"Everything happening between you and someone else is magical, orchestrated by angels."
"I feel that some of you are going to become closer to your angels, developing a stronger connection with the spirit world."
"As the female angel looked across the street she noticed a male Angel escorting a grandfather to the afterlife."
"Somebody got strong ancestors out here, angels, they're anointed."
"Remember the angel prayer tonight when you go to sleep, I want you to imagine looking up and just saying to your angel, 'Take me with you and return me before sunrise.'"
"Some of you have entertained angels unawares. Being a child of God, you're encompassed by angels."
"The book of Revelation, the whole book, an angel gave it to somebody. Angels come to make God's words clear to us."
"Angels come to give us clarity on what God has said. Angels have the power to strengthen you by their words."
"An angel appeared to Jesus from heaven, strengthening him. Angels work with us for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"Angels are created to minister to you. What does it mean to minister to you? To help you, to aid you in what God has given you to do."
"Angels are ministering spirits sent to minister. And this is 14, right? Yes, to those who will inherit salvation."
"Thinking give up a couple of human beings than to sacrifice God's holy angels."
"The guardian angel looks just like a human being and this is why Hebrews says when you deal with strangers be careful many times you deal with angels unaware."
"The angels are more excited to hear you sing than you are to hear them sing."
"I release the angel of your breakthrough and prosperity."
"No sign has all the good and no bad, otherwise, he wouldn't be here, we would be with the angels."
"Angels have superhuman strength and intelligence."
"Angels were never created to procreate."
"Angels are empowered by our prayer, evil spirits are fed by our fear."
"There are more angels than all the stars."
"Angels are only too happy to talk to you but they won't start a conversation because they honor you, because of who you are, and there's a protocol for their approach unless they've been sent on assignment for the specific purpose."
"Every single day since Allah has created the creation, 70,000 angels enter alvatyl mahmoud to pray."
"Jesus Christ was born of the Holy Ghost and he had the Holy Ghost anointing, and yet he required the services of angels."
"When danger appeared because of the news of his birth, an angel spoke to Joseph to move to Egypt with the baby Jesus. Angels were present with Jesus in various moments of his life, from birth to resurrection."
"At the time of Ascension, two white-robed men suddenly stood among them and said, 'Why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go.'"
"Angels who are the host of Heaven are all around us."
"Angels were involved in giving John information. He wrote Revelation based on what he saw and heard from an angel."
"God's angels indeed are among God's invisible things for he created all things."
"God will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."
"War breaks out in heaven... Michael and his angels fought against the dragon."
"We do have Angels looking over us, and my children now have six more."
"Angels were also sent to protect God's people. This indicates that one of their roles is to assist, guide, protect, and provide for the needs of believers or those destined for salvation."
"Angels can deliver from persecution. As the early church grew, Peter was put in prison for preaching the gospel, but the people prayed for Peter non-stop, and then the Lord sent angelic help to deliver Peter from prison."
"Angels were sent to strengthen. When Jesus was weary, the angels came to strengthen him."
"God begins to mobilize angels when you pray."
"Daniel prayed until the angels showed up."
"Your angels will begin to wear their Shing guard."
"I swear unto you that in heaven the Angels remember you for good before the glory of the great one and your names are written before the glory of the great one."
"Be hopeful and cast not away your hopes for ye shall have great joy as the angels of heaven what shall ye be obliged to do you shall not have to hide on the day of the great judgment."
"I am not afraid of you, for once I am on the side of the angels."
"Angels are ancient life forms that inhabited the Earth before man."
"Angels have been assigned with a sacred task of meeting the various needs of worshippers or The Heirs of salvation."
"Angels have superhuman power to carry out superhuman feats."
"They were angels that were joining us in worship."
"You angels are all around you, so be open to the signs and synchronicities that confirm this."
"You are cherished by the Angels, you are a beautiful soul."
"Ramiel is one of the largest and second most powerful angels, appearing as an enormous floating crystalline octahedron with an inner torus reactor to power up its energy beams."
"Your life is a book being recorded by angels - every page, every chapter."
"I truly believe we have angels among us."
"Angels can actually act on us in a positive fashion to actually be able to help us."
"Angels have their hand in this, they're helping because this is overdue."
"There must be Angels, there's no way somebody can tell me different."
"Your angels are really coming through here and they want you to start paying attention to outward signs they try to send you whether through numbers or even animals."
"Protected by your angels, cherished and loved."
"... fact number five: God commands Saint Michael the Archangel to go and bind up the 200 Fallen Watcher angels..."
"The angels are the last thing that we see before we come into this world and the first thing we see as we're leaving it."
"That which holds the image of an angel can also be an angel."
"You're cherished and loved and protected by the Angels."
"He wants us to speak the Word, we speak over our situations, and we go to the Word about those situations and find out what Word we should speak. And angels respond."
"Trust this, dear angels. I allow you to support me as I grow to become more spiritually aware."
"Guardian angels look the way that we need them to look. They're just designed in such a way."
"Your angels will never let you fall flat."