
Spiritual Awakening Quotes

There are 1343 quotes

"You're going through a major spiritual awakening."
"You're going through huge spiritual awakenings, starting to become aware of yourself, being authentic."
"The process of enlightenment is this stepwise process to become aware that you are actually divine and eternal."
"The ultimate purpose is a very serious, very profound purpose for all of these methods, and that is spiritual awakening, realization of our true nature, freedom from suffering."
"You guys are going through some sort of spiritual awakening and you're going through a massive transition in life."
"What you guys need to know right now is that yes, baby, you're going through a spiritual awakening, you're going through a self-awakening, self-realization."
"Suffering often means there is a greater readiness for spiritual awakening."
"Had a lot of wisdom awakening with the owl, seeing things clearly."
"You are seeing a lot of synchronicity; you are going through a spiritual awakening."
"The whole earth is waiting patiently for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"A massive transition that is going to be so beneficial, causing a whole new beginning, a spiritual awakening, and an ascension of who you are."
"This is going to be even more intense for you guys... it's time to step up, to go to the next level of consciousness, to go to the next plane of understanding of existence."
"You are a part of this Great Awakening which means you are here to hold these Aquarian light codes and help usher in the new earth, the new frequency, the new experience, the new reality of Earth."
"I am the awakened Buddha, meaning thereby that the rest of us are either sleeping or dreaming or sleepwalking. There is something, a higher life, into which we awaken."
"God is perfectly detached, doesn't care which way things go, other than preferring that you wake up to realize that you are me."
"There is so much chaos, separation, segregation among the earth plane right now and that is why this 11 11 portal is activating these ancient Lemurian codes about the love vibration and frequency to unite, to heal, to mend, to bring everybody together."
"I was saved during quarantine, been on fire ever since."
"The two of you coming together was really about an awakening to take place in each one of you."
"God used David to awaken Israel to be who they were really supposed to be."
"The closer you get to experiencing something that we might call our own deeper nature or reality or truth, the more paradoxical our experience becomes."
"Spiritual awakening and inner wisdom are crucial for your journey."
"I believe that we are seeing elements of great spiritual awakening and revival here."
"These sabotaging behaviors can add years to your spiritual awakening process and really make your life a living hell."
"Spiritual awakening at the level of an individual is essential for change."
"The comet's appearance is linked to the 'Kundalini of Earth and of the awakened human', triggered by the messenger that is the comet."
"You are going through a spiritual awakening."
"Awakening helps you remember who and what you are."
"Disconnecting from people and places and the loneliness that comes with that is one of the most common signs of spiritual awakening."
"It's a process that occurs for your benefit, not to hurt you."
"A spiritual awakening is a time when you are basically eradicating old belief systems that don't work for you."
"After a spiritual awakening, your life may fall apart before it blossoms into something more beautiful."
"You're not crazy at all; this is actually a totally normal process and a really beautiful process."
"You may be having a spiritual awakening, and chances are you probably don't know what the heck is happening to you behind the scenes."
"Completion of your light body awakening and activation will help you face the upcoming Earth changes during the shift with calmness."
"One day the Lord showed me a scripture... If you have been sleeping, wake up because your life is about to change."
"The fire is not a prayer; it's the result of an encounter with God."
"God said watch what I'm gonna do in America. I'm bringing America back to the place of true repentance."
"When you awaken to the fact that you are righteous, you are healed."
"Spiritual awakening... it's an end of not knowing, but it's also a beginning of something else."
"We all get an awakening, you know, if not in this life, in the next life."
"If you're not authentic to what's happening for you, if you're not inhabiting your own life, then you probably very well might remain spiritually asleep."
"Advaita Vedanta doesn't just claim that reality is one, but it shows through empirical understanding that we can awaken to knowing this oneness as well."
"Literally everything that we've thought to be true is going to begin to crumble so that we can go through this collective purge together."
"Detachment from drama and fear allows for a more observational perspective, leading to potential spiritual awakenings."
"What if the word for 2020 is not social distancing? What if the word for 2020 is undoubtably Jesus because a spiritual awakening came to this world like we have not seen in our generation?"
"The day of her spiritual awakening was the day that she saw and knew that she saw God in all things and all things in God."
"What I'm actually experiencing is truth, it is something I'm physically, mentally, and spiritually feeling that set me free."
"Lord, thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that I can truly see the wonders of your glory and grace."
"I once was lost, but now I'm found; I was blind, but now I see."
"Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message."
"The greatest revival in the history of the world is coming."
"I just fell at the feet of Christ in a moment of brokenness... I was poor in spirit; I had nothing to show for my life."
"This is your spiritual awakening, baby... realizing who you're supposed to be and where you're supposed to be."
"Spiritual awakenings can feel like a complete breakdown."
"I remember when I first learned about Buddhism and the laws of the universe, my mind was on such a high, and I just felt so euphoric."
"The walk-in... will immediately begin to discover within himself a new awareness of life energies, deeper perceptions, clear goals, and a love for all beings."
"You have to start creating your own reality to pop open your third eye."
"Authentic awakening only comes to those who are willing to surrender their ego."
"Once we recognize that the matrix is not real, and that we are not our bodies, the process of leaving has already begun."
"Your healing energy... sometimes our relationships help trigger us into our spiritual awakenings."
"This connection is gonna trigger you into some kind of spiritual awakening."
"This experience could only have come from God, and humanity will have a major surge of conversion throughout."
"This is a huge spiritual awakening...it's going to awaken your soul."
"Sometimes it's about Him finally wanting His daughter's eyes to be open so that when He shows up, they're sensitive enough to see Him."
"Halfway through the book of Romans, I finally came to the revelation that Jesus Christ is the highest power."
"The only way to know what awakening is is to actually awaken."
"If you are seeing repeating numbers, it's a message from the universe that you're waking up to a greater truth."
"Having had a spiritual awakening, once you're awakened, you recognize that your life is going to become about service."
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you."
"The one single reason we do not have revival is we are content to live without it."
"An awakening affects an entire area... and there have been, some call it the Azusa Street Revival... but the impact of Azusa Street was an awakening."
"Without a spiritual awakening, there can be no meaningful political or sociological change."
"We need a wake-up, we need a spiritual awakening."
"The conscience of these beloved people must be violently shaken so that they may put their house in order. A great moment is approaching, a great day of light; it is the hour of decision for mankind." - Servant of God Maria Esperanza
"We've got in alignment... You're vibrating at a frequency that matches your soul's intention: awake, living your truth, best self."
"This state of Enlightenment has been described in many ways: as an Awakening, a realization of the Oneness of all life, or a return to the source of all being."
"I want to pray that God invades your night in such a way that tomorrow morning something takes place where you are awakened with the joy of saying yes to Him."
"If you're attracted to videos titled karmic relationships, it's an indication of your awakening and rebirth."
"It's my belief that once we come into contact with the true nature of the law of one then we're able to do these amazing things."
"You are divine by nature, but you've forgotten."
"Your crowns have been blown open as a result of these interactions."
"When we fully give ourselves over to that love and to that light, then the use for words is over."
"With the open heart, one gazes for the first time with new eyes upon the creation."
"Once humans feel the unconditional frequency of the central sun, they will choose unity, they will choose to help the universe rather than to hurt it."
"This could be the beginning signs of a spiritual awakening."
"Once your consciousness expands beyond the confines of third dimensional time and into the now of the fifth dimension, you will flash into your light body."
"We are not witnessing the destruction of mankind; we are witnessing the elimination of the wicked, which will usher in the age of light and love on planet Earth."
"Their crown chakra's opened, they realize their true angelic nature now."
"Alhamdulillah I thank Allah every day for opening my heart to the truth."
"Your soul is remembering who it is you truly are."
"This is no time to sleep, this is a time to be on fire, to be energized by the Holy Spirit!"
"The most terrifying thing imaginable to our enemy is for the sleeper to be awakened."
"Awakening the nations, a passionate love God in the beauty of His Holiness."
"He closes his eyes again and he wakes up the following day, which is his second day of reborn."
"Confessing secrets and pursuing virtue through honesty will bring an awakening to your soul."
"The rise of the light worker relates to your purpose in the world and feeling connected to it."
"Heart awakening worldwide becoming more powerful."
"Cosmic awakening in waves, starting in May 2024."
"2024 will be the biggest year yet for the rise of the light worker."
"I am pure love. I am unconditional love as are all of you. I just forgot."
"There is an unveiling that is taking place and watch for I will show you that this unveiling is happening as the soil of the land begins to shake."
"We are so lucky to be living in a time where we have access to these higher frequencies now coming onto the planet." - Sandy Sedgebeer
"My boy John Michael man he's really received revelation of who Jesus is."
"I hope people wake up to the fact that what is happening before our eyes is what the Bible warned about in Bible prophecy."
"Awakening is coming towards you in February 2020."
"Before you can even enter awakening on the highest level, you've got to go through a dark night of the soul which is where your world, your reality, what you believe to be true is shattered right before your eyes."
"Uranus TR Pluto SE down Neptune: an Awakening on a mass scale, experiencing the etheric Christ, an outpouring of divine love, wisdom, and will."
"You know for those who want to tap into the lion's gate, the idea is like I said to wake up in the rising in the horizon and watch that sun crack the horizon to allow that light to come through."
"I pray for wisdom and God I pray that you would shock people that they would go to sleep in one situation and wake up seeing the miracles of God coming to pass in their life."
"Spirit literally lit the fire under this person's ass and was like, 'Alright, okay, it's time for you to get your crap together.'"
"The eclipse stands as a metaphor for the light of God piercing through the darkness of our world, reminding us of the transformative power of His presence in our lives."
"A lot of downloads, a lot of memories from the soul level."
"Trust your intuition, you are having an activation right now."
"The cells showed me the reality of spiritual existence and that profoundly changed my entire life."
"You need to be deeply asleep to be deeply awake."
"When you know that the power that is life is inside you, you are in awe of your own divinity."
"May these circumstances awaken my heart and mind."
"Knowing the benefits of this that I cannot die makes me Fearless."
"Salvation is not for beasts but Brethren. Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, come out of the darkness and into the light."
"I have never in my life ever felt such peace. Everything was stripped away, every hope, every fear, every attachment to the material world was completely stripped out of me. I was free to just be the essence of a soul."
"Rise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen on you."
"I've been involved in New Age stuff and didn't realize it was demonic. It changed my life."
"The Spirit of the Lord is saying, 'I am coming upon you in power.'"
"The purpose of clearing each energy center is to allow that meeting place to occur at the indigo ray vibration, thus making contact with intelligent infinity and dissolving all illusions."
"Service to others is automatic at the released energy generated by this state of consciousness."
"That's when we begin to make that transition into realizing 'Oh, I am my Father are one.' But only when we surrender the false, can we have the true."
"Your heart is smarter than your head, trust your intuition, say often I am opening my first eye yes I am."
"It's time for us to repent, get right with the Most High because over 50 of the earth have already entered the dark side without even knowing it."
"It's time to speak up; this thing will bring the shaking."
"Come to your senses; why would you die o House of Israel?"
"You are mind body and spirit, a luminous being... you have been reborn."
"This is the Consciousness shift we're talking about."
"I'm ready to see that hollow place come to holiness."
"It is time to rise and shine from the false stories of who you are and to embrace the truth of God's timelines..."
"You have to have eyes to see this, you have to have ears to hear this, and you have to have a heart that's willing to realize that maybe you were wrong about some of your Christian perceptions of our nation."
"Saturn in Aquarius has incredible Awakening influence."
"Balanced energy leads to Kundalini awakening."
"Realizing the transcendent dimension to who you are."
"After [an out-of-body] experience... they feel wonderful about what's happened... it's a transforming type of experience."
"For myself I will rejoice, the devil is roused, the Church is awakening, and I am counted worthy to suffer for Christ's sake."
"But then, like a flash of lightning, my soul returned to me. I was free."
"God is exposing corruption in America and we should ask him to continue that process."
"Alternate history is a pretty simple formula. It's history that is altered change blank event back in blank time."
"Some of you are going to realize tonight there's been gifts that you've had for 30 years in church and no one's ever spoken to them."
"Once I awaken to my soul heritage, there's no way that I can keep thinking that I'm small."
"In the true sense of the word, Srimu is a mission of global awakening."
"That moment changed everything because I felt something real that I could not deny."
"I was back in my body with a start and realized I'd been healed from depression."
"Previously the Bible was in black and white for me and now it's in color."
"2020 came and a lot of us, me included, felt like some crazy stuff was happening and I had a major spiritual death."
"These star people, these souls from the spirit world, they're all coming in to help with the awakening of humanity and the ascension of humanity."
"To give mercy, you have to remember who you are and what you did when you were not awakened."
"Awakening or having like a spiritual connection with yourself that is very powerful."
"We're about to hit a massive Paradigm Shift man the frequency on this realm is about to shift like you've never seen it before."
"Humanity is currently in a long term soul lesson centered upon awakening to higher truth."
"You'll be part of awakening the consciousness of others."
"Awakening Souls, don't let it get you down. I know sometimes you feel fear and anxiety, but you are growing stronger and more powerful, and together we can change the world."
"The true nature of the Second Coming is a dawn of Christ consciousness in a sufficient number of individuals to affect a radical transformation."
"An awakening is happening, guiding you forward."
"There's a lot of power in what you say and sometimes it takes these seeds quite a bit of time to actually sprout and it's just whenever somebody is finally ready and open to awaken to expand their consciousness."
"I remember my pitiful state that I was in even though I wouldn't have seen it as pitiful at the time until God showed me."
"If you awaken your third eye, you will never be the same again."
"I knew Church protocol, but I didn't know Jesus. It was here in this prison that Jesus Christ became a reality to me."
"It was the divine feminine rising in her own power here that actually allowed this heart chakra breaking open experience for the masculine."
"I am the resurrection and the life symbolizes the transformative power of Awakening to your true nature."
"We could have imperfect castings and still be waking up Buddhas."
"Darkness is being seen as light, so people, we need to repent of our sins. I'll say this, Jesus said, unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. That is the truth."
"I finally said yes to God, I know that this is you."
"To awaken spiritually, you must not only face the void, you must embrace it."
"We are multi-dimensional beings, we are the ground crew and we're here to have contact with other beings so that we can awaken each other."
"Ending the dark night of the soul, reawakening."
"There's a divine spark in you that's been waiting to be ignited."
"Awaken your Consciousness and begin to Believe In The Power of Positive Transformations."
"Deep cleansing as you have this beautiful awakening and look it's right there."
"A person can come to their senses and receive forgiveness for their sins."
"Just go with it because it's you awakening from the depth of your soul and remembering."
"You're going through a spiritual awakening and while it does involve yes change... all of it is good change."
"You're awakening to something more than yourself, than the story of you."
"Activate the light codes inside of your body."
"Set the intention to awaken the light codes inside of your body."
"If one pair will come into complete coherence it will change the consciousness of the whole planet."
"They're religious now, turning to God for clarity and guidance."
"Your past life abilities are trying to be restored to you now."
"The Great Awakening is people coming to the knowledge of the love of God."
"Those who are awakened to truth awareness have already won."
"I believe we're infinite beings of immense power and our power has been hid from us it's been shut off because we've been kept in this Paradigm but now we're breaking free."
"Your energy is so powerful that even those very small energetic exchanges or seemingly small exchanges can spark a spiritual awakening in the other person."
"Massive shift in consciousness taking place."
"It was like a dual two awakenings cup, two independent awakenings coming together and merging together and awakening at the same time as one."
"The awakening is so radical, you're not going to miss it."
"I'm launching the greatest awakening...your greatest hour is upon you."
"Your person may just recently experience their spiritual awakening."
"People have to wake up and people have to pray and preach the gospel again."
"The chosen ones were right all along that this world is the Maya, it's the illusion."
"You operate your business strategy with a shitload of empathy and give back."
"Now is the time on the planet for awakening."
"The only hope I see of the human family... is to have a revelation, an Enlightenment."
"Psychedelics... really opened my eyes... and just been able to recognize that we again are just Source embodied."
"I feel like you need to trust your inner calling. I do feel there could have been like a wake-up call for you."
"So until I have that spiritual experience which for me came through the twelve steps then I had a chance because I don't know literally."