
Vaccination Quotes

There are 2165 quotes

"The vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person."
"Vaccination has saved untold millions of lives. It's a tremendous medical advance."
"Obtaining two vaccine doses remains the most effective way to ensure protection against the Delta variant."
"Antibodies are not the end-all-be-all of vaccinations. Their whole downstream effect, for instance, T cells, again help against some of the worst outcomes of COVID-19 like hospitalization."
"If your goal is to minimize the risk of catching COVID this fall or winter, either to protect yourself or the people around you, and minimize your risk of long COVID, the new booster vax is the right choice."
"Natural immunity is beneficial, but vaccination will definitely enhance your chance of reducing symptomatic infection as well as significantly reducing the chance of hospitalization and death."
"Vaccination status is a public health issue that affects people throughout society, it is not a hazard particular to the workplace."
"This is a crucial moment for us, trying to keep Delta at bay, keeping COVID at bay while we get vaccines rolled out."
"After months of waiting, people here are relieved to finally be getting a vaccine."
"Previously infected... then they were also vaccinated, they didn't have cases before, they didn't have cases after."
"What will get us through this outbreak is a combination of our restrictions but also of more people being vaccinated."
"I implore everyone, as a high-risk category, that when we get a safe, effective vaccine, they should take the vaccine."
"There's a reason we're not talking about measles today. It was a required vaccination. We put it behind us."
"These vaccines are helping countless people avoid the harms associated with COVID-19."
"We're going to start a new effort today, a public education campaign that reminds people that it's smart, it's right, and it's caring to come out and get the vaccine."
"Please, if you haven’t gotten vaccinated, do it. Do it now. For yourself, for your loved ones, for your community, and for your country." - President Joe Biden urging vaccination
"The best defense against these variants is to get vaccinated. It's the most patriotic thing you can do."
"Being vaccinated and boosted reduces your risk of dying or getting critically ill and going to the hospital."
"The updated booster also increases your chances of being in attendance at upcoming gatherings with family and friends."
"If the fear caused you to not get your kids vaccinated against polio, please do. This is a really serious illness."
"Taking away the risk of dying and taking away you as someone who could potentially spread it to someone else, it's a small price to pay, and I'm more than happy to pay it."
"The right policy is to let private employers decide whether they're going to require vaccination or not."
"If you want to end the pandemic, get vaccinated."
"The requirement that we had in Saskatchewan with the proof of vaccination or the option for the proof of negative test had two goals: one was to convince additional people to go out and get vaccinated, and two was to reduce transmission of COVID."
"Vaccination is our best tool. Masking is our next best tool." - Dawn
"The best vaccine cannot change the course of an outbreak if people refuse to take it."
"The United States is headed into the G7 in a position of strength, with 64 percent of our adult population vaccinated."
"We need people vaccinated in the communities now."
"The more people who are vaccinated, the safer we are."
"The scale of that is incredible, and amidst all the bad news that's happening, it's kind of amazing that this intervention can save so many lives."
"But of course, if I was a betting man, I'd say let's get a vaccine as soon as possible, because that's the best way to control a viral infection."
"Do not ever have another pseudo vaccine... and get your natural immunity up."
"It's unprecedented in the history of the world where partners have come together to make this happen and to bring a vaccine which is going to be lifesaving to countries all over the world."
"We're asking people to take their health into their own hands; get vaccinated if they don't they'll continue to be at risk."
"The majority of people that are hospitalized were not vaccinated, despite being eligible for vaccinations."
"The vaccination, the immunity status now, will be better obviously than a month ago."
"When you think like a scientist, getting a vaccination is a really good thing!"
"We must encourage everybody to take the vaccine. It's a wonderful thing."
"The most important thing is for everybody to get across the message that the vaccine is a wonderful thing. Everybody should get it."
"Getting vaccinated is among the most patriotic things that you can do."
"So all I have to do to stay healthy is get a vaccination?"
"The vaccination protects your body so the bad ol' flu virus won't make ya sick."
"By doing mass vaccination during a pandemic, we would drive the expansion, the propagation of more infectious variants."
"15 million vaccinations in 10 weeks would be an enormous undertaking at any time, but doing so during the course of this surge of winter coronavirus when the health service has been under the most intense pressure, really has been an extraordinary national team effort."
"The prime minister, I think what my colleagues across the health service are saying is: give us the tools, the vaccines, and we will finish the job."
"Yes, the proof of vaccination program has been an annoyance, but it has saved hundreds of lives and allowed us to keep all these businesses and organizations open and operating safely."
"People who survived a previous infection had lower case rates than those who were vaccinated alone."
"The vaccination program is not perfect, but it is what is getting us out of this pandemic."
"As a society, we're going to claim we need to vaccinate children to use them as shields for adults. That is a complete break in the moral contract that we have as human beings to our children."
"I've never convinced anybody to get vaccinated by saying, 'You moral idiot. You want to infect the children, don't you?'"
"Our ambition in the vaccine rollout program should be to vaccinate firstly those who are most at risk of serious disease and death."
"We're able to take these steps because of the resolve of the British public and the extraordinary success of our NHS in vaccinating more than 17.5 million people across the UK."
"As more of us are inoculated, so the protection afforded by the vaccines will gradually replace the restrictions."
"Countries that are vaccinating fast... are going to see cases drop through the year down to fairly low levels."
"Getting vaccinated does so much more than just protect yourself; it is beneficial and just absolutely necessary to keep your community safe and healthy."
"Vaccines offer great hope to turn the tide of the pandemic, but to protect the world, we must ensure that all people at risk everywhere, not just in countries who can afford vaccines, are immunized."
"Lockdowns will not be necessary for now if everyone gets the vaccine and wears their masks."
"Everybody has to get vaccinated. Outreach, outreach, outreach. Deploy community groups, deploy people who have credibility in the community, religious leaders, educate people."
"In the 'This is not as bad as it could have been' category is the fact that boosters are highly effective against Omicron."
"We vaccinated eight billion people around the globe, which is extraordinary."
"If you tell people the truth, which is that if you're older, you're vulnerable, and you have not either been recovered from COVID or you've not got the vaccine, the vaccine is very, very important to protect you against severe disease."
"Max Rebo is quadruple vaccinated. He's maxed to the max."
"When I took office, 50 days ago, only 8% of Americans, after months, only 8% of those over the age of 65, have gotten their first vaccination. Today, that number is 65%."
"Tonight, I'm announcing that I will direct all states, tribes, and territories to make all adults, people 18 and over, eligible to be vaccinated no later than May 1."
"Just training your immune system against this one hyper-specific protein is actually going to be more beneficial."
"People that were naturally infected were having worse hospitalization outcomes upon reinfection rather than people that were vaccinated and had breakthrough infections."
"We need a plan to get the vaccine out to the entire world."
"The decision to get vaccinated in a pandemic is not a decision to get vaccinated versus nothing; it's to get vaccinated versus getting the infection."
"Vaccinating 300 million people against a possible pandemic is worth it, even if it means some have adverse reactions."
"CDC says that people with the vaccine can have coronavirus and can carry it, so how does the pass help you? You're giving a pass to someone who can spread corona."
"The vaccination program is perhaps the most important innovation in modern medical practice."
"Vaccines work, they protect you. The vast majority of vaccinated people are protected against serious illness and protected against finding themselves in an intensive care unit."
"Don't wait for something that may not arrive. Get the vaccine that's there today."
"I am absolutely in favor of compulsory vaccination... one of the great reasons that we've eliminated infectious illness is vaccination."
"Vaccination is our way out of this pandemic."
"Vaccines are great. If you're on the fence about getting the vaccine, we would highly recommend it."
"The data to support a mask mandate on the vaccinated is really, really weak at best, and it is a serious violation of freedom for people who did the thing that you they were supposed to do."
"The President is encouraged by positive data on a potential new vaccine."
"He continues to urge all Americans to mask up and follow public health guidelines until it's their turn to get vaccinated."
"I personally got vaccinated, and I believe in the science behind the vaccine."
"We all retire, we're all vaccinated, we have a big vaccine party on a yacht somewhere, sponsored by Crypto Banter."
"The issue that I have is that getting vaccinated is such a safe and easy and low effort process that if somebody's not even willing to take that step, I just, I don't have very much sympathy."
"What is the message? Because someone could say, now wait a minute, if you have the possibility that the vaccines are diminishing in their impact, why are we vaccinating people? No, it is all the more reason why we should be vaccinating as many people as you possibly can."
"We have a vaccine that's highly effective in preventing disease and certainly in preventing severe disease and hospitalization. It's easy to get, it's free, and it's readily available."
"Vaccination is not just an individual decision but one that affects the health of others."
"Denmark's high vaccination rate is among the highest in the world because they trust their government and public health officials."
"It's all about like, 'Hey, anyone can get a vaccine now, go get them, go get it back to normal.'"
"Now, how about this, turns out that Moderna's vaccination, at least in the test, was shown to be 100% effective in adolescents aged 12 to 17. 100 percent."
"Vaccinated versus unvaccinated is the wrong metric here; it should be immunologically protected versus not immunologically protected."
"Help is on the way. We'll move heaven and earth to get more people vaccinated."
"I'm hoping is that there's not a lot of vaccine reluctance. That people, when they realize how impressive these results are, they'll be very willing to come forward and get vaccinated."
"Get vaccinated and you get boosted. That's how you do that safely."
"The best way you can get to where you want to go is to just say we're going to vaccinate as many people as we can, we're going to get as many people boosted as we can, and we're going to get that level down."
"The best thing we can do is to get vaccinated and boosted."
"The vaccines have worked. There are still a couple of groups in America that are very vaccine hesitant."
"We need to do more than vaccinate Americans to beat the pandemic, we have to vaccinate the world as well."
"If you and your family are fully vaccinated, you can celebrate the holidays much more safely."
"We all want lockdown to end, and we all want as many people as possible to take the vaccine."
"The more people in our global community who are vaccinated, the safer we all are."
"Jeff led this effort to stand up a mass vaccination campaign, achieve equity in vaccinations across communities."
"The vaccine was immediately administered to resounding success."
"I want everyone to get vaccinated. That's obviously something that I'm interested in as a sane, rational human being."
"The risk of myocarditis if you have COVID is always greater than the risk of myocarditis from vaccination."
"In what may be one of the most shocking displays of authoritarianism we've seen yet, a judge has taken away custody from a mother of her child for not being vaccinated."
"The only thing that's very difficult about arguing with someone who's completely anti vaccine is that they're so sure that they're right."
"The more and more people that can get vaccinated as a community, the community will be safer and safer."
"Get vaccinated. Then go hug your loved ones."
"Even if you're vaccinated I am vaccinated I still wear a mask because there hasn't been conclusive studies yet on the transferability of the pandemic or COVID for from those who have been vaccinated."
"It creates a two-tier society... people that have been vaccinated... will have access to all manner of utilities."
"If all Joe said was that if he was advising a person at 21 whether or not to take the vaccine if they were healthy and they weren't going to take stupid risks he would advise against it."
"I guess a 21 year old is old enough to decide for himself but that person has to be able to judge what is the risk that I'm going to do myself harm with a vaccine that I would not suffer if I stayed away from the vaccine."
"If you've been vaccinated, get your booster shot."
"It's not enough just to vaccinate 340 million people in the United States."
"We have to move in a direction where the world itself is vaccinated."
"If you can get vaccinated, get vaccinated. It's really that simple."
"You are going to be exposed to this virus, and you're much better being exposed to it if you are vaccinated."
"If your job includes interacting with members of the public then you need to get the jab."
"We're gonna make some really good progress with the vaccine right off the bat."
"If you're vaccinated, quit it, you're just dividing the country."
"If you want to avoid a summer of a winter of death for you and your loved ones which never came to be, get vaccinated."
"Vaccination, that's what protects us, that's what opens us up, that's what gets the lockdown off."
"Vaccines are literally the single most important Improvement that we've made in public health."
"We all feel that the more people that are vaccinated, the better."
"Nobody has a wonderful handle on COVID until vaccinations become prevalent enough."
"If you want to participate in our society fully, you've got to get vaccinated. You gotta move to another planet immediately with all your belongings."
"Nothing short of a gun to my head will make me get this vaccine."
"The more people we can get vaccinated, the sooner we can get through this."
"The community that faced the most restrictions on their freedoms in the last year were those who made a choice not to be vaccinated."
"We need vaccines. Vaccines are the only reason people don't get smallpox."
"The vaccine will be distributed to front-line workers, the elderly, and high-risk Americans immediately."
"The benefits of vaccinating the adult population overwhelmingly outweigh the small risks."
"Don't be nervous. Definitely get vaccinated."
"The court doesn't decide, you know, is it best for the child to be vaccinated or not."
"As soon as April, the vaccine will be available to the entire general population."
"The enemy is not vaccination. The enemy is COVID-19."
"With a vaccine, we can finally help drive this away just and have it go the way hopefully of smallpox to being something that's only in high biocontainment laboratories."
"Would you rather gamble on giving a young person with many more decades of life in front of them a brand new technology vaccine?"
"Every kid is going to be given messenger RNA vaccines without us understanding the potential of damage from that particular side effect."
"So, if things go well, we will be starting to go back to normal. That we'll have enough coverage of the vaccine that even public events can start resuming." - Bill Gates
"But people have had the infection and then had the vaccine would probably be immune for... a decade or two or three."
"I think this infection can be eradicated from the world providing we get vaccines out to everyone that needs it."
"School-age children should have the same protection as the older age groups."
"Encouraging Healthy Living could improve post-vaccination response."
"I believe that vaccination is something that made my COVID case more tolerable."
"The common enemy is the virus... Let's all pull together and utilize that tool which is vaccination to really crush that common enemy."
"Mass vaccination will greatly reduce the significance of this disease."
"There was a 45-fold increase risk of coming down with SARS-CoV-2 if you're unvaccinated."
"President-elect Joe Biden plans to add thousands of community vaccination sites."
"The Pfizer vaccine demonstrates strong immune response."
"It's time to move on. This has got massive implications for the whole global vaccination campaign."
"Postponement of a second dose is a matter of national security."
"As the vaccine is rolled out, people will have the choice as to whether they get vaccinated or not."
"Let's give the takeaway message here: any vaccine is massively better than none."
"Our way out of this pandemic is vaccination... it's miraculous that we have vaccines at this point."
"You're not supposed to get vaccinated for diseases you currently have it's only you get it before the hand so that it prevents you from getting it that's the idea or it makes your immune system more robust if you do."
"There's a very broad consensus that there is a role for vaccine requirements."
"When are kids gonna be able to get the shot?"
"You should not be forced to take the vaccine to keep your job, right? Your choice. Yeah, you should not have to take a vaccine to go see a football game."
"A study found that an estimate of 1464 COVID deaths in Montana, one of every three could have been prevented if every eligible adult had been vaccinated."
"Previous infection plus vaccination brought down the incidence rate significantly."
"I still think it's not... I still think you should get vaccinated despite all of that because of the actual data."
"It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are the worst."
"I'm pro-vaccine, I'm vaccinated, but I believe in individual liberty."
"Omicron variant is the vaccine we failed to make."
"If you are vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized. You're not going to be in the ICU unit and you're not going to die."
"I'm for if your doctor says you should get the vaccine I'm getting it... but man, if I see one more person wearing two masks in their default picture..."
"We must protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated."
"We're setting up community vaccination sites, developing mobile units to reach hard-to-reach communities. Today, 90% of Americans now live within five miles of a vaccination site."
"We are going to be a church family in which we don't condemn those who don't get the vaccine and we don't despise those who do get the vaccine."
"Everybody out there, get vaccinated. If you're already vaccinated, get boosted. It's time."
"I don't give a sweet bugger all about anyone's vaccination status and I'm telling you this I'm not blocking this because I only recognize I only identify as vaccinated."
"It's probably still going to happen and I'll tell you I really don't think that the vaccines are the goal of the Mandate."
"Once you are vaccinated, your chances of passing this thing on to another person are so low that the CDC itself has said that if you're in a room with another person who has COVID and you don't end up symptomatic, you don't have to quarantine."
"If we get the vaccine early, that's a great thing."
"There are two types of people who don't take the vaccine: those who don't think it's necessary, and those who oppose it politically."
"The fewer people there are getting sick, the less likely those possibly vaccine-defying variants are to emerge."
"The vaccine works, not perfectly but well, and it's a good thing to take it."
"We acted quickly and boldly to vaccinate the country."
"If you're vaccinated, you're protected; 99.5 percent of people who are going to hospitals are not vaccinated."
"It's important to have conversations with friends and family members encouraging all communities to get vaccinated."
"You want to enjoy everything great in this summer of New York City? Go get vaccinated."
"And if you haven't yet, maybe you should definitely get vaccinated."
"Vaccines protect you, get vaccinated, and then live your life."
"I will always take the 99.9999% chance of being safe for life from a disease instead of deciding well there's a fraction of a fraction of a chance that I will get this disease why even get the vaccine."
"If you're an unvaccinated child and you understand science and you don't just listen to what your parents say please urge them to get you vaccinated."
"Our first strategy is, of course, to ensure the American people are vaccinated. 1400 people a day are still dying in the United States of America."
"I'm neither pro-vax nor anti-vaxx. I'm pro-informed consent."
"The decision to be vaccinated should be up to the individual and not to the government."
"If you are not vaccinated don't judge the other people that chose to get vaccinated."
"There's your civic duty to get vaccinated. It is my opinion, you are putting everybody at risk if you don't."
"The president made it his top priority to make sure vaccines were readily available to Americans as early as possible."
"The decision to be vaccinated should be the individual but it's also about the ability for this country to remain a world power."
"The FDA is expected to expand Pfizer booster shots to 12 to 15-year-olds as early as Monday."
"What you have now is you have an under-vaccinated or relatively unvaccinated population of children with a highly contagious virus."
"Thank god I got my booster. Hey, hold up, you little [__]! Those are my powers!"
"The best way through this pandemic is to get people vaccinated. That's how we end the disruptions to our supply chains caused by this global pandemic." - Prime Minister
"Forced vaccination is assault with a deadly weapon." - Asserting rights against mandatory vaccinations.
"The code built around the principles of a free society is the only thing standing in the way of dystopia."
"If you want to look at slavery, you're gonna have to give reparations to every single group of people on this planet."