
National Pride Quotes

There are 2989 quotes

"Americans can accomplish anything we set our minds to, and America will lead the world back into the vast expanse of space."
"I care about reviving pride in that nation because if we get in the habit of just bashing that country, what are we bashing? We're bashing the last best hope that man has for aspiring to those ideals."
"I care about America not being such an embarrassment to the rest of the world. I care about my fellow Americans, and I feel like we're one big community and we have to help each other."
"America has been the greatest country in the history of the world because we've always risen above victimhood culture."
"This trip, however, did leave me with some opinions, which, um, bugger it, this video is not getting monetized anyway, is it? Polish Independence Day was truly something to behold, and something that you have to feel quite proud for the Poles for having, especially with everything they've been through."
"All of you are reminders that we're a great nation because we're a good people."
"It's an awesome country and by the way, how awesome is it a country where taxpayers contribute to save the lives of total strangers like in Africa or for young men and women to go liberate 50 million people so they have a chance to live in peace while we're defending our own security."
"We're a great country that produces people like Gade."
"The Somali people are resilient and committed to building a better future for themselves, of which they can be proud."
"We remember the beauty of being Nigerian, the beauty of being united as a people, and not remembering where anyone is from, just the fact that we share a common goal which is winning."
"As Canadians, we may not outwardly demonstrate our 'Pride & Prejudice,' but our hearts are full of it, and we are determined people."
"The French place a lot of strategic emphasis on having a strong defence industrial base."
"When you score a goal for your country, it's an incredible feeling."
"What a great moment, always making your debut with England on. It's fantastic."
"That's what the medals indicate to me: a bunch of guys came together...and if America could capture just one bite and see that little picture of their sons, America could never disown those sons."
"When you are positive and you are hopeful, Nigeria is winning."
"National pride is to nations what self-respect is to individuals: a necessary element for self-improvement."
"Whenever they do polls on things that make Canadians proudest to be Canadian, healthcare routinely outpolls democracy, the Constitution, Canadian history, the flag, literally everything else."
"This country can be greater; it can be more with you as part of it."
"We can all get rich, we can all get healthy again, we can make America amazing, it's going to be this really cool country, we're going to be futuristic, we're going to have new cities, new architecture, everybody's going to love it."
"Kenya is a beautiful country. I would want Kenyans to travel as much as possible in your own country."
"I want to say that we revived national pride in my two sons and their generation."
"India has the brains, India has the DNA, and we can catch up."
"Our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over 200 years ago: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
"You are living in the best country on the planet."
"It's definitely something that brings about such a difference to your skin and it makes me so bloody proud that my land is making something so incredible."
"The courage of the Chinese troops fighting in Shanghai prompted a new sense of pride in Chinese communities around the world."
"Proud to be Indian, but let's not get too happy because our main mission is to erase Valentine's Day."
"America will prevail. The constitutional republic will prevail."
"This is just the beginning. We will not stop until our nation's gleaming new infrastructure has made America the envy of the world again."
"The American people are the ones who made our nation great, and together we will make it greater than ever before."
"The image of Uncle Sam has been used heavily for military recruitment in World War I and World War II, and his personification of the American spirit is a symbol that promotes national pride and is recognized around the world."
"We're doing this for the greatest country in the world."
"I am an incredibly proud New Zealander, but much of that pride has come from being a strong and active member of our international community, not in spite of it."
"We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line."
"The Olympics is one way among many that we acknowledge and affirm our nation, but also acknowledge and affirm other nations."
"This is an unprecedented national achievement, but it's no moment to relax."
"We have beautiful people, we have a beautiful country."
"America is the greatest country this world has ever seen. It is the greatest country on the face literally of the earth."
"This country can do anything; in fact, that's why this country is where we are today."
"The memory of Canada's service in the second and especially first World War... is a great source of pride to many Canadians to this day."
"The biggest thing about Apollo 8 that I was impressed with was that the country let us do it. It showed the real capability of this country, the real willingness of this country to do things which were forward-reaching and took some nerve to do."
"America is a great place; it just needs some more love and pride."
"His life's mission has been to inspire society to undertake research and give India its rightful place in the world of history of science."
"Let them show what they can do and go and do it for your nation as well. Give more freedom."
"America is back in full strength as we talk about Nato, in full values as we talk about who we are as a country, and in true friendship to the countries that had been part of our multilateral approach to security, growing our economies, the planet as well as honoring our values."
"Most Canadians now consider the Canadian health care system to be a bigger source of national pride than the flag, Constitution, or national anthem."
"The CCP has always counted high-speed rail as one of its great achievements and it also regards high-speed rail technology as its golden business card."
"Our heroes will never be forgotten, our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul."
"Indigenous fifth-generation aircraft programs are an important part of national pride because they demonstrate a nation's technological prowess and engineering capabilities."
"The system is built around freedom, not oppression. If we believe the opposite, then what replaces it won't be as nice as the most powerful, free, and prosperous nation in the history of the world."
"Nigerians are truly supportive people. That's probably why we were the first country to win the happiest country in the world because we know how to support our own."
"It's not about money; it's about how she has used her personal skills as a chef to unite, to galvanize, to inspire an entire nation."
"Our free, fair, and open elections are a source of national pride."
"At the time of her golden jubilee, Victoria wrote, 'From my heart, I thank my beloved people. May God bless them.'"
"If we're the greatest country on Earth, maybe we could have the greatest government."
"Top Gear was a landmark series for the BBC that proved that Britain could still make a popular, world-beating TV series in the 21st century."
"Shift reclaims the world record by a margin of it, bringing it back to the USA."
"Wow, would you look at that score. W overall, very high, Australia. Let's go. What a country, what a place."
"Hell yeah, let's go, best country ever. Every other country sucks, especially England."
"America is one of the most progressive countries in the history of the planet, that has enacted more civil rights law to protect marginalized groups than any other country in the world."
"I find it truly wonderful and again, one of those moments that I'm really, really proud of my country."
"It was an effort that shouted into the wind, a momentous noise that said Toyota and Japan as a whole are capable of creating moving art."
"I believe in the greatness of Nigeria. I believe there will be peace and prosperity."
"I love our country. These people, we are the greatest people."
"We are a nation that takes pride in self-sufficiency; we take pride in our ability to fix problems and service our own personal property."
"We have a passion for this country, and we all want the best for America to be the best that she can be."
"Together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. We remain one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God, and it's our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come."
"The United States must maintain the leading edge in science and technology, and building the world's largest particle accelerator is a visible symbol of our nation’s determination to stay out front."
"Bet on America. We're the greatest country on Earth, we always will be."
"Communities don't get better without hard work and determination. America is a great place; it just needs some more love and pride."
"America was beautiful, everybody loved it, everybody was nice and kind."
"We're gonna be back, and we're gonna be back stronger than ever. We're gonna be at a level that everybody's gonna look up to us. They look up to us, they want to know what we're doing, what we're doing with therapeutics, what we're doing with vaccines."
"We're going to be back and we're going to be back stronger than ever. We're going to be at a level that everybody's going to look up to us."
"Why should you be afraid to say that you love God and you love this country? Own your voice because when you own your voice, you own your power."
"Be grateful for the fact that we do live in the greatest country in the world."
"William Shakespeare, the bard, one of England's greatest achievements and exports."
"I grew up believing America's imperfect criminal justice system was the fairest in the world."
"I want every American to know that their selfless and heroic actions are saving lives, and I want them to know that I'm very proud to be their president."
"America is a work in progress but best place on the planet."
"I wish that would be like that would be so epic, that would be I think the probably the most watched game ever."
"This catch leads India to win the World Cup, a high point in a country whose cricketing history has always mirrored India's emergence as a nation."
"I do stand by it. I do believe that the United States is the greatest country in the world."
"Victory is for the collective, absolutely. Victory is for the Nigerian creative economy, creative industry."
"We need to start loving Canadians again. We're a wonderful country coast to coast."
"Cuba however, seems to be concerned about their people and is known to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world."
"Finally, let us never forget, the world has many places, many dreams, and many roads, but in all of the world, there is no place like home."
"I believe Australia is the greatest country on earth."
"I am here for the American people and America is going to lead again."
"America remains the one indispensable nation. And the world needs a strong America."
"America was great, is great, and can be even greater."
"Alfonso Davies' success for Bayern has changed the Canadian football landscape forever."
"To boil that down, what resonated with me is that we should and we can walk around with pride in being Americans, not just in our history but in our character of who we are today."
"Pride is to nations like self-respect is to individuals, necessary condition for self-improvement."
"He always believed the country needed a symbol."
"If I was a German, I think a German would say my country is just as good as the US."
"It is time to show the whole world that America is back bigger and better and stronger than ever before."
"Known around the world for the bold and striking beauty of its harsh environment"
"I'm an American and proud of it, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for this country."
"With the passing of the second Elizabethan age, we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country."
"This nation is the greatest nation the world has ever seen."
"I salute India one more time, I salute every Indian."
"I believe that we need my husband's leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back once again to the greatest economy and the strongest country ever known."
"India will rise and pummel you to the ground whenever the bigots of Pakistan oppress the peace-loving people."
"This is in fact the greatest nation in the history of the world."
"Independence Day is well worth celebrating because it celebrates the fundamental principles espoused by the United States."
"We actually celebrate the fact that this is in fact the greatest nation in the history of the world."
"Again all this says is that America's a pretty damn great place when you have to search this hard for racism." - Ben Shapiro
"This was the first championship trophy for my country and hopefully not gonna be the last."
"Ukrainians sure are giving these Russians hell."
"We created the greatest economy in the history of the world and we're going to do it again."
"It's insulting for us to be in the most successful country in the world, the most progressive people in the world, for people to tell us that we are in a perpetual state of oppression."
"America is among the best hope for humanity."
"There's life and joy for everyone in America."
"American patriots don't bow down to foreign powers."
"Our heroes are not a source of shame, they are an example to the world."
"I've seen the upside and downside of America, but I wouldn't trade the United States for any other country."
"Life will win over death and light will win over darkness. Glory be to Ukraine."
"We love america we love our freedoms we love the bill of rights."
"In my life, I had four wives. I cared for them all deeply, but I loved Centauri Prime. Loved every inch of our world. Everything I did, I did for her. And look what we have done to her."
"I felt proud of Cosby... It made me proud of America."
"America was always great, even if she was never perfect."
"Nobody, nobody will ever forget the contribution she's made to our country and to our Constitution and indeed her contribution to the world."
"Leclerc wins, wins, pity of the day, wins the heart of the nations."
"When America brings truth to the world, we bring light. Don't forget that. It's what you do."
"We need both pride and humility about our past and our present. We need the truth."
"We can rejuvenate the nation with ambition and inspire the next generation."
"It is a blessing to be black in America...you can be and do anything you want to be in this nation."
"It's Christmas time and we want to give you a Christmas present, America. Ladies and gentlemen, we are winning."
"We will teach our children to love our country, to honor our history, and always salute our Great American flag."
"The Navy had achieved a rare victory for Britain."
"The Finnish victories at Ägläjärvi, Kitilä, and Uomaa brought much hope and relief."
"We have the best prepared people, the best people in the world."
"Let June the 23rd go down in our history as our Independence Day."
"And still they have to do their job don't they wonderful young men and women pray for them and again thank God that you're in America God bless America."
"Together our people are writing one of the most noble chapters in the proud history of our nation."
"We'll be incredibly proud for a long time by the way people all across this country responded to this moment."
"I always thought America was a beautiful, amazing country. I didn't have to wake up every day and fight for it, you know? Back in the '90s, things were just cool."
"I think the average American is actually pretty honest and pretty solid. I think unfortunately, you know, we've got what the founders created, the greatest political system the world has ever seen."
"The ingenious operation organized by the Ukrainian Army... was celebrated with great enthusiasm in the Kiev Parliament."
"We want a country that we can be proud of, one where we are confident that our children will grow up in Freedom."
"A healthcare system that puts you and your families first, and that every American can be proud of."
"If we want to make America great again, we're gonna have to make healthcare well again."
"Necessity is the mother of invention and there's no greater country in the world than the United Kingdom in inventing products and trade."
"Let's for once be immodest and recognize the United Kingdom is the greatest country in the world."
"Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America."
"Brittany Griner represents the best of America."
"The level of talent and youth coming through for England is scary... the best I've seen in my almost 40 years on this planet."
"Our infrastructure will again be the best in the world."
"You had a president who apologized for America. Now you have a president who is standing up for America."
"I feel like the people of Zimbabwe really need to appreciate their country."
"I feel super hopeful about America. I love this country and I think that its people are getting better and better every day."
"In President Trump's America, we light things up, we don't dim them down."
"Welcome to England, Timmy mate! You're about to see the most beautiful place."
"We're the funniest nation in the world, we got the best vibes!"
"If you want to stop the British feeling pride in themselves, you've got to take out Winston Churchill."
"The greatest investment I ever made is an investment in our country."
"Our hope is a world of proud independent nations that embrace their duties, seek friendship, respect others, and make common cause in the greatest shared interest of all: a future of dignity and peace."
"The man Bruneians simply called 'HM' is a benevolent ruler who genuinely wants the best for his people."
"A strong and proud America is a safe America."
"The Hobbit movies are fun, entertaining, and creative."
"Adding value to ensure that we have a country that we can be proud of and a future for the coming Generations."
"America is the last best hope on earth." - Dennis Prager
"It is one thing to love your country, it is quite another to love it intelligently."
"We love this country just as much as you do. We pray with our families at night, just like you do."
"Scotland is one of the most beautiful places in the world, inhabited by some of the most beautiful people."
"We gotta keep fighting for our country because I love it, man."
"I just think the American people have been incredible."
"I still believe in this country, I still believe in America, I still believe in the principles that make this country the greatest on earth."
"What if we actually made it mainstream to be proud of this country again? You know that moment when George Bush was standing there in the rubble of 9/11, you feel it, you feel like it was okay to be American again."
"Wish we could get some of that pride in America back in the mainstream."
"America not only should be great again, but also America has been great in the past."
"For all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, promised to be kept. There's nothing more important, nothing more Destiny."
"It's about having pride in our country and being respectful."
"America is a pretty damned fine place. There's certain things we take for granted."
"I'm sure that we will Preserve, defend everything that is sacred to us, and together with our motherland, we will overcome any trials."
"I'm proud for the first time in my life to be an American because I see that our systems finally working finally flipping."
"I predict 2019 will go down as America's finest hour."
"The Empire was the pride of Britain's Conservatives and the envy of many beyond its borders."
"You can measure the greatness of America by the fact that this country got bored with going to the moon. We spent two generations essentially in orbit... Now, with SpaceX and Blue Origin, we're seeing a new kind of enthusiasm."
"I'm really, really glad that the world is seeing right now the generosity and the love and the fierceness to resist of the Ukrainian people, and Putin truly, truly messed with the wrong people."
"We want to live in a country filled with love and intelligence."
"We love our country, you love our flag, we love our anthem."
"God bless you, God bless, and God bless America."
"If we beat France, the hysteria will be huge."
"It's really special, my first official tit on Sentinel. So, I'm really happy because of it, you know. I'm a Brazilian, so I know."
"American businesses should be proud of our country's history, not abandoning it."
"I love the United States and I love the United States Constitution."
"We want every nation to look up to us like they are right now. We were not a respected nation just a few years ago. Our country is respected again by everybody."
"America is the greatest country in this world."
"Tesla moved up the most of any car maker up eight spots to 11th place out of 33 and the highest American automaker on the list."
"Freedom isn't free. This is about freedom and America is the best country in the world."
"Sweden is a beautiful country with beautiful nature, beautiful architecture."
"During his time we were the second richest country in Asia, the pearl of the Orient. Wow, that is a beautiful thing."
"You're the real people. You're the people that built this nation."
"We have overwhelming pride in this great country and we have it deep in our souls."
"Sometimes I have ambivalent feelings, but I love America for quite a few things."
"The perspective that most Americans have is that we are the greatest country in the world everybody else is poor everybody else is corrupt Which is far from the truth."
"Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud."