
Military Innovation Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Lockheed Martin reportedly said that they were working towards putting a laser on a tactical fighter within the next 5 years."
"Conventional prompt strike is a very expensive, very long-range weapon using a hypersonic glide vehicle, and by fitting it, you're basically turning Zumwalt from a wannabe battleship into a wannabe stealth bomber."
"The RS-28 Sarmat, with its unparalleled abilities in survivability, protection, fire control systems, and targeting technologies, represents a paradigm shift in the realm of strategic deterrence."
"Ironclad warships weren't entirely new, but they were a very recent innovation."
"The Oshkosh L-ATV light combat tactical all-terrain vehicle represents a generational leap in the realm of military trucks."
"In less than one year, a series of cheap $250,000 drones built by Ukraine have destroyed or sunk four major Russian surface warships that probably collectively cost more than 100 million dollars to build."
"For the first time in the history of war, the Russians used robots, robot-tracked vehicles, to actually conduct military operations."
"Push the limits, push the boundaries of soldiers today."
"It will be possible to destroy anything, men or machines, approaching within a radius of 200 miles."
"In short, whose staff has completely revolutionized his army's equipment, training, and drilled down to the smallest detail, in which each man knew what was expected of him and every regiment was capable of fighting as an independent entity."
"Ultimately, three new types of mobile forces emerged to replace the cavalry: armored cars, paratroops, and helicopters."
"The benefits of sloped armor have been known since the 12th century."
"There's a revolution in military affairs going on in Ukraine that is underappreciated."
"We created the sixth branch of the American armed forces, the Space Force."
"The USS Barb was the first U.S Navy submarine to successfully employ rockets, destroying several factories and towns along the coast of Japan."
"In 1986 end of the show season they unveil their legacy Hornet, their F-18Cs."
"The T-14 Armata tank represents the next generation of Russian tanks, with innovative features setting it apart from its predecessors."
"The Strategic value of the one-two punch provided by a Hypersonic air-to-surface weapon that can be carried inside Advanced stealth Fighters without compromising their stealth profile is hard to overstate."
"The Swedish-designed Enlar is an engineering marvel, packing a heavy punch at a fraction of the cost."
"This latest evolution of the very first machine gun has seemingly come to represent what Dr. Gatling desired more than 150 years ago: a weapon so fearsome that it provides a last line of defense for the troops that it serves."
"Type 10 tank's potential mounting points for hard kill system."
"Gunpowder transformed warfare and influenced military strategies, territorial expansion, and technological innovation."
"The Americans’ ingenuity and inventiveness in building bat bombs and pigeon guided missiles was really impressive."
"The Mosquito, conceived as a bomber, became one of the war's most potent fighters."
"New weapons could transform how battles were fought, but military thinking had not yet caught up."
"The future of military vehicles is electrified."
"This strange-looking plane was created to demonstrate that a low observable stealth surveillance aircraft with a low probability of intercept radar could operate very close to the line of battle."
"Future Integrated Soldier Technology (FIST) is aimed at enhancing the infantry's combat effectiveness in the 21st century."
"The Royal Navy started it and the Americans continued experimented with it, it was actually a genuine idea at the time."
"We just created the sixth branch of the American armed forces the space force."
"The Panther: a revolutionary design, a turning point in tank warfare."
"If you're doing a good enough job to make the primary navy turn around and go hang on a minute but we better react to this then then you're probably the one who's got the leading edge."
"Schmidt's concept was embraced thanks to the Franco-Prussian War."
"Military stuff is always at The Cutting Edge of what technology can do."
"Shortened guns... everybody was fielding long infantry rifles and in 1903 the US is like no we're going short."
"The Romans instead looked to a new weapon to ensure their victory, known as the corvus or the raven."
"Germany turns to a new terrifying weapon: the submarine."
"The American Civil War would change firearms, and firearm innovations would change war."
"He proposed creating an experimental mechanized force to try to figure out some of the problems of using the internal combustion engine, which was obviously starting to improve military capability in leaps and bounds."
"Helicopters had changed battle tactics forever."
"The Tomcat community started to develop a 'poor man's Quick Strike' using the Lantern targeting pod."
"Churchill was instrumental in the development of the tank."
"The Gulf conflict has also seen widespread use of remotely piloted vehicles, such as the British Army's Midge."
"The modern battlefield has changed, so the platforms need to be refreshed, but to do that, the 'thinking' needs to be refreshed first."
"He was instrumental in forming the royal air force."
"Their V2 rocket led to the development of the ICBMs that form the nuclear backbone of today's superpowers."
"We're moving towards that sort of a future where you just tell a tank AI shoot that drive there and the AI does it."
"It’s one of the most remarkable pieces of military technology ever created."
"Carthage committed itself to the task and within a decade had formed its very own elephant Corps."
"Ukrainians also use their simple drones to destroy a complex Russian military equipment."
"This was a story of Major General Percy Hobart, the man that pioneered modern tank warfare."
"The standup of a new branch of the military."
"In just over half a decade the world had gone from ships Nelson would have recognized by the funnel to ships that were practically immune to the older ships fire and then to ships that were just as immune to those early iron clad fire."
"The PT-91 Tavari is a testament to Polish innovation and military prowess."
"The Dark Star embodies the spirit of adaptation, revealing how warfare adapts to the pulse of innovation."
"The u.s navy's latest los angeles class design is the free world's most lethal attack submarine."
"The HK416's legacy: a weapon that changed the game."
"Cavalry forces went into battle without stirrups or even saddles. This revelation turns the whole modern idea of a cavalry charge on its head."
"The Lebel marked a distinct change in military technology."
"Introducing advanced battlefield technology into consumer products for the whole family."
"The gyrosite quickly proved itself...helped [pilots] return with ammunition left."
"They said we need to look at the enemy's weapon and we need to get something a little bit better than this Krag Jorgensen."
"Boeing says that the FARA in its present form uses an all-new six-bladed single main rotor powered by a single engine and controlled by a fly-by-wire system."
"Space Force because space is the new frontier."
"The army should promote authentic self-expression and allow for the full employment of individual talents."
"The fact that the Panzer IV was still such a viable vehicle in 1945 for a pre-war design is a testament to how good it was."
"Some of Leonardo's most famous drawings depict everyday items like household machines, concepts for new kinds of buildings and bridges, and even musical instruments."
"Rumor has it that the US army are in talks with developers looking to produce the world's first futuristic flying vehicle to be used by soldiers."
"At my direction the Pentagon is now working to create this six branch of the American armed forces called this space force very important very important that's very important."
"Imagine a ship with a hollow dome on the back of it that is a blast cavity for small nukes."
"From the burning sands of the Middle East to standing tall amid the frosty winds of the Falklands, the battle scars of the Mirage III tell tales of innovative aviation that span continents and eras."
"Hague is perceptive enough to realize there is potential here with this new weapon."
"The new vehicle will pack a way harder punch with a 50 millimeter... I don't think they make body armor for that yet."
"This is your U.S Navy on The Cutting Edge expeditionary Warfare at its finest."
"Puppet mastery became so popular in the hidden sand, an entire puppet brigade was created."
"On September 18, 1916, the British unleashed something the Germans had never seen before: the tank."
"Having a stealthy 2,000 nautical mile ranged Stormbreaker armed drone operational with the fleet would allow the amphibious force to strike high-value targets all throughout the battle space."
"Fujian would be the first Chinese flat top with catapults."
"The USS Zumwalt... may be the future of the U.S Navy."
"The side escape hatch, very important. Very few tanks had them. It made it adaptable and it made it safe."
"If you enjoyed this look at the US's new armored cavalry scouts, check out this video on Japan's rapid deployment regiments."
"With its groundbreaking semi-automatic system, the M1 Garand stood above all other battle rifles; it truly was a weapon that changed the world."
"He went on to create the US Army Signal Corps."
"When you combine the repeating action of a revolver, the accuracy of a rifle, and the ammunition supply that is going to be greater than a single shot musket, you're talking about something that is going to give you a distinct advantage over the enemy."
"The British rapidly became world leaders in what Winston Churchill called the 'Wizard War'."
"This demonstrates the Navy's commitment to dominating the skies of the 21st century."
"The list of American firsts in air power is extensive... but the truth is you can never tell which technologies are going to define the next era of warfare."
"The U.S. Navy envisions a future where laser weapons become the backbone of their defense systems."
"This rifle would prove to be kind of a red herring that would allow continued development of the rifle that everybody really wanted, which was what would become the Sturmgewehr."
"The F-35 incorporates similar measures to reduce observability."
"Philip had merely bought himself some time, the time he needed to unify his kingdom, stimulate the economy, and revolutionize Greek warfare."
"The firepower and flexibility of the air cavalry troop in Vietnam was unparalleled."
"The advent of the first widespread use of military submarines during the Great War changed the face of naval warfare."
"Submarines fundamentally changed commerce raiding."
"Philip II... found a French Navy."
"The typhoon was the first aircraft to carry and use rockets as a standard armament."
"It took but a short time to realize how completely the war had been revolutionized by the Air Force."
"Modern military demands advanced firearms that offer better manipulation and proficiency."
"...the Germans are facing a new threat, aren't they? The tank."
"This is a major milestone for the Russian military; it's a new tank system completely overhauled for the most part and a very new concept for their main battle tanks."
"This weapon is not just any conventional armament; it is a game-changer that could alter the balance of power in the region and beyond."
"One of the most advanced nuclear-powered Subs the world has ever known."
"The I-185 was superior to anything else they had flown, both domestic and foreign designs."
"To defend their territory, the Blackfoot developed a new kind of warrior which would become a defining image of the Old West: Plains cavalry."
"Stealth technology was essentially developed at Area 51."
"The LCVP and other ramped landing craft forever changed the face of amphibious warfare."
"The concept of a missile launched from a submarine became a reality shortly after World War Two."
"He also changed the principal phalanx weaponry from hoplite spears to the sarissa, an 18 to 20 foot long pike."
"The Indianhead soldiers pioneered concepts of air mobility and anti-tank warfare which served the army for the next two decades on battlefields in every corner of the globe."
"The short rifle magazine Lee-Enfield... was a real game changer."
"Submarines transformed the nature of warfare during the Great War and offered a challenge that navies found difficult to counter."
"The Invincibles would prove the worth of their original concept."
"What made boost phase defense appear attractive was the promise of a technology able to deliver a missile-killing blow over great distances at the speed of light."
"They were ironclads that forever changed naval combat."
"Once completed, the resolve class AO will be able to perform a wide range of primary and secondary functions."
"Submarines would change the nature of warfare just as dramatically as the tank or the machine gun."
"The pill-shaped Rona tank... likely designed with bullet and round deflection in mind."
"The quality and ingenuity of the armies was increasing even as the death toll mounted."