
Insanity Quotes

There are 571 quotes

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome."
"Everybody loves bringing up the, like, what's the definition of insanity, right? It's doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result."
"Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result."
"To do the same thing over and over again with expecting a different result is a form of insanity."
"Doing the same thing, keeping the same party, same people in power, and expecting it to be different is insanity."
"It was the great Albert Einstein who once said, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'"
"Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting change."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same flipping thing over and over again and expecting stuff to change."
"That is the definition of insanity. We are living in the definition of insanity."
"You walk the fine line between genius and insanity."
"It's the definition of insanity, keep trying to do the same thing but expect a different result."
"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result."
"Those who were dancing were deemed insane by those who could not hear the music." - Neil deGrasse Tyson, quoting Nietzsche
"The definition of insanity is repeating the same patterns and expecting a different result."
"Love is a temporary insanity, curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences exciting it."
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting a different result each time, yet only to be disappointed and get frustrated and go right back to Step One."
"Interpersonal relationships and abuse can be used to depict insanity in storytelling, as seen with Yuno."
"Nobody who knows they're insane is completely insane."
"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?"
"A mistranslation turned harmless speculation into utter insanity."
"One of the definitions of madness is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result."
"He was put on death row for his crimes but deemed 'too insane to be executed.'"
"We're losing our mind collectively. We are in a process of mass insanity."
"Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same [ __ ] theme over and over again expected [ __ ] to change that is crazy."
"Insanity by definition is keep doing the same thing over and over expect a different result."
"I think we have an opportunity because of the craziness in our culture...to actually be a bulwark against something that is completely and utterly insane."
"Sometimes insane people stumble across something."
"It's just a dimension where Insanity Reigns."
"You're either an insane genius or just insane."
"The definition of insanity as we all know is doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and expecting a different result."
"It's insanity in action, and insanity is more interesting than day-to-day sanity."
"Because if you just do the same thing that's insanity doing the same thing expecting different results well you're going to keep getting that."
"The definition of insanity: doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results."
"What's the definition of insanity? To do what you've always done and expect different results."
"Ignorance or Insanity, whatever you want to call it, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results."
"Watching somebody try the same thing every 2 minutes for 2 hours is insane behavior."
"Insanity has its perks, like the built ability to carry on a conversation in Tyler with yourself."
"I'm surprised how simple that was. It's honestly insane, isn't it?"
"It felt like we were doing a practice in insanity."
"What was that saying? Doing the same thing again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity."
"Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, that is in fact the definition of insanity."
"The definition of insanity is doing the same [__] repeatedly and expecting different results."
"Insanity: doing the exact same [] thing over and over again expecting [] to change. That is crazy."
"Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way expecting a different outcome."
"Anybody who reads an 18th-century document expecting it to reflect the views and opinions of the 21st century has to be clinically insane."
"We've been looking for love in all the wrong places, haven't found it... It's insanity if we continue to do the same thing expecting different results."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result."
"If the definition of insanity is executing the same actions over and over expecting a different result, would that still apply when separate studios have decades of experience?"
"Honestly, it feels like the whole world is getting more and more insane."
"Hating somebody simply because of the color of their skin is [expletive] insane."
"Connect to your 'why' for each goal; understanding why it matters fuels motivation."
"If I am mad, it is mercy! May the gods pity the man who, in his callousness, can remain sane to the hideous end." - HP Lovecraft
"Things are delusional, insane, stupid, stupidly insane, criminally insane."
"Repetition while expecting different results is the definition of insanity."
"If you do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, you are insane."
"The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results."
"But whatever its cause, excessive anger is a kind of insanity -- it reorients the entire world around oneself."
"This is a dire situation of two insane people."
"The level of insanity and craziness and venality is just unmatched in all this."
"They are basically the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
"You know the definition of insanity? It's the same thing expecting a different result."
"We've discovered a new entity. It's the big guy himself, Cthulhu. Insanity, madness, psionics, the psychic cat girls in the cave watch. Pink Cthulhu. It all comes full circle."
"Insanity equals doing the same thing over and over and think you'll get a different result."
"To beat crazy, you've got to be totally batshit insane."
"Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"This ending is insane, it feels like it's designed to drive the listener into Insanity as well."
"Small taste of justice though came Friday which reminded me of just how completely insane the last five years were."
"The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over hoping for a different result."
"Hope is a dangerous thing, hope can drive a man insane."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but man, it feels so close."
"What I ultimately wanted to create in Silent Hill 2 was insanity and love."
"You make a mistake, cool, no problem. But learn from it, you know? Don't repeat it because if you repeat it and then you repeat it again, well, clearly you just think it's the right thing to do. And in that case, you're insane."
"The title is literally what insanity looks like."
"Hellblade was like a David Lynch show, completely insane."
"Insanity is doing the same thing and thinking you're going to get different results."
"What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same things and expecting a different result."
"The definition of insanity: repeat the same thing, expect a different outcome."
"You progress through the colony, seeing the madness unfold, and your friends losing it too."
"Everyone knows the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results."
"It's insanity, it's the literal definition of it doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different response."
"Old is gold, don't forget that. Do you even know what the definition of insanity is? It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"That's the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
"It's a cliche to say insanity's doing the same thing expecting something different, right?"
"Arkham Asylum is supposed to be this creepy, haunted-esque, dark, depressing facility that houses people that are deemed insane."
"Laughter is like a kind of temporary insanity."
"The disrespect is the fact that we ain't solved them yet. Right, facts. Fact. Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result."
"Any good insane life will include many moments of what one might as well call insanity."
"When you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome..."
"The definition of insanity is watching Morbius again and again and expecting different results."
"Sometimes you can define insanity by doing the same thing over and over again and hoping the results will be different."
"Doing the same things and expecting something different is the definition of insanity."
"The dark forces are losing their grip on the population and absolutely losing their minds."
"Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result."
"Competing at the highest level, it is just insane."
"This is absolutely insane, just a raw adventure, a spontaneous one."
"This sucker is looking absolutely insane."
"His complete batshit insane mentality and utter unpredictability makes him the most terrifying villain in Game of Thrones."
"She's insane but like can you imagine she's got nothing to lose and so much rage."
"Insanity is simply put: when the moon, who is lovesick, does not have something to cling to."
"The jury agrees, the verdict in the case was not guilty due to insanity."
"That's one of the best impressions of an animal I've ever heard. That's insane."
"She's like a Joker, making the Joker look sane."
"I think everybody should go a little insane."
"It's a movie that goes for it on entertainment, whether jokes, plotlines, crazy insanity."
"Consider the context, it gets pretty insane."
"That looks insane, closer in that just looks great."
"Insanity has been described as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
"Looks like capitalism going insane. Not just Savage capitalism going totally insane."
"It features all that awesome Griswold insanity that we've come to love from the vacation movies."
"The war is an act of absolute lunacy, not just partial lunacy but absolute lunacy."
"It's actually insane how twisted this individual is."
"It's insanity to do the same thing and expect different results."
"This one here for the value again is absolutely insane."
"That's kind of insane, it's pretty nuts."
"To sum it up in one word: insanity."
"In an insane World a sane man must appear insane."
"Complete unrelenting control. That's crazy."
"The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting to get a different response or a different outcome."
"We are all insane. That's why we have warning labels and signs exist because we need to be protected from our own insanity."
"What makes it great is that it seems to steal the lessons of 'Commando' and goes all out in its commitment to its cliches. It's not good, but it's also fun. That should be the title of this video: 'This Man is Totally Insane.'"
"Genius always looks like insanity at first though, right? Isn't that how he became Miles Braun?"
"That was absolutely insane, one of my favorite rescue missions so far."
"He provides a grounding force to the proceedings which is insane considering he's an all-knowing cowboy."
"Mr. X was insane in the Resident Evil 2 remake."
"One man's sanity is another man's insanity."
"What your boyfriend is doing is insane in my opinion."
"I tried hard to forget my past and the insanity that had driven me to such wanton acts of cruelty."
"Genius is always coupled with insanity. Every genius is crazy. It's like hot and cold, they're different but they're the same. That's what they are."
"Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind."
"A movie that captures all the insanity that went into the making of The Room."
"Humans love, love, love is one of the only acceptable forms of insanity."
"This movie is great bad. It's an hour and like 15 or 20 minutes, just insanity non-stop."
"the moral of the story is don't go insane and talk to an evil Skeleton Man in the Mirror who convinces you to deliberately pollute"
"...this python has just finished killing one and is now swallowing it whole. This is completely insane."
"Insanity is doing the same thing again but expecting different results."
"I represent myself, 'cause who better to plead insanity than yourself?"
"I enjoyed myself but it was bulls out insane."
"Refusing to take this money smacks of burnt-brain lunacy."
"He was spending money like on an insane level."
"We abandoned it because it was at the point you just gone crazy."
"To be insane means you don't know the nature of what you've done."
"It’s because of this throughline that the comic actually feels connected and cohesive in its insanity."
"It was the rest of the universe that was crazy."
"The multiverse is a gateway drug into insanity."
"Some authorities declare that people may actually go insane in order to find in the dreamland of insanity the feeling of importance that has been denied them in the harsh world of reality."
"Why don’t we go, ‘You want to kill us all! You’re insane! You’ve gone insane! You’re more of a savage. You’re an insane savage like those people.’ or something like that. You try it though. This is your hell."
"This is the most insane ghost story in American history."
"The whole point of it is to be insane, and it's so insane that it makes sense."
"I'm literally in the process of decorating for Christmas you guys I'm literally insane."
"It does get delightfully insane in the last few minutes."
"I still believe this absolute insanity."
"it's awesome but also absolutely insane at the same time."
"He played crazy so good, the second he won he went, 'Guys, come on. I'm not insane, I just wanted some money.'"
"Captain Laser Hawk of Blood Dragon Remix is one of the most insane shows I've ever bore witness to."
"She's probably going insane from being with that doll for so long"
"If I'm literally insane but for 41 minutes I can manage to say something that helps you, does it matter?"
"Patriarchy promotes insanity. It is at the root of the psychological ills troubling men in our nation."
"Genius always looks like insanity at first though, right?"
"It's kind of insane, I'm actually excited about this one."
"Do you know the power you would have? Be insane."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result."
"I've enjoyed how insane she is this season but I am so tired."
"Latent abilities are abnormally elevated and can, so far as to calmness, reach. If freed, that power will likely end up driving him completely insane."
"Slow and steady wins the race, but there also has to be some insanity behind some of the process."
"It's like well thought out insanity is what it is."
"I saw that guy. That guy is insane."
"Supposedly insane asylum patients screaming over drony noise."
"It was the most insane thing you can imagine."
"We didn’t have a damn thing in common except insanity."
"The strategy on both sides of that [Battle of the Bastards] fight was insane."
"You just don't understand that. How'd you find it? So you've seen this, this is the trippiest kids movie ever. Kids watching this grew up to be [__] insane, that's what happened to us."
"Cats are insane creatures that just have this ability to exist; their survival is beyond anything that I've ever seen from any other animal."
"This is absolutely insane in my opinion."
"You know how the saying goes, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'"
"You sort of got to experience Insanity to realize what sanity is, especially when you're doing these super mega like shaman ritual level experiences."
"The prince was funny because Iris's seductive speeches and actions seemed to have driven him completely insane."
"What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same things over and over again and expecting to get different results."
"Joker's point is that anyone can go completely insane if they're exposed to one really bad day, just like he did."
"This game is absolute Insanity at times."
"What's the definition of insanity? It's doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting different results."
"This film is relentless in its insanity."
"If Alice gets a free pass because she is insane, the show is officially [__]."
"What drove this guy to be insane?"
"Total, all-devouring despair tore ribbons from his mind, casting out sanity like streamers of thought that dissipated on the waves of the Imperium."
"The distance between insanity and genius is measured by success."
"Could Batman be just as insane as his enemies?"
"The pure insanity of it is what makes it worth it in my book."
"This is just too insane to not have on your shelf, really it's just you can't."
"This Joker, the character, gives you a license to do that, doesn't it? It's like, you can be as insane as you want."
"That's the definition of insanity."
"...the Joker is so insane that there's no telling what he's going to do next."
"...maybe the Joker is not as insane as he seems."
"The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success."
"Definition of insanity is doing it over and over and over again so expecting a different result."
"Absolutely insane, you cannot make this up. This is as real as it gets."