
Fan Loyalty Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"The majority of the fan base is still with the manager because they know the thing that needs to happen is to clear out this toxic set of players."
"True fans care about their idol's smile. If she's smiling, we're okay with it."
"No game lasts forever, but even if games drop off in popularity, the fans are still there."
"Natural growth is important as a creator; it builds character and loyalty among fans."
"These players, only you can believe it or not, you can think our fans don't know what they're on about. But the only people who actually will be here in ten years, twenty years, are fans of this club."
"Ultimately, all we care about is Manchester United Football Club."
"Many people genuinely, maybe even truly somewhat enjoy me. I've been gone so long, lots of times, yet you were always here waiting."
"Leave a thumbs up on this video so jeff knows you're a true fan."
"His accessibility, his communication, his what seems like genuine care for his readership is a part of what makes his fan base so loyal."
"I wouldn't want Ollie to be sacked, I want the Glazers out."
"Despite all of this controversy, it seems like most fans still believe he should be in the Hall of Fame."
"Liverpool Football Club is deeply saddened by the passing of Andrew Devine, a lifelong supporter who defied the odds."
"They followed a very unique mold and as a result, they've got the loyal fan base."
"Ronaldo symbolizes a time when we were good."
"He's always going to be a hero he's always going to be a play that's very close to the heart of the United fans."
"If something happens to Dina, we riot. By the way."
"Anyone who's saying that this game is top three Halo is blinded by loyalty."
"Titanfall 2 is now in the place that Titanfall 1 was. The only difference is that Titanfall 2 will always be an incredible game, yep, and nothing can change that."
"The hate is short term but the fans that stick around are long term."
"The fans are the lifeblood and the soul of the club that's who you should always be loyal to."
"Football is the be all and end all, but you cannot say if you are supportive of Ollie, you're supportive of the Glazers. That's ridiculous."
"Hey, they either need to apologize publicly to him or reinstate his bundle in order for me to consider playing Call of Duty again. That's where I'm at."
"No matter what direction Star Wars goes in, whether I really like something or I really don't, I'm sticking with the franchise forever."
"It's hard for me to find anything wrong with thousand-year door."
"You're loyal diehard fans would be furious that you guys couldn't figure it out for sure."
"It also changes the psychology of the entire relationship. Now you've got fans who are financially incentivized for you to win."
"It really sinks in because it's the fans that have always backed these players."
"Kyle Lowry likes something, you should probably like it as well... let's trust the front office, they haven't steered us wrong before."
"We have the best community of fans, there may be some that match it, but I don't think there's any that surpass it, you know?"
"For me, the division of the fan base is based on whether you're Mourinho in or you mean you're out."
"I'm still on board with Joss Whedon's Justice League."
"To stay despite being displeased isn't necessarily a sign of disgruntled fans, it's also an indication of fan dedication."
"Sad that we feel we can't wear our own club shirt." - Jay
"Supporter means you support the club, it doesn't mean you only sing when you win it."
"Even though the Zelda trailers have been kind of disappointing, it's still Zelda."
"They don't love me because I win, they don't hate me because I lose."
"Fans will always be in my heart, the respect and I hope we will always be there and I hope they never forget that."
"Tekken turned many players into fans for life."
"Your fans will be there for you no matter what."
"When you build a fan base, they're gonna want to buy whatever you give them."
"Pyrocynical is one of a rare breed of YouTubers that has transcended genre and built a die-hard following who enjoy all of his videos regardless of topic."
"Build an audience of engaged fans and actually listen to them. Focus on developing 1,000 true fans."
"Would they stay true to the fans that elevated their life beyond their Wildest Dreams or would they throw it all away for short-term greed? Let's find out."
"Wally West always had his dedicated fan base."
"I'm watching from Austria. I've been watching for two years now."
"As fans, we want our club back... it's important."
"Being a Cowboys fan is like being a parent of a bad child, hoping they get better with age."
"It's time to stay united. We need to stay together as a fan base. We can't be attacking each other. We can't be going at each other."
"You are the core members of this community, the brothers and sisters of the vidIQ family, and you will have those same people who are not just subscribers, but super-fans."
"The saying we have is 'Die for the Hive,' 'cause the name of the fan base is the Bodega Hive, and sometimes it feels like if we asked them to kill themselves they would."
"Any book that includes Archer, I will be reading it absolutely."
"There is nothing more disrespectful than not subscribing to Technoblade. I agree, we should all subscribe to Technoblade right now."
"Just because you don't think Arteta is good enough doesn't make you any less of an Arsenal fan."
"Diehard fans from all 32 teams will continue to fight hard to make sure that their teams stay in their hometowns, even if that means they have to foot the bill."
"What a great fan looks like: loyal by all means."
"This isn't even my favorite character in the game, right? This was my favorite character in the game but there's I think Cloud, like, absolutely was... Jesus, this is the character that'll make me always come back to this game."
"At the end of the day, it is what it is. BTS paved the [] way if you disagree you're [] dumb."
"Frost became very iconic, and nothing could ever make the fan base turn on him, right?"
"Shout out to everyone that doubted me, but the fans stayed loyal."
"I didn't give a [__] about Salah and Egypt. It was all about Sadio. They're both kings, man."
"Fans have confidence in the MCU, juxtapose that against the DCU, it has been a chaotic mess."
"It just shows the commitment that the fans have to it. This is ridiculous and they still came up. Yeah, this is crazy. I love Cleveland even more now."
"It's a slap in the face to fans of the franchise who have supported it for so long."
"The legacy of the Chrono series has stayed in the hearts of fans for many years."
"Mark Hunt can do no wrong, and he's one of those beloved fighters that fans will probably buy beers for at any bar in the world for the rest of his life."
"He was a bloody boyhood Real Madrid fan because if he'd stayed at United for 10 years I think we would have won a lot more Champions Leagues."
"But you know what they say, you end up defending them and bringing them back to games and buying the tickets and didn't, yes, and it's just to me is crazy."
"No pure football fan would sign up for the European Super League."
"Everything about Mason Mount is everything that Chelsea fans have wanted from a player for decades."
"AMC has a very loyal audience who believes that under the right conditions the stock price could be worth as high as a hundred thousand dollars each."
"I'd never drop Mason Mount if I was a Chelsea fan."
"If Microsoft announced Lost Odyssey 2 I would be right there."
"Football is what my club Manchester United tried to destroy."
"The Super League is not something that we need as Premier League fans. The Champions League has amazing history and interest."
"If esports tanks completely in the next 10 years, every single one of those fans could still be there."
"I'm a huge fan of Ghostbusters and I'm just happy they didn't [ __ ] it up like they [ __ ] it up in the 2016 version."
"I'm probably just gonna see it regardless because I love this universe."
"When you play like that in front of a stadium like this, they stuck with us even when the results weren't there, that means a lot."
"Turtles loyalists still highly interested in the franchise despite a decline in popularity."
"We're making us happy again. Chelsea are making us happy again."
"Even if this game ends up being kind of weird, people won't lose interest."
"The Space Wolves hold a very special place in my heart."
"It's great to see you guys continue to love this save and a number of you are starting to really build an affiliation with Salem up top. So thank you for your continued support of the team and of him."
"The club that lives in every fan's heart can never be bought or sold."
"I want the Glazers gone anyway... it shows a commitment to the club."
"If he turns up and signs for us, I'll shamelessly say he's the best striker in the world."
"Give them something to believe in, then you might not have as much fans as the trendy rappers, but they will follow you forever."
"I'm always gonna be a big fan. I love his grit, I love his style."
"Still, the Prototype faithful maintain a semblance of hope for a third installment."
"Who would win in a fight, all out war, Swifties, Swifties on one side. It's like one of those like simulations."
"Real fandom is not sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is perfect."
"My shout out this week uh just goes to those fans who stay loyal to their teams regardless of the record regardless of the ups and downs."
"I'm 38 and still haven't grown out of your content. The difference is now I make enough money to waste on these Transformers you review."
"If they do mess it up, I've got a suplex with their name on it, you hear me Capcom?"
"Thank you for being one of my core fans that are not going to be shaken off by a bunch of rumors and my own stupid mistakes."
"I stand with Johnny and many of you who idolize these Hollywood actors."
"Johnny Depp is the only Jack Sparrow I know."
"He's a bum but Warrior fans will die behind this."
"Dirk has grown a loyal fan base that every time he drops something, he's getting support."
"Her loyalty and love for her fans surpassed the thought of how the public would see her."
"The Straw Hat flag it carries a lot of weight."
"Manchester will be always in my side. Fans will always be in my heart."
"I don't want this to be a long goodbye. I want to see longevity. I want to see fans that went 'Mourinho out' coming back to being 'Mourinho in' like me."
"If Ronaldo goes to Man City, all the bravado, there is no twist and turn away from this. Man City will have me and many other United fans by the balls."
"Despite what he did, his fans are willing to forgive him or ignore it because the stuff he does is so interesting."
"I rooted for Tom Brady all last year and I'm rooting for him this year."
"It's so cool because I've had like diehard fans from when I was like 16 when I started YouTube and they still watch me to this day."
"Fans were no longer behind Luger; they were still all in on Bret Hart."
"That's what happens when you have a real fan base you're not just doing quick bait actually here for the music."
"The fans never went away, like Brian said. It is just a constant flow, and it's awesome."
"Thank you guys so much for doing that...no matter what's going on you guys are always around ready to go."
"Imagine you're favoring your favorite, your fave. Look at how these barbs will ride for Nicki and they haven't even seen her."
"He will probably always be my favorite artist, I always look forward to new music by him."
"If you ain't sub to Little Squeegee, if you ain't like Little Squeegee, you ain't part of the Squee Networks."
"As a Patriots fan, every year, they're the best team in the regular season."
"We're going to the Super Bowl. That's it. Guaranteed."
"The orange army, yeah, you know we Trump had the capital riot, I'm gonna have the Uncle Roger riot one day."
"That's the fans you want, the fans who will commit a crime for you."
"I watch anything they post because I just want to hear their voice experience their personality and if they're also doing something I like then that's a bonus."
"I don't think I've ever seen a manager as endearing as Thomas Tuchel to the Chelsea fans."
"As long as critical role doesn't change what fundamentally made it so good, I'll still be here watching."
"He wrote, 'I love the show, I've been listening since day one.'"
"It's a very awkward situation to be in right now at Redmond TV. We're not used to supporting the bodies, we're not used to having to show any sort of allegiance with this."
"Rock bands just do way better than you think, the most faithful audience, right? Yeah, most faith, yeah."
"I think there is a debate to be had between who is the better club between Liverpool and Manchester City."
"Does this still sell early in the year? All the, you know, diehard Man City fans."
"Every billionaire has dirt on them, why should fans care? We support the club."
"I don't agree with you really if you back the manager no matter what. I think sometimes it takes a real fan to take a stand against something you don't agree with."
"There is the responsibility that goes with the assistance that you give to our countries."
"You loyal theorists have been the best example of game theory."
"Leave Anthony alone! Back him the same way you'd back any player."
"I love Bethesda games. Their games are awesome. If you like first-person campaigns, they're killing it in that regard."
"It's a testament to the band's passion and the fans' loyalty."
"If there is no Scott Bakula in this Quantum Leap series, we do not support it."
"Our assumption when we started this company is that you could still build a lucrative business while being true to your fans."
"Some people got really mad and were told to [ __ ] off and support other clubs."
"Dragon Ball was kept alive in the hearts and minds of many fans around the planet."
"I bought your videos since GTA 4 and you keep getting better and better."
"AJ Styles was TNA. They could try and push whoever they wanted at the top of the card, but everyone still regarded AJ as the man."
"Should that impact our support for Chelsea Football Club? No, because let's have it right, Roman Abramovich may be doing that out of his own money."
"You're not a Slipknot fan, but you're an Alex Hefner fan."
"Thank you to all of my fans for sticking by me. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing until I'm dead. Rest in peace, Wayne."
"Drake fans: Everything Drake posts is gold, even when it's clearly the worst music he has ever posted."
"I love the Empire more than any other faction; I've always been an Empire fan."
"Liverpool are magical. It's the best though, and it's so true."
"Like the legacy of that band is such a short period of time, what you mean to people, um, it's gone beyond the zeitgeist of that moment and people can't let it go. It's a great thing, you know, fans still hold out."
"I'm questioning my love for the franchise as a whole."
"I love the loyalty, if I was a Spurs fan, I'd love it. I question his world-class elements."
"I'm sorry Alex, I said I want Bills, Niners, Bills, Niners Super Bowl, it'd be [ __ ] sick and who would I root for? I'd root for the Bills."
"Rocky's rising popularity was 100 percent natural. It wasn't manufactured. Fans genuinely loved the guy, and the WWF wisely took notice."
"The fan support he gained back then has remained strong enough that even in his post WWE career he's been able to carve out a nice spot for himself."
"Tupac had that type of fan support that is just rare. Yeah, they love him, bro."
"What a supporter wants is to be proud of the club. They don't expect the club to win every game or to win every Championship every year, but they want to be there."
"Listen, girl, Team Damian all day every day. Let's try to get a hundred thousand likes on this video!"
"I think that any true Bulldogs fan would tell you it's going to be real difficult without him."
"...that's where for KSI and Joe Weller got this entire thing started so the fact that we're doing another event there I think should be an Ode to the fans the hardcores that have been around since the beginning."
"It was a very dark era for the Dukes of Hazard... but the fans were still flooding into the two Cooter's Place locations."
"It's been a long time coming. I know that Detroit fans been hurting for a long time."
"If Beyoncé were to have a four-year hiatus, she would come back and people would still accept her."
"My fans are hardcore. I've got like a cult following. My fans are still my fans now even though I haven't released no music in so long."
"Unlike some fan bases, we don't only like her for what she produces, we love her for anything she's going to do."
"Few clubs have prompted such ant elation from their followers; no supporters cherish their heroes more."
"What I've come to realize is that it just shows everybody just how loyal these fans are to their driver, to their team."
"It's probably the most talented team of my life in terms of being a Jets fan."
"Once bit and twice shy, if we start to see bad football, it's going to be so hard to get behind them."
"We're still here playing for our fans, and that's the best thing. We have the best fans ever."
"It's really your loyalty that's kept the show alive."
"I love the album, it's so good, Twice never miss."
"The quality we have known and loved about Rainbow High is still here."
"Northern fans are the strongest fans in my view."
"The consistency of the fans and the 12 is pretty special."
"We were really taken in a really good way by how many of our fans were still holding on to those tickets."
"The lore creates an authentic connection between Jordan the player, his shoes, and his fans."
"Fans not only see the movie once; they see it three, four times, and they bring their family, their friends, their co-workers."
"SoundCloud fans are always the most loyal; they literally ride or die for their favorite artist."
"Little brother is just one of those entities in music that you know what to expect and they deliver every time."
"The fans have never given up on Punk. Ever. It's crazy."
"Metal fans in general don't normally care about first week's numbers and charts, if they love the band and it's good, they'll support it."
"Emotions had run high throughout, forging a special bond between the most loyal fans in the country and the players."
"This resurgence of BTS's older songs, combined with the solo successes of its members, illustrates the enduring global influence of the group and the steadfast loyalty of their fans."
"The greatest baseball fans in the country are A's fans because they've overcome so much."
"Nottingham Forest won one-nil and in just eight months at the club, Steve Cooper healed the pain which had been deeply rooted in the fans of the club spanning four different decades."
"Die-hard Denver Broncos fan, to UNC just to tell them no. Love that the hatred is strong for the Tar Heels."
"People will come to see CM Punk wrestle no matter what."
"Thank you so much for your interest and loyalty and enjoyment in the show."
"In Dave Filoni and John Favreau we trust."
"The loyalty and the devotion that you guys show to this comic book is mind-blowing."
"Happy 30th, I was 13 when the first album dropped and been a fan ever since."
"Buffalo all the way this time, third time's charm, fourth time's, fifth time's charm, sixth time's charm, sometimes got to be a charm for the Buffalo Bills."
"That's the difference between the Yankees and the Red Sox; they care about their fans."
"I think the fan bases for these two programs are just massive and gigantic and passionate."
"You could take the Bills fans out of Buffalo, but you can't take the Buffalo out of the Bills fans."
"As you start to create polarization, it will change your fair-weather fans into die-hard fans who will follow what you say, share your message, and buy from you over and over again."
"Kobe fans got that 'get down or lay down' logic."
"If we don't win the league and Arsenal fans want [the manager] out, they need their heads examined."
"People who have been with BTS since the beginning appreciate rap like probably no other band in the world."
"Seriously, you're the best. I even watch videos to stuff I don't really like, but you guys are entertaining to the point where I don't care."
"I love this album. SF9 do not release a single bad song."
"This is the Urban Decay Game of Thrones palette, I love Game of Thrones so much, so definitely keeping this."