
Environmental Protection Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"The greatest technological challenge of our time is the fight to protect our planet from the effects of global heating."
"Bakus produces no carbon emissions, contributing to environmental protection and sustainability in the wine industry."
"The best way to keep our home safe and protect our planet is to learn from the worlds around us."
"Avoid microplastics and ingredients that hurt our coral reefs."
"We must protect the ocean as if our lives depend on it because they do."
"It makes sense in some ways to have a massive overhaul to help protect the environment."
"Avoiding planetary scale destruction is really important for us."
"This year a coalition of conservation organizations banded together to save one of the world’s last pristine rainforests, preserving 367 square miles, or 950 square kilometers of land from deforestation."
"Prosperity should be viewed as essential to protecting the natural environment."
"What Rainforest Trust does is focus on protecting regions forever from deforestation."
"We could solve the problems of this planet and we can end the arms race without dislocating the industry jobs, without disrupting the economy."
"All types of environmental regulation are based, actually. We've got plenty of economy; we don't got plenty of environment."
"We all want to protect the environment, we all want to protect endangered species, we want to protect the water, the air, Native American burial grounds, you know, and so on, but there has to be some limit on how much time can be spent on these things before you either say yes or no."
"Ignoring and obfuscating the truth about verifiable sources of damage to the environment is not protection; this is total betrayal."
"It's time for Americans to join together, find solutions on climate change, and protect our planet for generations to come."
"There is only one sea, and we must protect it."
"Restored federal protection to the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante monuments in Utah."
"The most important thing we're looking for in a new area is for there to be plenty of reef structure so that the kelp can attach to it."
"I want crystal clean water and air. I want beautiful clean air."
"We should do everything in our power to make sure that we're not the asteroid or the comet."
"We are reliant on our groundwater in this community, and keeping that safe is of utmost importance to us."
"We want to make sure that there's an abundance of wildlife for a beautiful world for the generations."
"We must prevent climate change, lay claim to the land which may yet be taken by rising sea levels, and make the world habitable for our children."
"It's incredibly important because, as we are coming out of COVID and we're trying to rebuild our economy and the health of our people, we're doing so by protecting the climate and protecting the environment. Climate change is an existential threat for all of us."
"Yes, planet Earth really is a special place, and we should be doing everything we can to protect it. There's no Planet B after all."
"I made a personal vow I'm going to do whatever I can do to protect this place."
"In the Golden Age, human beings live in harmony with planet Earth instead of destroying Mother Nature, they protect it."
"It will be important to implement extensive environmental protection as part of achieving socialism."
"Two percent of all the sales from this product go to funding the protection of the Great Barrier Reef."
"For every Selfless climate impact product purchased, forests around the world will be protected from deforestation through our partnership with Rainforest Trust."
"People are incredibly powerful... we will save this planet."
"Our goal is to rid the oceans of plastic, and the reason why we look at rivers is because we believe it's the fastest and most cost effective way to prevent further plastic from being emitted to the ocean."
"If it can be recognized that global warming is responsible for at least some of the disasters our living planet creates, then we can realize the urgency of approving climate policies that protect vulnerable populations."
"It's up to us to put in place new agricultural systems that will provide for them and protect mother nature from a dire fate."
"The benefits of trees also extend to aquatic animals, keeping water cool and protecting them from the heat of the summer Sun."
"Creating a cleaner future for all, and we all must do our part. But it's only human to protect the one we share."
"We can do something about climate change... it may be about building sea walls."
"Offshore wind is a once in a generation opportunity that allows us to protect our environment while significantly expanding and securing the state's economy."
"We are an online community of people who are stopping the destruction of the earth via homegrown food."
"Welcome to World Wide Waste, a series about the messes we make and how people deal with them."
"The Granada underwater Sculpture Park helped the Island's government designate the region as a marine protected area."
"We share the same goal: to protect our planet and life on it." - Greta Thunberg
"The Sioux tribes called themselves water protectors because they were protecting their one and only water source."
"We need to wake them up. Greta has been trying to do just that."
"We share a common goal, and that is to protect our planet and life on it."
"If you're carrying soap, don't use it directly in a water source."
"Protecting the environment is probably the single biggest issue that is facing our generation."
"A floating shade cover... can cut evaporation rates by some 80 percent."
"Protecting the future is not a spectator sport."
"Stop tearing down the forest, and if you don't, then you're going to have significant economic consequences."
"The ultimate goal of 220km is to set up in every country... we need to protect the biodiversity of that local area."
"If any place should be unspoiled, it's Midway."
"Stop burning stuff, it's the most stupid thing."
"These are our life support systems we're essential to our survival."
"About 100 square kilometers are still absolutely barred by law from public admission and agricultural usage."
"You always want to break these plastic rings holding bottles together to prevent animals from getting stuck."
"Protecting juvenile fish in these distinct nursery areas, the no-take zone enhances offshore fish populations."
"The laws are just in the books, they are not executed... If they don't enforce these laws, they will destroy the environment, and the environment will destroy the country."
"Faith teaches us to respect and protect the environment."
"Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it helps to fight free radical damage in the skin caused by sunlight and pollution."
"Eating local is key to protecting our planet."
"The EPA is the best thing that this country ever did."
"American public lands belong to all of us. I grip the mic and start the butts they ever get to the Future and we have to protect them, you know I flow in every direction."
"This proposal does nothing to take away from the protections for our citizens, for our taxpayers, for our workers, or for our environment."
"The fact that we got to learn about technology that is saving these whales or helping prevent floods, that's amazing!"
"I don't want nobody to lose their life, I don't want nobody to have to go through PTSD and all this. I don't want the environment to get destroyed over just some man's greed or some man's ideology."
"Here's my question: If it's within our power to prevent mass extinction, are we morally obligated to intervene?"
"Think about shelter, protecting yourself from the elements."
"Balancing human development and protecting our natural environment."
"It's up to someone to protect this planet, and like it or not, I think it's up to us."
"Protecting the environment now is the defining issue of our generation."
"It's pretty intense but it's done in order to protect Antarctica."
"Ecology basically is not just to protect the environment, it's also to protect our economy."
"They also imposed stringent environmental safeguards."
"We need a better subsidy policy that gets more for farm income, climate protection, and nature."
"Community microgrids have the potential to both help us reach long term sustainability goals and build resilience in the face of storms, wildfires, droughts and other calamities that threaten the macro grid."
"When something like the threat of the mining operation came up, there was just this swell of support."
"Places like this are part of our heritage that need to be preserved."
"It's up to us to wake those around us, to summon them to this battle, to sound the alarm, to change course while we still have something left to salvage."
"The EPA is supposed to do the exact opposite of what it's currently doing which is running cover."
"We're losing a lot of our land, which is why we need to cut emissions."
"As long as I am president, we will safeguard our waters and our seniors."
"Nursing is a very high-stakes, emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding job."
"The order aims to better protect overburdened communities from pollution."
"Bees need advocates, and I'm so glad to do that for them."
"I believe every company should do everything in its power to stop it."
"Welcome home, everyone. You are now protected by a temporary storm shield."
"By bringing philanthropy, investment, and concern for the environment together, everyone here hopes to protect it so everyone can enjoy it."
"Safeguarding a natural realm is also safeguarding people's futures."
"Erosion control is a crucial aspect of land management and environmental protection."
"I believe that a conservation fish force has awoken, and we will make the difference that these fish cannot fight for themselves."
"Our objective that time is that they cannot collect our oil without making our place okay for us."
"We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren, and children yet to be born."
"People are encouraged to reduce trips, conserve energy, and avoid unnecessary burning."
"ETs were saying please don't destroy this beautiful planet with these weapons."
"All the Damage Done to your skin during the day by UV rays and pollution and stress, Vitamin C and other antioxidants fight those free radicals."
"If you want to be a responsible citizen of humanity, you have to protect your country and the world."
"The final icing on the irony cake is the film's release caused such an increase in tourism the government had to close the beach to the general public so it really is a forbidden place now."
"Tigers have been an endangered species for a long time now. Recently, remote camera traps have captured three young Indo-Chinese tigers roaming around free in the forest."
"The earth houses assure that we survive in the world."
"We're passionate about protecting the natural world, willing to prioritize a livable climate over all issues."
"I want to protect this place and the people working here."
"We have to attack the corruption head-on so that we can save our planet."
"There's a project that is working some organizations are starting to band together but teach the children."
"Taiwan takes a harder stance on Beijing's sand dredgers, imposing heavier penalties for unauthorized sand mining."
"We need to combat both deforestation and degradation."
"If you don't protect the skies now, if you don't get involved now, you're going to be having the same conversation."
"It's up to us to fight for it, to wise up, to put an end to this thing."
"I think it's time to save The Smiling Critters."
"We've got to make this world a better place and protect it."
"Empathy should come first; empathy for our environment."
"This cleanser helps protect forests from deforestation."
"The one thing these all have in common is that they worked outdoors, so they needed to be protected from the elements."
"Protecting them is something that Californians recognize as part of their identity."
"It kind of stirs that same feeling completely protecting the aquifer back home."
"I organized my community because the state of North Carolina had chosen Warren County to bury over 30,000 gallons of PCB-laced oil."
"We're not going to take these cancer-causing agents in our water; we're going to protect our children even if you don't."
"We must protect the forest for our children, grandchildren, and children yet to be born."
"Use of renewable sources is very important to reduce pollution because emission of greenhouse gases has augmented to a greater extent as a result of human activity, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface."
"Thankfully, Gaia was able to thwart this effort by initiating her own self-destruction, denying Hades access to the systems necessary to bring the biosphere back to zero."
"Renewable clean energy and the reduction in the use of fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions."
"We can realize the urgency of approving climate policies that protect vulnerable populations."
"The Antarctic treaty restricts access to Antarctica, heralded as one of the most successful examples of International cooperation."
"Within these agencies within the agency you are a part of the EPA blind unquestioning honorless obedience was rewarded and any other sort of showing of some attempt to actually disclose dangers to the public was penalized."
"Our effort to protect air, water, and environment is actually our effort to protect ourselves."
"This place needs protecting because all our futures depend on it."
"When you know your self-worth and when you know your self-value, you protect your environment and you protect the relationships that you're in."
"It’s a land of rugged terrain and vast wilderness that generations of people have grown up to love."
"Countries need to commit to no more anti-satellite tests, that's just needed."
"We've signed the largest public lands package in a decade, preserving 1.3 million acres of wilderness."
"I will not stand for it. We will defend the environment, American sovereignty, American prosperity, and American jobs."
"Reducing methane emissions is vital to averting the worst impacts of climate change." - Video narrator
"We envision a network of extremely long floating screens which would first concentrate the plastic so we could then extract it."
"Let's just head on home because we still get to stomp a bunch of the poachers."
"It just helps to protect your skin against environmental pollutants."
"In fact, the Lord told Noah that He would never again destroy the world by flood or by totally covering it in water."
"If sharks are to survive, we must all become advocates on their behalf."
"The celestial nails being used to suppress the dark mud is that they stop being tools of destruction and instead become a divine blessing."
"We've reached enough maturity as a civilization... let's take steps now to protect ourselves."
"Good climate news: Biden reverses a Trump-era plan to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."
"Don't destroy the environment in the first place."
"Economic growth is inclusive and that more communities can do their part to protect our planet."
"Jamaica has committed that it will protect 30 percent of its land mass and 30 percent of its fresh and sea water."
"How much is too much to protect the very existence of our planet?"
"We're putting in place standards that actually stop the degradation."
"Piccolo genuinely concerned with protecting the Earth."
"As part of my stewardship, it's important to be able to protect it for the future."
"Mangroves are the guardians of our coastline."
"We're saving the environment, we're saving your life, we're getting people's keys into their hands, removing counterparty risk, removing middlemen."
"The best option that we have to protect our oceans is to adopt a plant-based diet."
"One of the biggest battery recycling plants in the US is finally up and running. This had to happen."
"This is a trojan horse. I'm making a swimming spectacle of myself to try and convey the fact that by 2023, Talus Grand Palais want to protect 100 square million meters of marine ecosystems."
"We should use the energy we have available that is efficient and it will give us what we need with the minimum damage to the planet."
"We will enforce the law, we will protect the environment and public health, and if you try to cheat the system and mislead the public, you will be caught."
"We want to protect our land just like you do."
"Most people don't realize that the wetlands that have been lost were the buffer against hurricanes."
"We can do better than a toxic waste landfill in an endangered Marine sanctuary and reef ecosystem."
"You can do this and protect the environment and also provide for people."
"One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk."
"We need to keep our planet safe, we need to protect rivers and air from pollution."
"Forest parks could offer green protection against tsunamis."
"We're going to work together to protect the Great Lakes from Asian carp."
"Protects against pollution and encourages leadership."
"She stood her ground and made new friends as she fought to protect the land that she loved."
"The antarctic treaty was signed... making it one of the largest protected areas in the world."
"If we want to protect this planet's biodiversity, we have to leave that in the hands of indigenous peoples."
"We're the only ones capable of safeguarding large swathes of the Earth. Long-term, it would bring back nature and decrease environmental impact."
"Governor Newsom fights for opportunity for all Californians. Voting no means women are respected, children are protected, and our planet is defended."
"It is crucial for us all to be aware that the planet and its ecosystem provide us with life and sustain it hence there is collective responsibility to protect the environment."
"Habitats can be segmented to provide protection."
"Charlie Winterbauer found himself surrounded by hundreds of Venus flytraps and felt protective of these delicate plants."
"Whatever the new technology is it would never be used to harm nature."
"We are protecting our soil and our planet that is sustaining us and feeding us, making sure that we have a future."
"Why fight the EPA when they're fighting to protect West Virginia from some of the most harmful impacts of climate change?"
"We've eliminated a large source of pollution."
"These wetlands help protect millions of people along the Gulf Coast from the full impact of hurricanes."
"We can help save Africa's oldest national park and its endangered mountain gorillas."
"You become a jungle keeper with us."
"There's always a role for government intervention to essentially prohibit and to limit the kinds of anti environmental activities that people can do and to reward those for people for protecting the environment."
"The earth is an absolutely beautiful place full of so many incredible things that we all need to explore and protect."
"...our Institute for Responsible Technology...no GMO products in the food supply and no outdoor release of living organisms that can reproduce."
"I think the whole ethos around Arksen as a whole is really just to take the strain away from those precious environments."
"Fishermen must apply measures to protect the environment and manage Seafood resources to fish them sustainably."
"Together they are pushing engineering to its limits to create extraordinary machines that can protect our planet for the future."
"You can reduce the emission of ammonia, H2S, like toxic gases, also the odorous compounds that come from these many ores."
"I think we need a very robust public lands policy with people that absolutely protect the environment from corporate profiteers because they would do it."
"Camps like this, folks, they're really worth protecting."
"The Clean Water Act regulates pollutants discharged into waterways, which is important for maintaining environmental standards."
"Is there anything more wonderful than protecting the marine world? Yes, doing it with your friends."
"If we focus on building systems that start with, what will it take to bring the poor in? What will it take to make sure that the environment is protected? Well, then we can figure out the right kind of money and the right kind of investment to get there."
"We should never have bare soils and expose soil."
"Wetlands prevent flooding of drainage systems; they act as filters for pollutants."
"Here in the United States, where we have more environmental protections than anywhere else in the world."
"As beekeepers we should want the EPA to be really strict right we want the EPA to really care about this stuff to not just let anybody send any chemical anywhere they want for any reason especially in agricultural settings right."
"People need to understand, if you want a thriving wildlife in the countryside, you have to protect them."
"So, we will title this 'Protecting Our Planet'."
"People are not going to let themselves be paved over. They will insist that their voices are heard."
"If we can protect places like this, they will come back."
"Protecting the forests of Uganda and Kenya is essential for our future."