
Global Warming Quotes

There are 381 quotes

"The greatest technological challenge of our time is the fight to protect our planet from the effects of global heating."
"The planet is absorbing more than twice as much heat as it was 20 years ago."
"I lose sleep over it every night... global warming is the number one issue in the world."
"Global warming is real but the way that the politicians are framing it is not."
"Under super-competitive capitalism, it's naive to think corporations can or will sacrifice profits and shareholder returns in order to fight global warming."
"With global warming on track to exceed 1.5°C by 2027, the idea of a 'Shein haul' horrifies me."
"The reason global warming is happening, I strongly believe, has very little to do with the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and has everything to do with denuded soil systems around the world."
"We can end the energy crisis; we can end the global warming."
"Global warming fulfills almost an emotional need for many people much more than an environmental need."
"We're already today, just like, 1.1, 1.2 degrees of warming. We're outside the window of temperatures that enclose all of human history."
"Animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to global warming that we can practically do something about."
"Global warming isn't just the result of a few billionaires and companies acting recklessly; it's the fault of a system that demands infinite growth and consumption."
"The existential threat humanity faces is global warming."
"Whether or not you agree with global warming, at least we'll be able to breathe cleaner air."
"Carbon in the atmosphere and methane does increase warmth."
"The oceans absorb more than 90 percent of the heat from climate change. So, if we think about global warming, it's really ocean warming."
"The oceans absorb more than 90% of the heat from climate change."
"We humans face a set of dire ecological crises...global warming, species extinction, the threats of various kinds of toxic pollution...constitute not only an absolutely real, imminent threat to the future well-being of humankind but also, it sometimes seems, a modern manifestation of the various latinate biblical curses."
"The climate is changing, and it's doing so too quickly."
"Everything that we studied was basically consistent with the finding that the Earth was going to warm significantly."
"My big concern with global warming is that the policies being pushed are having a disastrous effect on the world's poorest people."
"Scientists fear that the runaway global warming of the past could happen again in the future with more than 30 trillion tons of methane locked up as hydrates on the seafloor."
"If Tesla localised the supply chain, that could reduce the global warming potential of synthetic graphite."
"What bothers me so much is just the circus or the play that has been written that we're all in and don't recognize it. I mean, I believe in global warming. I believe it's insane to think that we don't have an effect on the planet."
"An increase of 1.5 degrees is the maximum the planet can tolerate. Should temperatures increase further, we will face even more droughts, floods, extreme heat, and poverty, and at worst, the extinction of humankind altogether."
"Global warming is real, climate change is real, these are happening."
"Renewable energy is one of the top weapons we have to fight global warming."
"Climate change is one of the biggest existential threats to humanity."
"Climate crisis is the existential crisis for our world."
"The number one threat facing the country right now remains global warming."
"Global warming: I'm doing my bit to fight it."
"Global warming is the number one problem facing the world today in my book."
"I think it's a big deal for all humanity to have mountain ranges getting less snow and snow packs that are melting sooner."
"Carbon dioxide has been called the earth thermostat and the long-term regulator of the Earth's climate."
"Global warming isn't your fault. In fact, just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions."
"Most people think global carbon emissions have been rising."
"I don't want to [ __ ] die when I'm thirty because the world's too hot."
"Global warming, constantly caused by human activities, is indeed making the overall temperature of the Earth rise, leading to the melting of ice caps and glaciers."
"And when we talk about drought take a look at the horror show that is now taking place in the beautiful country of Australia which is on fire take a look at what happened in California over the last year."
"Ultimately, the other issues are all solvable, but if the planet starts catching on fire and we're all dead, it doesn't do us any good to see how much money we can make."
"Climate change is here. It's not turning back anytime soon."
"With the planet becoming hotter and hotter, the introduction of more efficient and eco-friendly cooling tech can't be kept on ice."
"We don't have ten years. We are locked into going over two degrees if you include cooling aerosols and the last 40 years in the next ten years of warming and positive feedback loops that aren't even included in the actual models."
"Global temperatures must be kept below 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels."
"Humanity is on thin ice, and that ice is melting fast."
"Global temperature records: no downward trend."
"Climate change is real. It should not be that hot in this room when we're almost out of this November 9th."
"This is where we're at when the planet is so hot that people can't do their jobs, can't live. It's record temperatures, hottest week in history."
"Under business as usual scenarios, we can't rule out catastrophic warming."
"There are, nevertheless, things that we can individually do to curb global warming."
"People talk about global warming but people don't talk about erosion."
"Every additional half degree of warming matters hugely."
"We know what the world of a degree and a half of warming will look like, and it's bad."
"If all of us does all that we can, then we're gonna be able to keep this planet from warming another two degrees Celsius."
"Mount Kilimanjaro's snow cap is melting and may be completely gone by the end of this century, blamed on global warming."
"Global warming was the primary cause of unprecedented Amazon drought."
"All of these premature deaths could be avoided if the average global temperature could be reduced by just 1.5 degrees."
"Nights have warmed nearly three times as fast as days during fire season, lowering nighttime humidity and supporting unprecedented nocturnal fire behavior."
"It really seems like things are heating up though."
"Even the grandest of grand solar minimums comes nowhere close to compensating for the warming that humans CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions will cause."
"Within seven years, life on the planet may become unbearable due to extremely rising temperatures."
"Global climate change is wreaking havoc on this planet."
"The satellite data absolutely show that the planet is heating up."
"We've got 12 years left to try and limit global warming to less than 1.5 degrees, and if we don't, the consequences are gonna be absolutely vast and disastrous."
"After global warming became a core concern for many, Tesla was the most notable for stepping up to the plate."
"Our Earth is getting warmer and there is just no doubt."
"The models are very clear that the planet is warming."
"No matter how you look at it, the models are very clear that the planet is warming."
"In other scenarios where we take less aggressive action or no action at all, the planet's average surface temperature goes up by more like 6 degrees Celsius."
"A massive ice sheet that will spell disaster if melting continues unabated."
"Scientists say at least 1/3 of all global sea-level rise is attributed to the melting here."
"Human activity has contributed to global warming."
"Global warming is becoming a serious crisis, and we need to do something about that."
"The world experienced the hottest day ever recorded globally."
"Global warming is to blame for a lot of things but did you know it could also be to blame for the abandonment and closure of Belvedere Hotel in the Swiss Alps?"
"One major fear of global warming is that it could release unknown pathogens into the air, some of which may have the capacity to seriously hinder and endanger humanity."
"We don't have to be bound by the decades of global warming propaganda thanks to the internet."
"Climate change: a real concern with global implications."
"Carbon dioxide is the principal control knob of the Earth's temperature."
"It's not one or the other, climate change and global warming is something so real that we're already living."
"These face masks are the most important powerful public health tool we have."
"The core science is the planet warming is the human burning of fossil fuels causing it is pretty clear."
"Isn't all bad news, not by any means. Decade-long drought in New Mexico appears to be subsiding barely months after hydrologists had claimed the state was on the brink of ecological collapse due to global warming."
"And big picture cutting back on carbon emissions can make a dent in the long term trend of worsening fires around the globe."
"3.5 degrees warming is an existential threat to our species. It's not a joke."
"The earth is warming, the actual data shows the earth is warming."
"The planet has hit another day of record heat."
"I believe this election cycle has revealed how desperately we need reformation in the prophetic movement."
"If we want to keep global warming to under 1.5 degrees Celsius That means we're going to require a mass mobilization"
"The ice caps are essential to planet Earth and they're in big big trouble."
"Even though Earth has gotten 1% warmer in the last century, deaths from cold outnumber deaths from heat by 5 to 15 times."
"The gap between what we are doing and what actually needs to be done in order to stay below the 1.5 degrees Celsius targets is widening by the second."
"The planet is burning down to the ground literally."
"Given that information, when we see warming happen in tandem with an increase of a warming gas CO2, then we know that at the very least the CO2 is a contributing factor."
"Human emissions of carbon dioxide were causing the planet to warm."
"An exponential increase in CO2 gives you a linear increase in temperature."
"We got the equivalent of a nuclear time bomb on our hand with global warming."
"Every fraction of a degree of warming makes a difference and every fraction of a degree of warming we can avoid saves lives."
"I wouldn't get out of bed to worry about a 0.3% change in GDP because of global warming."
"Climate is the average weather conditions over a long period of time, and climate change is significant and long-lasting changes in the earth's climate or weather patterns."
"Russia will benefit vary greatly from global warming because so much of their territories in the Arctic Circle become more usable as global temperatures rise."
"The earth is sizzling with never before seen record highs."
"2023 is going to be a really hot year and it's very likely that 2024 will be the hottest year ever recorded."
"They thought global warming was going to be a good thing."
"Global warming caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, scorching Summers, more intense heat waves."
"The problem with Antarctica is if the pen melts and the Ross Ice Shelf slides off, it's going to raise the water tables around the world."
"The greenhouse effect is crucial for life on Earth, but increased greenhouse gases are the primary cause of global warming."
"Whole mountains and ice are just falling into the sea."
"The worse-case warming scenarios still look as bad as ever."
"Global temperatures have been declining for the past 14 years, despite what the media tells us."
"The Earth is sick, it got a temperature, it got a fever. The Earth is the Earth is sick right now, you know what I mean?"
"When the earth is warm, there's less ice on the land, and sea level's higher."
"Three degrees of global warming would be catastrophic."
"Carbon dioxide is increasing in our atmosphere and causing the planet to trap more heat."
"Global warming isn't good, except when you're at the beach."
"There's no icebergs in Australia though so it would be safe to go around anyway. And global warming will be less and less." - a lighthearted take on building Titanic 2 in Australia.
"The doctor explains his dream which is to control global warming so that all races can be able to survive."
"How to solve global warming in one easy step: Big Oil hates this"
"Global warming as a result of human activity will lead to a period similar to that known as the sixth extinction."
"Global warming is a problem that we're capable of solving now."
"Global warming and that's why it's so hot outside. That sucks because it's super hot in Texas right now."
"I know this is a tangent, but my favorite thing about global warming is the fact that it's a political debate."
"It is now entirely clear that the Earth's temperature is increasing as well, globally."
"The last four years have been the hottest ever recorded... the climate change deniers are losing wicket."
"I don't know of any other subject where it's easier to get a spiritual conversation going than talking about global warming or climate change."
"What difference would it make limiting warming to 1.5 degrees versus allowing it to go to two?"
"I didn't realize how dire the situation was with global warming. I just never knew about it. I never learned about that."
"Here comes the science: global warming is real."
"This is a result of global warming, I think. So is it a good thing? No."
"Most scientists argue that the increase in amounts of carbon dioxide is leading to an increase in global temperatures."
"Climate change and climate warming, global warming, is an existential threat to humanity. We have a moral obligation to deal with it."
"We are spewing 110 million tons of heat trapping global warming pollution into it every 24 hours free of charge."
"The Siberian traps eruption ignited the coal measures catastrophe global warming mercury poisoning."
"It's been pretty hot for what, nine, ten years now?"
"We know that as the global mean temperature rises, we're going to see longer fire Seasons, hotter fires, bigger fires, more severe fires."
"All that killing the Night King means that global warming will soon become a massive issue."
"So, we definitely need to do something about the heat."
"Scientists and governments of many countries have united their efforts for the sake of preventing global warming."
"Don't drill the North Pole for oil. It'll release methane into the atmosphere, causing unstoppable global warming."
"I think that it can definitely increase the anxiety of a young person to talk to them a lot about things like global warming in a non-productive way."
"The planet is warming quickly. The overall global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past thousand years and likely longer."
"Permafrost viruses: ancient pathogens resurfacing, a chilling consequence of global warming."
"Large areas in South America India Africa Northern Australia and Southeast Asia could become hot hostile and uninhabitable it could happen even before all glaciers melt."
"The two degree Celsius global warming limit is dead unless we take purposeful actions to alter Earth's energy imbalance."
"The 1.5 degree limit is deader than a doornail."
"The world is getting warmer... and we're increasing those gases because it's just scientific effect."
"With the most ambitious conceivable actions, we can limit warming to somewhere in the range of one and a half to two Celsius."
"Because obviously it's happening on a global scale and the earth, the whole earth can warm up as well, and that's pretty much it."
"They agreed that global warming exists and they agreed that humans have caused it."
"We've chosen to do nothing about it despite knowing everything we needed to know about climate change for a quarter of a century."
"Emissions are going to go up... this is better than it would have been otherwise, 3 and a half degrees."
"Basically, all state-of-the-art climate models predict the weakening of the AMOC over the course of the century in response to global warming."
"Avoiding the risk of tipping points would obviously be general, kind of saying, 'Okay, we have to lower global warming, we have to get our emissions down,' and I mean this is the thing we should probably tackle first."
"That's how we solve global warming."
"How is it possible to worry about global warming and not be pro-nuclear?"
"It's foolhardy for us to believe that global warming is not a consequence of human activity."
"One of the things you may have worried about 10 or 12 years ago was the thought that by the end of this century, the global temperatures would have risen about five or six degrees."
"What makes this global warming thing controversial? There's no doubt global warming is happening. However, we also notice every time the global mean temperature jumps up by three degrees centigrade over where it is right now, a rapid drop into an ice age."
"The Arctic will continue to be the leading edge of global climate change."
"The dramatic consequences of the rapid warming of the Arctic are already apparent."
"The planet is shifting, it may not affect you, the global warming is in effect, ice caps are melting, floods are starting everywhere."
"If you allow the warming to go to an extreme level, say three degrees centigrade to four degrees centigrade, then all sorts of natural ecosystems disappear."
"Our global average temperature has gone up 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since the late '90s."
"It's just getting hotter like every day all over the world."
"Climate change is slowly taking it out on all of us sweaty people."
"Many of the effects of climate change are already with us: heat waves, droughts, wildfires, flooding."
"The earth is definitely getting warmer."
"We've actually now reached over 1.5° C of warming in the world."
"The effects of global warming will cause sea levels to rise significantly, leading to widespread flooding."
"Once they are burnt, they release a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming."
"If there are no facts that you will accept that demonstrate that global warming is not taking place, then we are not dealing with science, we are dealing with religion."
"The amount of warming seen is pretty much what we expect to happen given the amount of carbon dioxide that has increased in the atmosphere."
"Enhanced greenhouse gases will lead to global warming."
"Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, so more CO2 being released will lead to global warming."
"We're pushing up against a climate boundary here."
"I understand where you're coming from, however, I think you'll find eating less meat is the best solution when it comes to global warming."
"I am not sponsored at all by Coriton; this is my interest in how we're going to tackle global warming."
"Their research has established a direct link between man-made greenhouse gases and the warming of this distant land."
"It's already causing the planet to heat up, and scientists fear that the runaway global warming of the past could happen again in the future."
"Climate change caused by global warming is a very bad thing; it is increasing global temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and causing the sea level to rise."
"The world is currently on track to exceed 3 degrees of global warming which would be utterly catastrophic for the planet and for humanity."
"Global warming potential really comes down to two factors: residence time and how good it is at absorbing infrared radiation and re-emitting that radiation back down to Earth."
"The main point of this video is because of global warming, we're standing where the ocean once was."
"Goodness gracious man, well now we need to recycle our plastics everybody, because the planet is burning."
"We're just 5° away from a global catastrophe."
"The boreal forest is also perhaps our best defense against global warming and climate change."
"Climate change and our impact upon the environment will determine our future."
"The globe is heating up. Since 2001, we have experienced 16 of the 17 hottest years on record."
"We're seeing the effects of climate change all around us; we're seeing rising seas, we're seeing floods, we're seeing droughts, we're seeing increased storminess on the planet."
"For much of the Cenozoic, the global climate as a whole was warmer than it is now."
"Less is indeed more when it comes to stopping global warming."
"We are definitely in a very serious global warming climate change disaster."
"We're heading towards about 2.5 degrees of warming on the planet now."
"Every subsequent year is hotter than the hottest it's ever been."
"The severe risk of drought in California has already increased due to extremely warm conditions induced by anthropogenic global warming."
"Whether we succeed or fail in containing warming to 2 degrees Celsius is determined by what we do now, not in future decades."
"97 out of 100 practicing climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming."
"We've warmed about 12 degrees in the last 12,000 years, three of those are in the last 40 years."
"How do we begin the process of reversing global warming?"
"Temperatures around the globe continue to escalate regardless of whether or not we have determined the causes."