
Interpersonal Communication Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"I sincerely appreciate your offer of advice and counsel."
"If somebody has the guts to just say you know what, I'm sorry, I can honestly respect that."
"Communication is not what you meant to say but what the other person received."
"Use your wisdom to choose the right time for communication."
"Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Praise is important because when you praise somebody, it's kind of like they're getting a reward from it."
"Win people into your way of thinking... not by manipulating, but by exploring what other people are doing in their ways of thinking."
"I'm so sorry, it's fine, don't worry about it."
"In person, you can read someone's energy a lot better."
"In person for sure because it's more of a natural kind of thing. It's spontaneous."
"Presence is the most important social skill that you could learn."
"It's the same as being in a relationship in any other capacity; you just have to have mutual respect."
"What you'll find is that once you're able to really master speaking positively about yourself, you will be kinder in how you speak to other people."
"You were lying, and then you were lying, and you said you didn't read me."
"When you actually talk one-on-one with a human, without failure, you're almost always going to find the good in them."
"I like making sure I'm, like, handshake is like a real thing, you know? I'm honest and to my word."
"You can literally slide into a girl's DM and say anything, absolutely anything, and if she's into you, she's going to reply."
"Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and diffuse conflict."
"You can learn more talking to someone for half an hour than you would sitting and reading articles written by him for four hours."
"You can't bully someone into finding your jokes funny."
"My name is Sam and I hope you have an awesome day."
"It's about designing your own commitments with the people around you"
"A person who plays high status is saying 'Don't come near me, I bite.' Someone who plays low status is saying 'Don't bite me, I'm not worth the trouble.'"
"I don't know that you have to really respond except to look at him and go really explain to me how that works."
"For some reason, social media has made it to where we've almost dehumanized people by the way that we'll just say stuff."
"Each member had their own perspectives, ideals, and opinions, and they had no problem sharing them."
"The point of this interaction should not be to point the finger at the person who's wrong."
"I almost felt like this message was taking me down a peg so I took a deep breath and I went back into the message and I realized this person was really really sweet."
"It's just interesting to see the other person's perspective."
"Whenever people say they're joking, they never are."
"I'm talking to my wife and she's explaining something to me and she's telling me how she feels and she doesn't want me to fix it she just wants me to listen to her."
"Everything you're choosing is a response to what you've just heard."
"It's okay for us to be able to call each other out."
"Listen very closely to what people will be telling you...people always reveal who they are."
"Why would he? I'm talking to you from sister to sister here, why would he?"
"I have great respect for you, Dr. Green. I hope I can meet you in person one day."
"Sometimes fixing an issue from the source is not as important as just like having the dialogue now, talking about how a person feels right now."
"The most important thing from both of our perspectives, genuinely, is to understand each other."
"How about I tell you my secret when you tell me yours?"
"I got here as fast as I could. Jimmy, what's the problem? Because two problems mean a problem."
"A single handshake can say a lot about a person."
"I think it's kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
"Y'all some smart business people, I tell you that much."
"I'm happy you're here, we're going to talk about do he doen."
"Big deception indicator: hand to head contact, don't do that."
"You don't know me, but you're right. It's a no."
"I would have pulled her aside, had a conversation."
"You can't resolve what you don't reveal. Passive-aggressive people live with issues that are unresolved."
"Understanding someone's silence can speak volumes."
"When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don't get to decide that you didn't."
"People don't remember what you say, they remember how you make them feel."
"You need to prioritize your own comfort. I'll be fine. I'll see you next week. Just take care of yourself first."
"The most insane thing I have read from one Community leader to another."
"I'm here to tell you that boy has a crush on you."
"Deal with your trauma, then address your triggers. Triggers prompt recall of previous traumatic experiences."
"Every single person we talk to every single day is hurting from something."
"If you genuinely listen to people, you will learn from them."
"Addressing a man by his name breeds a strangely powerful sense of intimacy."
"Breaking the stalemates starts by giving validity to the story, the experience, the feelings of the other person rather than the defensive re-claiming of what you want or what you feel or what you have said a thousand times."
"Alright, you're at like an 11, we need to get you down to a five, five and a half tops."
"The most important thing that we can all do... is that we learn to listen to one another."
"I hope you are not demonstrating resentments."
"You know you know I'll text you this the other day man and I'll text you this the other day man and really met it. I said uh you really motivate me and uh it kind of."
"You don't need to take everybody out... You can tell me, my lips are sealed."
"Just don't hit me with a woman card though. Women, I love y'all, I love y'all, I love y'all, but stop acting like everybody who says something bad about I don't like women."
"He's extremely soft-spoken. He wants to engage you in an intellectual discussion immediately."
"Resolving conflict is the act of getting together and figuring out what the truth that is being missed in the middle is."
"It's an act of communication you're engaging in."
"You can critique somebody without being an [ __ ] that's just my you know and I think that should be the way to do it."
"You made the face enough times that I couldn't exactly miss the hint. This is what you were going for, yes."
"My first apology for Camilla was not taken well."
"You definitely knew what you were saying. That's like a dig to me."
"When you communicate with people, you find that you have more in common than you have differences."
"I've been needing to talk about this, I know he's been holding it in for all this time, he's like 'yo we have to talk about it, it's the big question'."
"The amount of times that we've spoken, it never dawns on me that if there were different cues from different nationalities."
"We really do speak the same language. We really do get each other."
"You can have a relationship with people that you disagree with."
"Sometimes all it takes is just a few sincere words expressing your love and your care for someone."
"There's a great romance in being able to have the right saying at the right time."
"Thanks for making me whole again, you're being mean aren't you? No really thanks, I believe this is the sarcasm."
"I love the things that Sam says... it's like actually, yeah."
"As I said here, there is some sort of new opportunity here, or even it can be an apology."
"You look someone in the eyes, you shake their hand, you speak to them in a proper manner. That will get you started straight away."
"For some of you, it's about being heard, feeling respected, and making people listen."
"Being there for someone is just talking and removing your judgment."
"Gift giving is not so much about the gift, but instead it's a display that shows that you care about the other person."
"People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect when being addressed."
"I feel like my thoughts or feelings or experiences are being invalidated or trivialized."
"Listening to people makes them feel like they matter."
"Thank you so much for coming on my show. I really appreciate it." - Mark De Cascos
"You get so much more with honey than you do with vinegar."
"I think we learned about it from our landlord where we're living at."
"The tension is released. Oh, I just said, 'Yes, baby,' that's all I said."
"I hope everyone likes it when it comes out thank you for the compliment that's racist that's very kind of you to jam."
"Girls actually want guys to talk to them like this."
"Facts are facts, and conflict resolution is key."
"You have to establish the rules of engagement with the woman."
"Let's not kid each other. We need to speak clearly."
"I want to hear nothing about what you didn't do."
"Everything that Ian is saying is unironically good."
"Guys, learn to ask people questions and take an interest in who the person in front of you is. You wouldn't think what I'm doing is an interview if you knew how to do dates, bro."
"It's amazing to me that you felt like it was okay to say that."
"When a man loves you, there will always be respect and admiration."
"Again, you could be communicating with a new person, but you're just like not sure. Like, do I open up to this or not? I would say yes, I feel like you should open up to this person for sure here, Gemini."
"Shut the [ __ ] up or put your ego in your back pocket."
"I mean, it's not like a personal attack, I just said her car has really bright headlights."
"Before you quote unquote get to the business of the matter, you have to get to the heart of the matter."
"It's different from compromise, you know your boundaries are your boundaries you shouldn't have to explain that to anybody."
"Everyone as a human being has that deep desire for connection and for nuance."
"You can only get to the nuance when you take the time to sit down and calmly, you know, talk through stuff."
"Everybody, if you don't want to talk about a subject, we move the [expletive] on. Yeah, that's a fact."
"Something could be great, great, great, great until it's not, and then you verbalize it and then you decide you want to end it."
"If you want people to see your story, you have to see their story."
"Energetic communication affects how others see you and your actions."
"Look at that smile, Look at the smile on Scotto's face when he says that."
"You've got it all wrong man. You've got it all wrong."
"I just really do value my privacy, and I'm very confused as to why he even called you."
"Listen to your heart, listen to your intuition, and also listen to the other person because what we see sometimes deceives us."
"I love it when she engages with children, she will actually get down on their level and engage with them one-on-one."
"I think there's nothing wrong with having that conversation, friend to friend."
"Oh no no no no, you never want to be the person saying that."
"Recognize that if you're in a position of power and someone with less power tells you about your actions and how it harms them, you're not hurt - you're just feeling discomfort."
"All I want is a simple 'yo she's good,' nothing else. Go crawl back in your cave."
"A word of advice to the management: a smile goes a long way, fam."
"Focusing on what is right rather than who is right."
"There aren't really any tricks or shortcuts or rigid rules in developing a genuine connection with someone."
"If you can criticize people accurately and still maintain kindness, you're not hateful about it."
"That's so stupid when people are just like no, no, you don't understand dude."
"When you're having that battle in your head, it's probably safer to just say sorry."
"How we talk to one another matters. How we treat one another matters. Respecting others matters."
"Listen, little man's mom, I apologize wholeheartedly. I'm sorry."
"I can usually tell if somebody is going to be good faith or bad faith based on like hypotheticals or examples I give them and see how combative they get with points that they shouldn't be combative for."
"You're trying to give a solution to someone's problem."
"Thank you so much for having an amazing ability to make me feel seen."
"There's a trust Factor in face-to-face interaction."
"Regardless of what's going on in your life personally, there are things that you can at least say to other people in order to not be a bad person."
"There is something indescribable about sitting across from another human being looking them in their eyes and receiving the energy and the promise from them directly that sticks with you."
"I want us to act like you're talking to your best friend."
"Without that trust, it's like how could you possibly reveal things, you know?"
"Some girls get really into, like, art. I've just always been curious. I love having conversations with people and I love finding out stuff that's true."
"You have to be cognizant of what you say to people."
"Honesty goes a long way, man, and I appreciate you being honest."
"It's been fantastic talking to you, thank you very much."
"They're gonna message you with a lot of sexual energy, so be prepared for that."
"Figure out who they are and what they want and why they want it."
"Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves."
"Let me at least they give her a chance to say whatever she needs to say. I'm gonna try to make her feel better, and I did."
"The only way that you're gonna be able to communicate with somebody and get something out of them right and vice versa is by talking to them like a human being."
"Never argue with an idiot because if you argue with an idiot, it's not two idiots."
"Did you say please? Did you use your nice words?"
"She's a human being and I do not think she deserves to be spoken to like that."
"Girls typically make it very clear when they like you."
"Taking that just moment, that few seconds to ask, I think that could really mean a lot to someone."
"Express yourself, but don't ridicule others."
"You can be kind and compassionate but you can definitely let somebody know what you want and you don't want."
"Every story has three sides: your side, my side, and the truth side."
"I think having really relational conversations and planning is something that we can all be doing."
"Mind reading assumes we can read someone's thoughts or behaviors, stop making assumptions."
"When I speak to my enemy, I know he's my enemy."
"I like talking to somebody that's trying to stay true to their morals and their philosophy."
"Love languages, that's called Operation well it is Operation."
"If you talk to a person... in their second language... talking to their heart... true connection."
"There's a new world now where you say nice things to each other, a lot of compliments."
"Trust is the best way to begin a relationship."
"I've always abided by the ideal that you can be honest with somebody and blunt with somebody without being rude."
"I'm really sorry that this is awful and crazy."
"My ultimate love language though, guys, is banter and roasting each other. That is my, um, you know what, that's quality time."
"I'm extremely open-minded. I want to hear everyone out."
"Sometimes the best way to get a result from someone is not to like scream at them or be like you better you know but just to just assume that they're just going to be fine and like what are you worried about."
"Making everybody afraid of speaking to me before we start."
"If you give them honesty, that's all people are really looking for. They're not looking to be bullshitted."
"Put yourself first. Talking with someone can help you figure out what's causing stress in your life."
"Don't call people names, treat them the way you would like to be treated."
"I love getting feedback from others... I like to keep the conversation constructive."
"Be silent, really listen and that's really the key."
"It feels like a really shitty thing not to listen to people when they're like, 'You're hurting me.'"
"Learn to ask someone if they would like your help."
"They want you to calm down, chill out, and relax."
"They want equal give and take between the two of you."
"They want to make a psychological connection with you."
"Keep it simple is massive because it's about getting to know one another."
"I see from your expression that you have grave news."
"If you want to have any shot at convincing people who disagree with you, you have to approach things from a different perspective."
"Conversations between people of goodwill who are trying to tell the truth are unbelievably valuable, at least in principle."
"I appreciate your honesty, Tim, and how cordial you've been."
"When someone refuses to define their actions, motivations, or feelings, the other person has to fill in those blanks."
"If you do see someone becoming a very different person, you might want to talk to them."
"Just ask, 'Hey, is everything fine? Is everything okay?' If they're saying no, you're good. Just keep going."
"Actions don't speak louder than words. Unsolicited compliments mean the world to you."
"He is an empathy monster, constantly in dialogue with you looking for the thing that resonates with you."
"There's one person in that dealership you really want to be in good with and that's the service manager."
"Very often speech is just the thing that gets in the way of the thing that's in our brains reaching the person that we're trying to communicate it to."
"I thought Nina Turner said it best: 'You just shake your colleague's hand.'"
"Is everything gonna be okay? You really are crying."
"Their response was the tell if you want to know what they care about if you want to know what's important listen to how they respond when you say something unapproved about it."
"Your ability to communicate has made me better."
"Hey girl, how's that? Even enjoying it? Is that better? I called you exceptional."
"I love how there was like an entire chapter where she was talking about passive-aggressive notes..."
"It's having that confidence to be able to look someone in the face and tell them the truth."
"She's very much like, 'Talk to me I talk back.'"
"It's so important that you express love to people around you."