
Social Gatherings Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"We are truly building a community... there's more sitting in the back room, there's more out back after the show's over, we bring dinner in, everybody gets to hang out."
"These oricorio will often reunite in groups where they dance in circular motions, spinning and singing, which has inspired people to make their own celebratory festival whenever these Pokémon reunite."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're having a lovely time this evening."
"Imagine you're there; you're at pre-drinks, and you're there like, 'Hey everybody, I've bought a new card game.'"
"Around the holidays, we make coquito... everyone else brings their version of it, we all get drunk by having a tasting of the various coquitos."
"Let's overtake Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving yeah Thanksgiving do it do it and we'll we'll be having our own Thanksgiving uh stuff in our faces on Thursday watching the football games."
"Cosplay really benefits from being a community."
"Tamela did not know stranger literally ever. I've seen pictures of her and videos of her from this party where she did not know a lot of these women and it's you would think she'd been best friends with them her entire life."
"Let's all just have fun and also like, you know, let's have fun."
"The memories of us being at restaurants and just basically laughing our heads off."
"Look what's happening in America, look what an amazing company you have built."
"It felt like a family reunion almost, it was that kind of vibe."
"Nobody talks about anything else but enjoying themselves. Isn't that what we're here for?"
"I had a really wonderful time spending quality time with so many of my friends."
"We're going to get absolutely hammered and that could be funny."
"We're also starting up a brand new community event called the Days of Summer."
"Thank you for joining. And thank you for making food."
"People still want to get together... people's ability to self-correct."
"Let's buy an island and make a festival, I'm totally down."
"So, Holly is back, we need to invite old mate Stan over. Octavio never here as well, I didn't even notice that."
"Golf was like the common denominator existing, and that was the thing that everybody's going, 'Oh yeah.'"
"Enjoy your burgers, your booze, your friends, your family, your reunions, your picnics. Enjoy it all, relish it, drink it up in the shrinking circle of Liberty that currently sustains you."
"My mind has been blown apart. I felt like I was a person going to an orgy and then when I got, I was like ah I'm not ready for any of this."
"It's just got a really good feel to it, yeah."
"I'm someone who likes to chill in little groups like six to ten people."
"Yo, you have to go man, like, I'm gonna get a couple drinks."
"How freaking cool was it to have so many people from all over the world?"
"I don't know about you, but I'm just here to have fun."
"He was a voice of reason, he was an instigator, he was the life of the party."
"The feasting culture and celebration of food has been amazing."
"Just a tournament that's it food pizza now to get back and return the back."
"Every high school friend had a friend who had the hot tub."
"We made salads for everyone. Look at little Indy, aw, such a sweetheart."
"It seems like you really just want to make sure that everyone involved is just having a good time."
"I'll tell you what, I think I should get the portable one out and do this as it was originally intended to be done according to the advert with all my friends out in the car because that's what looks like a lot of fun."
"Whether we're in a one-star restaurant or five-star restaurant, if we get to hang out with our friends, we are super lucky."
"We're following you, egg lady, the whole train is coming."
"A party with your friends is probably the best kind of party."
"It's like being invited to a party that you'd rather not attend."
"Every pub is a parliament... it's where we debate things."
"Soul food! Gotta give the people what they want. That's a good time right there."
"What a way to celebrate too, perfect day out here in Tampa Bay with the sun out, it's about 85 degrees, a little warm but for February but we'll take it at this point."
"By July 4th, there's a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together."
"This convention that happened over the weekend, one of the most bizarre things."
"Come on the Illuminati you went to last year before they let you stream with all the celebrity people and stuff remember that."
"For me, one of the best things you can have is knowing the right time to leave the party."
"No one else when he put out a dinner invitation this is who showed up."
"Family wise, there could be a few get-togethers or an invitation coming in."
"Beer Garden at Epcot is a Germany Buffet filled with laughter and music and the sound of glasses toasting together."
"NFTs are an invitation to an exclusive party."
"This person fits into any social gathering, they fit in with any crowd, you can take them anywhere and they just kind of blend right in and they truly know how to connect with everyone."
"Always go to your parties in groups and have a safe word with each other."
"Spread is guaranteed if there is one person who is infected in these parties, they will be infecting other people."
"The biggest crowd I've seen is the dream SMP crowd."
"I want it to be a beautiful train wreck and let's all drink to that."
"For a penny, you could buy a cup of coffee and spend hours listening to enlightening conversations."
"We would always have baked goods up for grabs... the reality was that we all bought it from Costco."
"Just show up and go with it. It's at the wedding. You don't need to know what's happening."
"Every once in a while, it turned into one, but it will always start with a funny story or reference."
"It's the best holiday because I get to hang out with the best people."
"It's just so nice to be in person with people."
"This salad is so fresh and refreshing tasting you could easily bring this to Summer parties and it would definitely be a crowd pleaser."
"Everybody is coming over, unfortunately they're not gonna be all dressed up."
"I'd rather pay you $12 million in yield than go to these fancy parties. That's how we're creating something much better."
"We got almost 3,500 people in here, we deep."
"Maybe Hazel was sick from work and that's why she didn't come in, but she wouldn't miss her bestie's party for the world."
"I always envisioned my kids being in high school and bringing their friends to our house and swimming at our house and hanging out at our house."
"People want to dance and they want to have fun."
"We're so late to the party we did, sort of. Now we're back at the party but we're all old and we weren't invited."
"Wine is Joy whether you're hosting or bringing a gift to someone else's party."
"2021 has been an interesting year but we are all looking forward to spending some time with our friends and family once again this holiday."
"It was amazing to be back with everyone and dancing and singing."
"White people taco night, yeah, it's white people taco night!"
"It's been awesome to see so many snow cats coming together with lots more on the way."
"And then just as importantly, we're going to need to have an arrangement of our favorite cheese-friendly foods."
"This fantastic rear garden is built for outdoor entertaining, makes it a perfect place to party with friends."
"Food just brings people together... no matter the size of the wedding sometimes you'll have like a large amount of catered food."
"You don't make friends eating salad, that's not what we're here for. It's Meat Church, we're here to make this stuff taste good."
"There's the guys that are successful have the money basically in one room."
"I hope you're all having a great holiday season with friends, family, and loved ones."
"Folks, I guess that's the end. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."
"S means I'll buy that, you'll buy it but maybe it's your go-to. It's my go-to, I'm having the girlies over, we're watching Sex in the City, I need ice cream to go with my wine."
"I've smashed this party literally. It's so cool."
"The popularity of it kind of caught me off guard because, you know, we'd go there, we'd sit for hours and hours and hours and hours."
"3:30 is perfect because you go, you have the 45 minute ceremony, you walk to the venue, and then you start the cocktail hour."
"We're like the little kids table guys, it's great to have you guys here joining us today."
"Everybody take a piece, we've got to celebrate you growing older."
"I just wrapped up my panel and uh my new friend Joe just said that they have a little gift for me"
"It's like always like where you have the most fun that's where the impromptu stuff happens."
"I want a dinner party so popping that you won't even think, like for you to think to take your phone and take a picture of whatever you're getting, that's a shitty dinner party."
"If you have $150, $100, $75, go to the grocery store, get a large portion of food, and tell your family to come over and y'all just sit and talk."
"Everybody wants Tony Stark to come to their party... he's the one we've seen throw parties."
"Every difference of opinion falls down in the company of a great cigar."
"Thank you again to Sarah for cooking and curating this feast!"
"Oh man, this is the type of place I just want to stand around and eat dosas all night long."
"Elevate your next gathering with a fondue feast!"
"It's not what it used to be but it's cool to be in the same room with a few people that mean a lot to you."
"Now that's a bear party! As for now, this bear is having a party for one."
"First of all, you need to look at the table and see what's missing. 'Cause you ever been there somewhere and then they had two or something, and you ain't know which one to trust?"
"This room it's not just a breakfast nook it also doubles up as our dining room and the cool thing about a round table is you can be shocked at how many people will fit at a round table."
"My perfect stag do would literally just be Avatar to the cinema with my friends."
"Let's have a good time, that's what it's all about."
"Okay beautiful, let's make sure everybody is getting in."
"You can't go wrong with meat and cheese at an adult party. Meat and cheese is always a hit. Salami and cheese, yeah, that's always, that's gonna go first."
"I love watching your videos every time I go shopping. I hear, 'That's not Bobby approved.'"
"Cheers Friday night, la chayama salud nostrovia strava! Every time you say it's Friday night, I think of Wayne's World."
"Join us, grab yourself a cup of tea or a snack, and we'll have a bit of a chat because we are friends when we gather at my table."
"I usually go to parties with my family, my coworkers, or my friends."
"I created Whoopi Prosecco. You can have a great time anywhere you are with friends and holidays are coming."
"He was Barry and everybody are coming over... we're just gonna show today."
"There are happy hours at the pub, the champagne bar, and the pool bar."
"We've managed to turn up to one of the biggest Honda meets in the country in a Volkswagen."
"This is like the perfect place for board game night."
"I look so different what'd your mom say she didn't she hasn't seen it yet I thought you went when children I went to the venue that's where everybody was and then she left you did we marry 16 years though basically."
"We'll get another round of guests in here and keep going as the evening continues."
"I'm so excited for tomorrow, we're gonna have so many fun days!"
"I want y'all to come see me on this big ol yacht... bring a gift, bring your anger, give and some positive energies and some jokes."
"That's just my kind of party. I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Your warmth counterbalances your cleverness, making you the ideal dinner party guest."
"I was never there so like yeah, it's like one of the like if you were hanging out I would have been there so I feel like I would have known about it."
"Incredible sunset with like hundreds and hundreds of people."
"It's so fun to be here, this is like the largest family reunion on the planet."
"Big smooch for pal Jaden Smith Bros catch up at Coachella."
"Wow, what a great turnout, man. I honestly wasn't expecting that."
"When a woman puts you in jail, now you gonna listen because all you got is to call her."
"Memories like this with cigars and great company, heirlooms like that, really are so meaningful."
"It is finally time for us to dig in and start eating so I gotta corral all these folks from all their small talk conversations."
"Political barbecues became a part of significant political movements throughout the U.S. in the 19th century."
"Let me down there with all my non-alcoholic beers shortly. How's everybody doing with those resolutions so far, huh?"
"From everybody that's shown up to the party today, it seems to be a non-issue."
"It really felt like everyone was at a party, having a good time."
"Sally always seems to get a lot of people with him."
"It was great fun and I'd like to start by saying thank you so much to everybody who took time out of their day."
"A Halloween party was crazy man, especially like leaving like my last Halloween party that I threw in Denver."
"You're invited to everything. All right, you can't come to a lot of things, you're invited to everything."
"That was honestly one of the best nights ever."
"Tonight's not just about some dance, it's about creating life-changing experiences for everyone."
"Enjoy guys, just have fun. Pile number three."
"It really is an honor, I heard there was bacon so I'm here."
"I know I'm pretending I'm jealous but in reality just seeing them all sat there makes me very very happy."
"Rent parties were cheap and authentic slices of Harlem that allowed Black residents to supplement their income and cultivate community culture."
"I'm dressed in something kind of festive because today is our um manche thanksgiving meal. Like our cook, Lou is making us like a thanksgiving dinner and we're able to sit downstairs so we wanted to like kind of dress up and make it fun."
"Just make sure they gather to a comfortable level for you."
"These outlets just to be clear they're not there they're not fair they no longer have the fans best interests in mind."
"Hold up wait a minute we need to talk about something because are you having a party over there and didn't even invite me?"
"The story of the unlikely friendship spread like wildfire and people from other villages started coming to witness the phenomenon."
"Honestly, we thought we were stopping for coffee and it just happened to be the beer tent."
"It's not a party without red Solo cups in the States."
"You know what's fun in the summer? Those street festivals where everyone lives in a [] and they go, 'Let's close each side of the [] off and get drunk right here.'"
"Just being together is what it's all about and I enjoy doing it and that's why I try to come to Ed's as much as I can."
"I feel like this would be a great space to utilize have dinners and just simply enjoy."
"Once you get invited to the block party, you stay."
"We can still have plans, we can still have little gatherings, we can still get dressed up and watch horror movies."
"Cheers to good friends, late friends always."
"Overall, the energy is beautiful, and I like what I see."
"I think it might be up there, from nearly causing a fire to overcooking the stuff to unappreciative guests."
"We've got to have a time at which we say okay, we're done now, we're going home."
"White folk always on a Saturday night would call all their slaves around the mansion just to entertain."
"Look guys listen, what we're going to do and we're not going to call them thugs these are just simply large Gatherings these are large Gatherings that are happening across the board and we need to engage our youth youth not criminalize them."
"Just pick a team and have a good [ __ ] time."
"I'm happy that you guys come and hang out because it's out of the house safely."
"I'm the one who invited our guests here today."
"There's this constant source of encouragement for people to gather."
"I mean, it's like watching an Ali-Frazier fight. Like, those are like, it's like, 'Oh, you can drink? Can you play drinking games? Beer pong, it is.'"
"When we see images of people out enjoying the sunshine in large groups, that is extremely concerning."
"When the boys are together, we're all gonna get our wieners and put them on display."
"Her parties were legendary and earned her the title the joy goddess of Harlem."
"It's been a tough few months for everybody. Let's pull everybody together and just talk."
"You can have everything you want and you can hold the best party for all your mates but when they come around and say where's the toilet and you say we just do it in the garage you've lost every house needs a toilet."
"It's very contagious, and when it finds other positive energy sources, it's like a freaking high energy party where no alcohol or anything is needed to get that high."
"We're gonna take another [] shot because that's what [] time it is, and we're celebrating."
"I love that there's silliness happening from the moment you pull up to Greg's house."
"Food brings people together, food makes people happy."
"You know what I heard? I heard Taco Tuesday. Did anybody else hear Taco Tuesday?"
"Karen's like I said definitely go all out for birthday parties. Cherry dressed up, she showed out, she definitely gets a Karen point for this."
"Let's do it again in real life, let's get together and let's do something fun."
"That was an absolute party. I mean genuinely, that's brilliant isn't it?"
"Imagine putting this on your table if you have just some friends over for dinner; you'd look like a rockstar."
"We intended to keep things clean and have a grand old time of it."
"It's a lot to work with here but we are loving how it's turning out and it's just a great place to hang out and have parties."
"Would you stop going to the family dinners or not?"
"Just how Wild are these Clive Davis' parties?"
"There's a lot of celebration with family and friends, you've succeeded."
"We're always the people having the most fun there."
"Our wedding was mostly filled with our friends, it made it more intimate."
"You're not just winning, you're winning. It's brunch with your girls while your girl crushes it."
"It's your birthday. Having a party with lots of friends will sure be fun. Let's invite everyone to the house."
"It was just a regular old house party, this thing was not normal actually."
"Inky's children love to have a good time, laugh, and be the life of the party."
"The Sweet Lounge offers complimentary drinks in the evening and also offers hors d'oeuvres in the evening."
"When I think about just having a good and fun time, I think about these."
"There's nothing better than doing that when you're kind of hammered."
"Everyone had glow sticks. I mean, it was just like a big party."
"I love having people over and now that we're kind of towards the end of our renovation in this house I'm so excited to host again and just have family and friends here all the time."
"His positivity will just shine throughout the night for sure."
"The best way to have a cozy home is to actually invite people inside of it."
"Enjoy the party. Let's let the good times roll."
"Oh, mourning, shared sadness, all right, grow up, it's party time."
"Had ourselves a fantastic day, but above all else, G-bud."
"I'm about to sit through another Father's Day brunch where everyone is eating eggs and bacon but you bet I'll be happy munching on my toast, avocados, and fruit."