
Human Consciousness Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The unconscious is pure nature, and like nature, pours out its gifts in profusion, but left to itself, and without the human response from consciousness, it can again, like nature, destroy its own gifts and sooner or later sweep them into annihilation."
"The flame of human consciousness... there does seem to be something quite special about us humans."
"The likelihood that there exists another being with more capabilities than you is one; the likelihood that we exist as the epitome of conscious thought is an absurdity."
"Understanding some of this...would bring about an expansion of human consciousness."
"The most rewarding thing you can do with your life is to answer profound questions because you have been gifted to be born as the most advanced, most conscious life form that we know of."
"I've never found it possible to dismiss the content of religious thinking as simply part of an outmoded phase in the consciousness of mankind, a part we shall have to give up from now on."
"Dostoevsky grappled with this idea throughout his life and he called consciousness as a disease."
"The entire franchise is one long meditation on the nature of human consciousness."
"If you can send a von Neumann probe out, why not do it as a digit-uploaded human consciousness or a big hard drive full of them?"
"Of all the things to judge consciousness, us humans are better... we're empathy machines."
"A monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness."
"An atheistic worldview puts considerable constraints on you... we are the very privileged owners of a brief spark of consciousness."
"In the radiance of your light, your consciousness, in your radiance, millions of minds are floating around like motes of dust."
"What inspires me the most is that God chose me to have this experience to be able to vocalize something very profound in our consciousness and in our time on earth as humans."
"Ford finally reveals the true purpose of the Delos secret project which is to make human beings immortal by like decoding their mind and understanding it."
"CSETI explores the potential of human consciousness as a bridge for communication with non-hostile extraterrestrial intelligences."
"We are elevating human consciousness through the bringing together of this connection."
"Animals survive their physical form, while humans survive the information in their consciousness."
"There's a mysterious connection between ET phenomena, human consciousness, and ancestral and shamanic knowledge."
"Earth's beauty lies in its variety and the diversity of its people and consciousness."
"To unveil the truth about the existence of extraterrestrial life would change human consciousness."
"We all share this thing that scientists call consciousness."
"The Talos Principle delves into philosophical questions about humanity and consciousness amidst solving puzzles."
"Every gesture of love, every moment of understanding, and every act of healing contribute significantly to the collective elevation of human consciousness."
"The more we are conscious of these energies and work with them intentionally, the more we can open up to what it means to be more than just what we thought or expected the human experience to be about."
"Human consciousness is one of the greatest mysteries of existence."
"The metaverse is part of the 2045 initiative, so their end goal is to have your consciousness in a computer. Permanent slaves."
"What we need is action, what we need is a plan to shift human consciousness forward." - Maxwell Egan
"We are going to become much more aware that we are multi-dimensional beings."
"Nietzsche had the overall structure of his picture of human beings, of the relatively small role that consciousness plays in human life."
"Human consciousness rises above these anomalies and sees right through it."
"Humanity is realizing that it's all connected."
"Our large association cortex thinking fully conscious brain appeared some 2 million years ago—almost all those years we've been conscious, with no ability to explain why we corrupted our original innocent instinctive self."
"What matters for human beings is not that they're presently conscious but they're the kind of being who can be conscious."
"Humanity must step into the phase beyond self-awareness, which is hyper-awareness."
"The world will change if every human being starts to wake up and intend for the betterment of man."
"If Frodo is all of us, Frodo represents the human consciousness."
"Human consciousness is just an elaborate mating call—all these brilliant creations throughout humanity, that's all it is, peacock feathers."
"Wilson's focus on and examination of the nature of human consciousness gave him insight into a wide range of human behavior."
"All humans are connected underneath the surface of things; there's one human consciousness."
"Here's what interests me: as science continues to progress, what happens to foundational questions? The mysteries of existence and human sentience."
"The transformation of human consciousness is a very interesting theme for people and it's central to our ideas too."
"His mission is to distill the essential wisdom on human consciousness found in the world's various spiritual traditions."
"Lyra is called the home of human consciousness for a reason."
"The mind of man somehow transcends the space-time limitations of the physical world."
"It's not the fact that humans have forgotten that they are gods; the human consciousness is the forgetfulness of being a god."
"The cruelest gift in the world, I think, is the distinctly human ability to partly comprehend one's own consciousness."