
Spells Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Grimoires have a lot of different useful utility functions and a couple of beefy spells."
"Intellect increases the area of effect and duration of spells... leading to some interesting questions."
"Armor of Agathys gives you 5 temporary HP and deals 5 cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack."
"It's absolutely the perfect spell for Elemental."
"These are fantastically creative spells, and there's so much so that I'm actually disappointed by how often players don't get to take them because they end up taking one or a few damage-dealing cantrips."
"You can freeze time and still cast your spells and things like that. It was really cool."
"The transformation spell is extremely good...transforms enemies into explosive barrels that do massive damage."
"I tested newly acquired spells, including thunderbolts and explosion."
"Some are riffs on things previously done in the series, but others feel like genuinely novel ways to mix spells, alchemy, and weapons."
"Rangers have spells like hunters Mark, Zephyr strike, conjure animals, and Swift quiver that make them stand out as a powerful class."
"Minor Illusion is one of the best and most creative cantrips out there."
"I love rare Frost as a little Battlefield control spell."
"This is one of the best cantrips if you want to combine damage dealing in Battlefield control."
"unforgivable spells felt genuinely powerful in the game."
"Dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells."
"Can I hit him with this magic missiles? You got a magic missile that is an automatic hit."
"Spells are in a better spot than melee in general."
"Bestow curse is a sneaky way to stack debuffs on top of a single target because it bypasses the concentration mechanic when you use a higher-level spell slot for it."
"I mean who doesn't love Leomund's tiny hut right? It is a really badass spell."
"This subclass is saying to you, 'Hey, guess what? Double the number of spells known as a sorcerer.'"
"Interesting things I mentioned about the gauntlet, I mentioned about spells. All of these are sort of supernatural parts."
"Having your house infested by ants is one thing, don't let someone cast an ant multiplication spell or trap, you'll be in hell."
"Cloud of daggers, it's a really strong control AOE spell."
"Counter any spell there is, with a trade-off."
"Remember that a small spell in the right place can make all the difference in the world."
"He used third tier spell the flame dragon King's breath."
"Twin disintegrate yeah or maybe twin finger of death that also can pretty cool pretty potent damage dealing."
"I think the other big thing is obviously this one being a multi-hit spell the multi-hit nature as always has the potential for knocking on me down for a stagger."
"Target creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control."
"Baldur's Gate 3 will have over 600 player spells and sub-spells at launch."
"A spell is basically whenever your hero wills something to happen into the world, and it does."
"We can visually see Ron getting better at casting spells as he swishes his wand the right way."
"This was a magician who could use offensive and defensive spells and was also excellent with a sword."
"Including multicolored spells in your decks allows you to access more powerful spells due to their complex casting cost."
"Forbidden spells are so super user-friendly."
"...every single spell is at least an A- spell on the druid spell list."
"Spiritual weapon is pretty unique among spells in that it can give us damage round after round for a whole minute but doesn't require concentration."
"Web can be a really powerful control spell... you should be able to get at least a couple of enemies in the area on most fights."
"The inconsistency of incantations."
"Words are spells, they definitely are. That's why they call it spelling, that's why it's casting."
"Plant Growth is the most slept-on spell in D&D fifth edition."
"Spells are used for breaking enchantments as well as for inducing them, and you and I have need of the strongest spell that can be found to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness."
"The time-free spell was only available to peacekeepers. It was powerful and extremely dangerous if not used correctly."
"This guide will teach you how to craft spells that resonate with your distinctive energy."
"Raven uses her spells to protect the group."
"Kido spells are categorized into three types: bakudo, hado, and kaido. They are graded on a scale from 1 to 99, the higher the grade, the more powerful it is."
"Every time you begin to speak or even type words, you're casting a spell."
"Every single spell will do one of those three things, just in different ways."
"Convenient ways to begin magic is through the casting of a spell; anyone can perform spells because they do not require any specific amount of space, elaborate equipment, or special training."
"...there's no such thing as a simple spell...there's just too much in there for me to be able to just give you something that will instantaneously guaranteed work."
"There's only so much you can read about spells before you actually just need to do the spell to know what it's like."
"Memory make magic essentially allows the user to take spells that they've read about or seen and create brand new spells by mixing them together, giving the caster the ability to create new and original and unique spells on the fly."
"What are the best spells for sustained damage purposes?"
"Spells are for me intention and prayer matched with visualization and physical action."
"Words have meaning definitionally words are spells"
"If god gave you the gift of beauty why is somebody else here trying to do a spell to take it away from you? They're not doing this to you they're literally yeah they're affecting your health here."
"...the starting feature evocation savant now actually gives you some evocation spells."
"Fifth level spells I mean hold monster synaptic static so good wall of force wall of stone fantastic there's so much goodness to choose from here pick your favorites."
"She said that she got out mother's book the one with the spells after trying to find something that would rip this thing she said that it was too confusing so she put it back."
"I knew your spells would come in handy."
"If you can get this method down, you will no longer have to worry about whether you're going to find the right spell or which spell book to buy to find the right working."
"Spells, rituals, and energies, they can only do so much. They're an assistant. They can't grant you things on a silver platter. They can only help improve your chances."
"I'll bring me wand along and teach you all the spells anyway."
"The foolish small little spells could change a person's life."
"I read a ton during that time and I would say by the time I was about 14 to 15... I was actually like, set up the altar in my room and was casting spells and doing all of that kind of stuff."
"I definitely considered myself a white witch... I wouldn't hurt anybody, so essentially most of the spells were about seeking... wisdom, direction, or understanding about your world or about people in it."
"The class system is actually like really extensive. You have a ton of spell combinations."
"So, if you're saying spelling is spellcasters, so does that mean there are words people shouldn't be saying? Yes, because they can cast bad spells. Correct."
"The dumber the rhyme, the cooler the spell."
"Fading Hope isn't that just the bounce spell?"
"These lines here are protection spells, the other ones are spells meant to shield something."
"Pink candles are used in spells for friendship, love, and romance."
"The handbook of ritual power contains a variety of magical spells and formulas, including love spells, spells for curing black jaundice, and instructions on how to perform an exorcism."
"Mystic Force Rangers cast incredibly powerful spells left and right."
"The beautiful thing about spells is completion."
"I don't agree with love spells; I feel like people should naturally love each other."
"Whenever you cast a non-legendary creature spell, copy that spell."
"She can do any spell she wants just by saying her desired outcome but she can only use a spell once."
"What is white magic? A collective term for auxiliary spells and defensive magic."
"Positivity spells, because a lot of people can go through some pretty negative days sometimes."