
Dirty English Quotes

Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills

"Love is a knife that cuts out your heart piece by piece, feeding it to the boy you love."
"No one’s splitting hairs here, besides my lines get better the more I drink."
"It’s funny—every time I see a dragonfly, I think it’s my mum’s spirit."
"Don’t think I’m not into you. It’s not a good idea."
"You shocked the hell out of me, you know. It was surprisingly … earnest and cute."
"Elizabeth Bennett was the most awkward person to ever come to a frat party."
"I wasn’t here to meet some girl and start something. I didn’t need the distraction."
"He was crazy in love with her, and she had no clue. Or did she?"
"Most of our relationship had been based on sex."
"I took my frustrations out on the punching bag at the gym, not on girls."
"I don’t mind a little dirt. Improves your immune system. I ate it daily as a toddler."
"Why don’t you just confess you were staring at my brother and Nadia?"
"I should never have come to this party in the first place. I’m way out of my comfort zone."
"I wasn’t even listening to him, focusing instead on breathing."
"I’d wanted to be a normal college kid for a night."
"I’m dying and your father is coming to take you away."
"You will apply for law school at Harvard like you should."
"I’d managed to avoid a lot of them by staying at Shelley’s most nights."
"I hadn’t seen her in nearly four months, and we only lived three hours apart."
"You can’t do this. It’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard."
"Revenge is hard when the person I blamed the most was myself."
"Raised voices came from a booth in the back of the restaurant."
"No," she said, a look of desperation flickering across her face. "Just get me out of here before I say something I’ll regret."
"You’re hurting, Elizabeth. Sometimes, it helps to talk."
"You want me to talk? I’ll talk. I’ll tell you that my whole life is ruined and some days it’s all I can do to remember the girl I used to be."
"I’m nice to you because you’re worth it, Elizabeth."
"Don’t be that way. You’re acting like a baby."
"He’s a Neanderthal?" "Most people do, but bro here is a sucker for poems and sonnets, boring tosh that makes me want to shoot myself."
"I don’t believe in the perfect woman, just the right woman."
"She’s defensive—because of her family—and it affects her relationship with Darcy. She assumes he’s a rich arsehole when he’s actually in love with her."
"No way in hell would I ever let a girl distract me."
"I swallowed, feeling the invisible wires that pulled me toward him. I threw caution to the wind."
"Big moments happen with the smallest of actions, and sometimes it’s not until later we connect the dots."
"Your scars are beautiful. It means you survived. It means you’re here with me."
"Everything I’d ever wanted was right in front of me."
"I’m sorry. Mum never took chemo. There wasn’t time or any reason to."
"You could be English royalty. Heck, your name is already Elizabeth—wasn’t she a queen or something?"
"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Elizabeth, absolutely nothing."
"Hard to believe with the pedigree he obviously had, but some girls are hardwired to never be happy, and Nadia was one of them."
"I ran my eyes over Nadia, my heart and head both affirming that I wasn’t in love with her anymore. I doubted I ever had been."
"Elizabeth straightened her shoulders and cleared her throat. 'The truth is, I made a pact freshman year to never date while at Whitman.'"
"My entire body went on alert. Colby Scott? What the hell?"
"I sank back in my seat, rage and anger building. Colby Scott. I repeated it in my head."
"I’m not nice. You’re simply extremely annoying."
"You’re running, Elizabeth, but it won’t do you any good. You can’t fight what we have."
"I’ve known since the frat party that we have a connection. There’s a magnet in my chest that’s drawn to yours."
"God, for once in your life, do the right thing and forget him," I snapped. "Stop ruining my life to get what you want!"
"I don’t care what other people think and you’ve made your own way at Whitman—which sounds a lot like Declan—but you’re also completely gorgeous and unaware of it."
"I watched her until she got to the street, her lonely figure hunched over as she checked the crosswalk and then crossed hurriedly, headed for the carpark."
"I just wanted to see where we could go from here."
"I wanted her in my skin. I wanted her in my soul. And I wanted in hers."
"I went out to the balcony to sit for a while, and Declan had been out on his, his elbows propped up on the railing, his bare chest glistening in the moonlight."
"There’s no point in chasing a dream if it doesn’t want you back."
"Being with someone just because they're available is wrong. And it doesn't fix the loneliness."
"The clarity hit me. I wasn’t just falling in love; I’d gone completely over the edge."
"Nothing was ever enough to forget her, not really."
"Living with my dad had shaped me into the guy I was now. Tough. Hard. But underneath, I’ve longed for the deep love between two people."
"Don’t manipulate me. We have issues to work through."
"I want to be the blanket that covers you when you are cold."
"Whatever it takes to make you happy, I'm here."
"I’m the guy who’s going to take you up against this wall. I’m going to bury my cock in you and own your body and you’re going to love it. But I’m not going to hurt you. Ever."
"I had plans, Elizabeth. Hell, I had plans for the good life."
"Loving Declan was like the rain storms I loved to dance in. Crazy and unpredictable, sometimes turbulent, sometimes gentle."
"I want all of it—all the blood, sweat, and tears—no matter what dream you decide to follow. I’m here. Forever."
"You think you can touch me? Don’t you know who I am?"
"No jerk-off southern good ole boy is going to try to kill my son and think he’s going to get away with it."
"When I get out of this hospital bed, I am taking you away from this town and we are going to be alone, without the gym or uni or family or anything. I have some things to show you."
"I’m yours, Declan, and I will do my best to make you happy and never live with any stupid regrets. I promise you I will always focus on the future."
"Love is never perfect, in fact, it’s the exact opposite of perfect, but that’s okay, because it gives you room to grow and explore."
"Loving you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me."
"You and me, we got this. I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving you."
"Happiness is simply collecting and remembering all the good moments in your life, kinda like beads on a necklace."
"Maybe happiness is just finding a little bit of okay."
"But, she’d surprised me. Amused, I watched the reactions of the country club audience, most with their mouths gaping open, staring at the girl who’d just dissed the elite of BA."
"I’ve stood in front of the podium too long because I can see Mother glaring at me, covertly motioning with her hands for me to start."
"I’ve finally stepped off the razor’s edge I’d been walking for years."
"You're older which means more experienced. I bet you'd blow them right out of the water."
"I'm not a virgin, you know. I've been with other guys, some good at fucking, some not."
"I don’t care how many douchebags you’ve fucked."
"You tell me your age and I’ll tell you mine."
"Cover up, Nora. I don’t do spoiled, rich girls."
"If you won’t tell me your age, I’ll just have to figure it out on my own."
"Of course, it’s getting harder to tell someone’s age now because people take better care of themselves."
"I'm good at observing people: body language, mannerisms, how they talk, style of clothing, everything."
"What kind of girl strips for a guy she just met?"
"I'm not waiting for the right girl because she doesn't exist."
"You’re a naked girl, and I’m a grown-ass man. I’m walking out of this room while I still can."
"Sometimes I dream my family is dead, and it's not a nightmare."
"Pretty’s good. Smart isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be."
"He packs a mean wallop to the head when you least expect it. I only keep him around ’cause he can cook."