
Significance Quotes

Significance by Shelly Crane

"I waited for this day, for this one thing to complete me."
"I felt like I’d slid by and barely made it, which was exactly what I’d done."
"Love is blind, love does not boast, love is not vain."
"You don’t love people for what they can give you. You don’t love them because of what they do for you or how good you make them look."
"I’m sorry for how I acted, but it doesn’t change anything does it? You’re still leaving."
"There’s no one to call. Your parents? A boyfriend? My dad won’t come and my boyfriend and I- Well, we aren’t together anymore."
"You’re doing a good thing, staying with your dad while he needs you."
"It’s so new, it’s hard on us. Our imprints don’t want to be apart."
"Because you are my significant, my soul mate, and I’m yours."
"You don’t have anything to be sorry about. You can’t control it."
"You are too good for him, even your parents, if they can’t see how great you are."
"You complete each other, two halves to one circle. You are no better matched physically, mentally, temperamentally, spiritually and by abilities than with your significant."
"It’s not one sided, it only works when both people choose the other."
"My Aces love banana pudding. Well, my Aces do anyway."
"All an imprint is, is our souls seeing what’s perfectly right for it in someone else."
"I’m not going to rush you to understand everything. But other people don’t get to decide who you are to me, not even your parents."
"It happens, especially the first few days after an imprinting."
"I felt so put together, so content. He was like a balm to every sore."
"If you’d spent less time trying to get her to go out with you, you wouldn’t feel this way about someone who doesn’t belong to you."
"But it’s not going to happen to me, is it? You’re the special one and I’ll be stuck alone forever."
"It’s ok." I needed to flee the eyes. "Can we talk, later?"
"Everything will be fine," he crooned soothingly. "And I’ll see you very soon."
"She stood up off the steps and came to stand in front of me. 'Mags, you know better than that. I’m a glutton for drama and baggage. You know this,' she joked but stepped forward a little and looked at me seriously. 'You could have talked to me.'"
"Your mom is a skeez for leaving, but your dad has no right to treat you like this just because he’s angry or depressed or whatever. He needs to chill and take a Prozac. He’s still your dad. He still has responsibilities."
"I don’t see how that’s possible," I muttered and then realized I’d said it out loud. I pressed my lips together and he smiled. "So, you’ll be with me when it happens and it won’t hurt?"
"I understand," Caleb said. "I feel how confused you are. It’s fine. Maybe he’s just waking up. I told you it probably wouldn’t last forever."
"I loved her with everything I had and she gave me no reason, no real reason, for leaving."
"But I love you so much. It took me seeing you walking out that door with someone who could actually take you away for me to remember that."
"I felt utterly at his mercy. My heart ached with wanting."
"You just look so much like her and are so independent, I just assumed you didn’t need me or didn’t want me like she didn’t."
"I know it sucked for us both when mom left, but you more than me."
"You won’t die, silly human! You’ll be in agony, but you won’t die."
"He loves her already," he said and I fought not to gasp. "I can see it."
"You’re always so warm," I muttered sleepily and put one of my legs under his.
"They need each other. I just don’t know how to control it."
"He’s a genius. He can name any capitol of any city in the world."
"They’re just happy for us and hoping that the imprints are coming back."
"I mean, I couldn’t go to sleep. What was I supposed to do?"
"You’re family now. Anything that’s ours is yours."
"It’s not like we can’t read each other's thoughts and feelings anyway."
"It’s useless. It’s not like I could actually steal you from him."
"Every male that had ascended from the clan attended on a monthly basis."
"I’m fine," I lied so he wouldn’t spend all night checking on me. "Thanks."
"It’s ok, Dad. I forgave you, that means it’s done. Don’t worry about it, you’re more than making up for it now."
"Of course I am." I felt the push of his mind peeking in mine, the fuzzy tingle.
"You were amazing. Even I can’t kick that high."
"Yeah. That teaching karate into my mind thing was pretty handy."
"We’ll talk in the morning. Go to sleep. Sweetheart."
"Only because you handled yourself. I wasn’t there to keep you safe."
"You understand that I have to keep you safe, right? It hurts to think about you in harm."
"In the words of some really beautiful smart girl I know, just give me what I want."
"I’m allergic to kiwi, but it’s ok because I don’t really like kiwi anyway."
"Human girls are so...different. Demanding and independent and there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s just not the way of our kind."
"He’s handling everything so well, as are you. He’ll stop at nothing to make you happy, Maggie. Know that. You don’t have to worry about mundane things anymore."
"I’ve had a lot of spare time...waiting for you."
"I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. Like everything is happening around me and I’m just standing in the middle."
"If that’s what it took to give you your life back, I would go back and never have touched you."
"You make me feel like everything in my life has been for a reason."
"I know you think that and I’d like to, but what if the echoling never stops? What if Marcus never stops? I don’t know what I’d do."
"I’m so sorry. I wish I’d paid more attention at the ceremony now. I might have remembered you from when you crossed the stage."
"He sighed in relief against my lips at the contact and release of coiled emotions."
"It’s ok. I’m not worried about Ashley. I’m not worried about anything."
"I knew he was it for me and there was no point in waiting, but I was only seventeen."
"I’m sorry to have to do this to you, but we can’t allow the Jacobsons to have the power over us anymore."
"It felt so right to be there in his arms. Wherever he was is where I needed and wanted to be."
"Until Caleb stops looking for you and forgets about ascending."
"The slamming door was like a nail in my coffin."
"I could already feel the ache in my back and legs for him."
"My head pounded behind my eyes, blood rushing in my ears so loud I could barely hear myself speak."
"No, you’re supposed to see why we hate the Jacobson clan."
"We could so be friends if you weren’t the enemy."
"I’m sorry. They did something to me. Can’t stay awake."
"I love you, too. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before."
"The next time you’re alone I’d put those clothes on Marla gave you if I were you."
"Why them again when the rest of us have plenty of willing and waiting people to claim their mates and abilities?"
"Just go. I want to get dressed and I don’t really want you to watch me while I sit and cry in pain…that you caused me."
"But as soon as our connection broke, I felt like cold water had been thrown on me."
"I lay there in a heap and I screamed. I cried. I yelled. I cursed."
"I believed his words. That he’d keep my father safe and would never stop looking for me."
"I don’t know where I am. A cell or basement maybe?"
"I choked. I didn’t want to tell him how scared I was."
"I will find you...promise. I love...Magg...you’re scared. Don’t be. I love you."
"I woke up again some time later with the worse headache of my life."
"If this was Harry Potter, he’d definitely be in Slytherin."
"Why you? Why him? Of all the clans to pick from, why the Jacobson’s again?"
"I had no idea how long it would take them to get here to the Watson compound."
"I saw a shed or cabin ahead of me. I felt hope soar then plummet."
"I prayed I could keep myself calm as I waited for them to find me or not."
"I don’t know," he spoke into my hair, "but I don’t care."
"I’m not leaving you for anything. You are staying right here."
"I love you, Maggie," he whispered, his lips moved against my cheek.
"It’s ok." I turned back to Rodney and took a step forward to hug him. "Thank you. Really."
"Dad, I promise you we will be fine. We’ll sleep on the couch, nothing else, and won’t runaway into the sunset before you can get up."
"You’re beautiful, inside and out. I’m so sorry if I ever made you doubt that."
"She may have abandoned me but she left you, Dad."
"What kind of chance did people who loved each other have if they had to worry about the other person flipping out and leaving you one day for no apparent reason."
"You’re stronger than you were but you’re still not Wonder Woman."
"It’s probably best if he finds out sooner than later."
"Your happiness is more important than a secret."
"It makes me happy to spend money on the ones you love. Let me."