
Forever With You Quotes

Forever With You by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"What was in the box was way too precious to drop."
"Thank God and all His—or Her—trumpet blaring angels that my place was ground level."
"The lopsided grin reappeared. 'I moved in yesterday.'"
"If you get bored . . . or want to rethink your ability to string curse words together on demand, you should come visit me."
"I was a hundred percent full supporter of no-strings-attached hookups."
"You’re the type of girl who knows she fucking stops traffic just by walking outside. You own it."
"I had no idea what to make of the conversation with Roxy. I still felt like I was missing something."
"I don’t think you understand how this game works, Nick."
"I’d rather get stuck at an airport during a snowstorm."
"Contrary to popular belief, beauty should not equal pain."
"I wasn’t going to meet anyone sitting in my apartment, marathoning all the seasons of Supernatural."
"I’d rather pluck each stray hair on my body one by one instead."
"I’ve never regretted anything that I’ve done. Until now."
"I think it’s pretty cool you have the lady balls to do it."
"Women are each other’s worst enemy, you know?"
"Like, just because I strip, I want to get with their goofy ass husbands."
"If doing that and having safe and fun times with available dudes makes me a slut, I have no problem getting that tattooed on my middle finger."
"He didn’t set up ground rules or something before you all got down to business?"
"Having a rule where a girl can’t go back to the bar after sleeping with him is about the dumbest thing I’d ever heard of."
"I just think he’s not relationship material."
"Nick was like a jigsaw puzzle where the most intricate pieces had been misplaced."
"I wasn’t a coward. I could face this, no matter what."
"No matter how many times I counted, the end result wasn’t going to change."
"No matter what you choose, no matter what option you’re going to go with, I will love and support you either way."
"Was that seriously an instruction that needed to be given to someone?"
"Actually, that wasn’t true. When I was fifteen and there were two men in pristine, dignified uniforms knocking on our front doors. When I stood on the stairs and the blood had drained from my mother’s face when she saw them, I had felt helpless then."
"Never in my life did I feel so... so helpless."
"We’ll figure this out. You and I. Together. We can do this."
"I wasn’t just scared of having a baby... I was scared of the entire monumental change it represented."
"Maybe this attraction, the simmering chemistry, would transform into something far, far deeper."
"I'm the lucky one. You didn't make a decision about this baby without involving me. You didn't take that choice away from me."
"This is something I know you don't know, but I never thought I'd have a child. Not because I didn't want one, but because I just... I just never thought it would happen."
"Friends don't kiss like that and friends sure as fuck don't come like you did around my cock and my fingers."
"So what’s going on with you and Nick? What she means is that Nick hasn’t hooked up with another chick since you strolled into Mona’s."
"Financially I’m doing okay, but with the baby coming, I need to really start thinking about the future."
"There’s no excuse for me not to do online classes."
"It’s not easy to even think about him passing."
"You have no idea how long I’ve been planning for this."
"Being pregnant didn’t mean I needed to sequester myself."
"That was how he kissed, and it was like touching on forever."
"We didn’t make plans to see each other like I imagined normal couples did."
"Nick, you know none of what happened was your fault, right?"
"It’s my superpower. Making girls want to drop their panties."
"You want to know that he actually wants to be with you, with or without the baby."
"Generations and generations before us weren’t online on mommy boards or WebMD."
"We need to get all this stuff. That’s a lot of stuff. And where am I going to put all of it?"
"It wasn’t guilt or remorse, nothing like that, because no one had ever done anything wrong or to be ashamed of. It was more like a bit of the wall between me and the two girls had finally snapped in half. They accepted me and I accepted them."
"All the pregnancy related stuff I’d looked at, exhaustion was fairly common, but I hadn’t thought it would be this bad. All I wanted to do was sleep."
"You take one step toward me and I swear to God I will kick your balls so hard they’ll end up in your throat."
"There’s nothing to say," I whispered, looking away. "You’re wrong," he said, and hope sparked deep in my chest. "We lost a baby—"
"I knew they weren’t the only reasons. I’d fallen for Nick, fallen so deep, and this baby was what had brought us together—was what stuck us together, and now that wasn’t there."
"My heart skipped a beat. The scent . . . the scent was so familiar, so right."
"It’s all right not to be okay. I’m not okay either. I’m not."
"You’re breaking my heart, Stephanie. Stop apologizing. It’s ripping me apart."
"I wanted to be different for you—I wanted everything to be different for you, and that was before we knew you were pregnant," he said, his shoulders hunching as he shook his head. "I just didn’t think I was capable of being that person."
"I don’t know, honestly I don’t, but I like to think we would’ve found our way to each other."
"But we were really good at it when we didn’t even know we were doing it."
"You know what? We got each other. No matter what. There is a you and me. And that is all we need right now."
"It's going to be hard. I know it is. For both of us."
"A tragedy is a tragedy, no matter what, but I’ve learned that it doesn’t define who we are and it doesn’t weaken us. It makes us stronger."
"In that kiss were all the words I had so desperately wanted him to speak all those months ago."