
The 19th Christmas Quotes

The 19th Christmas by James Patterson

"He could have lost the wallet, Boxer, or it could have been stolen or thrown there to make us think that Lambert was dead."
"It isn’t scientific, but detectives solve cases with hunches."
"The banner in the long plate-glass window of the Soigne Gallery announced a special Christmas exhibition and sale."
"My partner and I, wearing our SFPD Windbreakers over chinos, stood out like soccer players who’d blundered onto the stage at an opera."
"Compared with armored trucks and banks, the Soigne Gallery was vulnerable and as sweet a hit as a chocolate cake with icing roses."
"We have amazing security," Charles Linden told us.
"Home. A beautiful word, calling up clean clothes, hugs and kisses, shared news of the day over dinner, and then blessed sleep."
"Sitting in this waiting room was like being wrapped in sheets of broken glass."
"Megan Rafferty was too smart for this, yet here she was."
"He smiled to himself. They’d be getting by in Zurich by the end of the week, living in a great rental under assumed names, wanting for nothing."
"He imagined the shot going through his head, pictured himself falling to the floor, becoming part of another of Loman’s violent tableaux."
"I pictured Joe and me sleeping in these chairs, holding hands in this very room when Julie was an infant with a rare disease, not knowing if our tiny baby would survive to see her first birthday."
"Together they picked out some device chargers and games, and Loman waited as the girl gift-wrapped them. She seemed to enjoy making the square corners, tucking them in, taping them down."
"Julie climbed onto a chair to check the plate of cookies we’d left for Mr. Claus. She didn’t have to know that Joe and I had scarfed them down only minutes ago."
"It was a West Coast version of a snow globe and featured a beautiful starfish surrounded by drifts of glittering sand and tiny shells."
"He remembered a play he’d read in school called Death of a Salesman. The main character was Willy Loman."
"It was only seven in the morning, but I’d gotten eight solid hours of sleep in my husband’s arms."
"I had no sense of foreboding, no thoughts that I would be jumping into my car and heading toward trouble today."
"I said, 'Rich, what are we looking for? We have a bunch of pieces and parts that add up to a big fat pile of nothing.'"
"I thought how damned easy it was for anyone to bring anything into an airport terminal."
"I clicked off, and moments later a bullhorn cleared its throat with an electronic squeal and a voice announced, 'This is SFPD. We need everyone to evacuate the building right now.'"
"Conklin and I blocked the shattered side entrance to protect the murder scene."
"Rich and I yelled in unison, 'Hands in the air!'"
"His gun clattered to the floor. He raised his hands high over his head and shouted at us, 'Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot!'"
"I arrested him on suspicion of murder and read him his rights."
"We had a search warrant for his house, but so far nothing incriminating had turned up."
"We didn’t yet have proof that Loman had murdered anyone or kidnapped Bavar, but we were prepared to work on him until the sun came up—or until he said, 'Get me my lawyer.'"
"We might be able to help you with the shooting if you tell us where to find Mr. Bavar."
"I shot him. I shot Russell. It was self-defense."
"Joe kissed Lindsay good-bye as she left for the station, walked Julie to the pre-K school bus, and then sat down at his desk."
"We were all finally off duty. Mayor Caputo had commended Conklin, Brady, and me for going above and beyond the call with Lomachenko."
"Joe opened his arms to her, and she went to him. He felt her shaking as he enveloped her in a hug."