
Born In Fire Quotes

Born In Fire by K.F. Breene

"The sticky-sweet night embraced me like a satisfied lover."
"Black was my favorite color, if I had to choose. It hid stains."
"I’m not the kind of girl sane men hit on, bro."
"Friends shouldn’t keep secrets from each other."
"Intent on getting to the bottom of this, I adjusted my bra."
"I really shouldn’t pick on the poor guy, but he was a thorn in my side."
"She works out a whole lot, yes. Hence the display."
"I swore silently and stared out at the street."
"This confrontation wasn’t playing out how I’d hoped."
"Bloodsuckers? Really? Every vampire TV show ever called—they want their catchphrases back."
"That’s all I’ve got, kid. Sorry about the vamp trouble. Ain’t nobody got time for that."
"I don’t know if anyone told you, but these drinks are strong."
"Men aren’t islands because they want someone to do all the domestic stuff for them."
"I am definitely hiding from something. Coworkers. They get in my way."
"Thank you for the cache of mediocre spells, Big C. I will use them in your memory."
"You’re really capable, which is good, because I should warn you that he had friends."
"That vamp had stolen my livelihood, and now he was suckering me into working for him."
"I wouldn’t make it out of here alive, but I’d make sure you didn’t, either."
"I am supposed to kill you, right? We aren’t getting ready for a thumb war?"
"How does the weight of that ego not crush your spine?"
"I’m not about to stand up to the elves. No way."
"Each potentially bonded subject is scrutinized by a middle-level vampire or higher, for what they can offer us."
"Only the very best, or very influential, are noticed."
"Magical people aren’t as guarded as thoroughly as humans."
"While you are involved in this investigation, you are protected from the follow-through of these rules."
"Light makes everything shine and sparkle. The room is much more magnificent that way."
"The selection of a bond-mate is a steep price to pay for any benefits."
"We live in eternal night. It is our natural habitat, after all."
"Vampires are not a product of any of the religions. As such, their murmurings do not affect us."
"It was because of religious-fueled hostility that I was made."
"I almost can’t believe you’ve touched down in the world of mortals."
"It is not my place to teach you civility, but the mistress saved your life. A thank you wouldn’t go amiss."
"I assume you can understand me, since you just turned, so…thank you. Really. You did save my life."
"Given that there are thousands of myths about them, Brink-wide, the secret isn’t wholly kept."
"Magic has great perks, but with it comes great pitfalls."
"When you are on the correct side, the elves are fair, usually."
"I get it. Accidental death is a real bummer in my trade."
"If the sword marries to you, it will only work for you, and it will work better than any sword prepared for you by the hacks you usually work with."
"They create more bad mages than good, I’ll give you that. They can push their weight around when they see trainable talent, though."
"Curse breakers are headstrong, but they can still be taught."