
Kitty Raises Hell Quotes

Kitty Raises Hell by Carrie Vaughn

"It felt like the center of the universe—at least, this little part of it."
"Vampires were like that; at least the powerful ones were: prone to quiet, conservative investing, working through layers of holding companies. They had time."
"I sighed. Back to reality, back to the world."
"I can see you sitting like this in the bell tower of Notre Dame cathedral, looking out over Paris like a gargoyle."
"What all the stories and romances don’t say is that happily ever after doesn’t just happen. You have to work at it."
"But I lay on solid ground, the earth of a forest, and with a great, frightened heave of breath, my lungs filled with Ben’s scent."
"His embrace tightened around me. 'Shh, shh. You’re okay. It’s okay.'"
"We wanted something to happen so we’d have information. So we’d have something to work with. But I feel like we’re worse off than before."
"Grief for him had turned into something like a land mine."
"We’re in this because we want to know. Whatever’s happening, it’s obviously dangerous, and if I can help discover what it is—I have to at least try."
"It’s not the tool, it’s the person who uses it."
"As long as we stay in this circle, we’re safe."
"If you expect me to stand here and give you some line about how I do have the authority, as the alpha female of the werewolves beseeching his most exaltedness for a bare second of his infinite amount of time, yadda yadda and so on—no. Just no."
"When vampires are involved, the web is more tangled than you think."
"I spend a lot of time on Wikipedia making corrections to the entries of historical figures I've known."
"You’re Kitty Norville. What have you done to block the door?"
"I'm still not going to let you in to see Rick."
"I could almost hear Roman’s exasperated sigh before he said, 'I don’t appreciate vapid attempts at conversation.'"
"And I suppose you’re trying to get inside to investigate?"
"He was a vampire. On a cool night like tonight, warm bodies made something like rivers through the air, trails of heat, living smells left behind. But a vampire was an island of cold."
"Being a vampire doesn’t make you God or anything. Which leaves me baffled as to why you all feel the need to act like it."
"Once you started seeing the world in terms of conspiracy theories, such theories became darned easy to formulate. They were everywhere."
"The protection spell, the potion Grant had given me—it didn’t work. The thought almost pushed me to panic, because it meant none of us was safe."
"The human side could be as sarcastic as it wanted about pack dynamics, but the pack still seemed to win out in the end."
"In the car and on the road, I slumped and looked out the window, watching the world go by. Wondering how to stop an enemy that we couldn’t see, couldn’t identify, couldn’t anticipate."
"I’m not going to let this slide. Any questions?"
"You assumed he’d say yes. That he’d do what was necessary to help you."
"I don’t really care. He’s not in charge here—we’re supposed to be partners."
"I closed my eyes and turned toward the door. "I’m ready.""
""I can’t believe I’m the closest thing he has to next of kin." It wasn’t fair that he didn’t have anyone."
"I’m constantly amazed by the explanations people will come up with to avoid the obvious, when they can’t conceive of the obvious."
"That word encompasses a wide variety of phenomena."
"In my world, loyalty is earned. Not given away."
"I’m baffled by this city’s leaders’ refusal to take decisive action."
"You’re not exactly middle-of-mainstream yourself."
"I’m not asking you to do anything. I’m just venting."
"Don’t get yourselves killed by whatever’s going on out there."
"It’s weird. I met Cormac before I met you, that time he tried to kill me. Remember?"
"I can’t make you stay, but could you please review the video? Let me know if you find anything? I’m running out of ideas here."
"It's supposed to be dangerous to touch someone in a trance like this."
"I don’t know. God, Tina, you didn’t tell us what to do."
"The sticky, blackened potion spattered over her like mud, over her clothes, her face, her hair."
"Most of it spilled out the side of her mouth, but her throat showed swallowing movements."
"I don’t want to have her on my conscience, too."
"Don’t tell me we’re going to log the first verified case of genuine ectoplasm on top of everything else."
"Can you imagine? That thing was using you. Like a puppet or something."
"The medieval Cabbalistic writers talk about a language of demons, a language of hell—what if this is it?"
"That’s only a demonic language if you’re a warmongering Republican."
"Would you believe I was just about ready to call the police?"
"I forgot to turn my phone back on after the séance."
"Ignorance bred fear, and I didn’t like being afraid."
"I really hope there isn’t a next time."
"If you know this much, you must know how to protect yourself. You know how to stop it."
"In every tale there is a grain of truth. The trick is to separate truth from tale."
"Wisdom. Intuition. We are not so far from the times when the tales ruled us. Our hearts remember."
"Something had to call it to this world, to its current hunt. Learn what it was. Use that to banish him out of it."
"Just when I think I’ve encountered everything there is to encounter, something like this comes along and smacks me upside the head."
"I wouldn’t do that. This thing’s a little more with the flaming death and less with the cute blond nose wiggle."
"The circle, for example, as a symbol of eternity and protection."
"Using something personal like someone’s hair was a common bit of spell lore from all over the world."
"The thing I can’t figure out is what kind of bottle we need to use."
"Maybe we should be," in response to being more than just observers of the paranormal.
"If we knew, we’d be able to plan a little better."
"You will see me again. Remember me, next time."
"It’s not half-baked, it’s mostly baked. Just a little soft in the middle."
"How am I supposed to charge a thing in a bottle with murder?"
"We’re not breaking any laws. If anything, having the cops there makes it better, right?"
"Who knows? If this works, maybe we’ll discover there’s a market for this sort of thing."
"This is what werewolves and paranormal investigators and police detectives do."
"You draw people to you. Things happen around you."
"We’ll go from Paradox PI to Paranormal Exterminators."
"I’ve discovered how they did it. How the Band of Tiamat summoned what’s been attacking you."
"Stage prop," Grant said. "Among other things."
"The show’s over. Leave. Scatter. Or follow your masters into that place."
"It’s over. Though I think it may be time to retire that particular prop."
"She didn’t kill that girl. She was trying to find out who did. What did."
"You’ve been telling ghost stories for years. Are you going to sit here now and tell me it isn’t possible?"
"I bet you don’t go a month without getting into trouble."
"We had a whole box of stuff waiting for when he got out. A whole world waiting."