
Heart Of A Dog Quotes

Heart Of A Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov

"You don't just have to know what to eat, but when and how."
"Avoid the subjects of Bolshevism and medicine at the dinner-table. And whatever you do, don't read the Soviet newspapers before dinner."
"You know that I set up thirty experiments in the clinic. And what do you think? The patients who read no newspapers felt fine. The ones whom I especially ordered to read Pravda lost weight."
"Vodka ought to be 40° not 30° that's in the first place. And, in the second, one can never tell what they put in it."
"Yes, I do dislike the proletariat," Philip Philipovich agreed sadly.
"If I venture an opinion, it is because there is some fact behind it on which I base my conclusions."
"It is not a simple problem... One has to know about food, and — can you imagine? — the majority of people do not."
"An old woman with a staff? A witch who goes round knocking out the window-panes and putting out the lamps? Why, she doesn't exist at all."
"What do you mean by the word?" demanded Philip Philipovich furiously... and answered for it himself.
"The person who always finds time is the one who is never in a hurry."
"People and animals can only be worked upon by suggestion, admonition."
"No one can sweep the tram lines and organize the fate of a lot of Spanish ragamuffins at the same time."
"No counter-revolution whatsoever, just experience of life and common sense."
"A very good man. I know who he is. He's a magician, one of those wonder workers and conjurors out of dogs' fairy-tales."
"If you permit yourself ever again to swear at me or the doctor, you'll be in trouble."
"If he goes on this way he'll be telling me how I should behave, and he'll be absolutely right. I am losing my self-control."
"You have no grounds for saying it was simple... It was very far from simple."
"One's document is the most important thing in the world."
"Never commit a crime against anybody whatsoever. That's how you'll grow old with clean hands."
"I sat there for five years digging the pituitaries out of brains... And now the question arises — why?"
"The hypophysis is a closed chamber which contains the blueprint for the individual human personality."
"Humanity takes care of all that for us in her own good time and according to the order of evolution."
"I can well imagine what's going on out there, I can well imagine."
"Serve you all right!" growled Philip Philipovich, shaking his fists.
"I, Philip Philipovich," he began at last, "have taken up an official post."
"Well, what can you do about it? It does smell ... as everyone knows ... of the job."
"Forgive me, much respected Darya Petrovna and Zinaida?"
"You will be good, quiet and humble. Otherwise, you will have me to reckon with."
"I'll poison myself," wept the girl, "there's salt meat at the canteen every day."
"It will pass, you just have to bear the pain a little time. You are still so young..."
"Take your things this instant: trousers, coat, everything you need, and get out of this flat!"
"Science has yet to discover ways of transforming beasts into human beings."
"I was so lucky, so lucky," he thought, drifting off to sleep, "indescribably lucky."