
Wundersmith: The Calling Of Morrigan Crow Quotes

Wundersmith: The Calling Of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

"Can't slow down, Mog. It's not in my repertoire. Catch up."
"A child! Darling, look - a child, here in Bohemia. How frightful!"
"It will trigger something in your brain that will bring you a perfect and unbroken peace."
"Loneliness and sadness will be a distant memory."
"Your heart will fill up, and you'll feel the world could never disappoint you again."
"You never want to hear one of his kind sing, Mog."
"Sisters and brothers, loyal for life, tethered for always, true as a knife."
"Nine above others, nine above blood, bonded forever through fire and flood."
"Brothers and sisters, faithful and true, ever together, the special and few."
"The nature of Miss Crow's unusual situation, will remain absolutely confidential."
"If anyone is found to have broken our trust, then all nine of you will face expulsion from Wunsoc. For life."
"Not in these hallowed halls. Nobody's going to hold your little handies or wipe your little nosies. Everybody at Wunsoc has a job to get on with - every junior and senior scholar, every graduate, every teacher, every patron, every Elder and every Master. That includes you. Your job is to be respectful of your betters, to do as you're told and to constantly improve yourselves, ready for the day when - if you are lucky - you might be called on to make yourselves useful."
"The thing you must remember above all else, scholars, is this: You. Are. Not. Important."
"If your failure to do so ... results in ... your exclusion from lessons, then it is entirely - entirely your own lookout, and you'll find ... there isn't a soul in this campus who will ... sympathise ... with your plight."
"Dragonriding ALL MORNING!' shouted Hawthorne the next day, throwing a fist in the air. 'YES!'"
"But all that time you've been learning how to make a dragon understand you, have you ever tried to understand a dragon in return?"
"And the polite response is Machar lo'k dachva-lev, meaning I burn brighter knowing you."
"I said I'd be loyal, I didn't say I'd never mesmerise anyone!"
"Morrigan almost laughed out loud at the idea that she could meditate the Scholar Mistress to death."
"The streets of Nevermoor are no place for a cub, though, Fen."
"If you die of fright, perhaps I won't have to play the role of lowly messenger on the whims of our eccentric proprietor any more."
"He says he's going to find proof. He says he doesn't need it, but he knows you do. So he's going to find it, no matter how long it takes."
"Nobody's going to hold your little handies or wipe your little nosies. Yet they were quite happy to break their little handies, apparently."
"I see a monster. A beautiful, terrible monster that feeds us all with stories and history and life, and demands to be fed in return."
"It's almost like this place was made just for you."
"We're in the Wundrous Society. We can be anything we want to be!"
"My unit won't be laughing when I join the League of Explorers."
"This note proves it's not our fault, though!"
"I never asked to have a WUNDERSMITH in my family!"
"Sometimes the boring knacks turn out to be the most useful ones."
"I told you, Dulcie. This is a failed experiment. But it is not the beastly girl who has failed. It is all of you who have failed the beastly girl."
"It wasn't your fault. You were protecting Miss Cheery."
"What if she's hurt him, what if she made him hurt himself?!"
"She's got it in for us because of what we - because of ... oh, ALFIE!"
"I can't stay any longer. I don't deserve to be in the Society."
"I have absolutely no idea. It's a system my mate Tommy invented."
"You can't kick me out! It was an accident, I never meant to hurt anybody. Please, Elder Quinn, you have to believe--"
"I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately."
"It's all right," said Morrigan finally, in a croaky voice.
"Magic!" cried Cat, grinning as she nudged Homer in the ribs.
"It'll be fine, love. We'll just barge through."
"Sweetheart, it'll be fine. You're talking to a champion barger."
"We don't know what those measures will look like in the long term, but as of this moment, you may consider your workload under review."
"The High Council of Elders has a responsibility to all of those entrusted to our care."
"The frown lines between her eyes were so deep they might have been embroidered there."
"It's an illusion,' he said. 'Built by magicians, see?"
"Trust me," he said. "We'll find a way to make them come around."
"I know you might not be inclined to share confidences right now," he said in a quiet, careful tone, "but is there anything you want to tell me, Mog?"
"I'll look into it." More than anything else, it was these four words that eased Morrigan's jangled nerves.
"You're all right. My, aren't you a fine cub. Fen's been out looking for you."
"Insect repellent smoke, Wunderground commuter sweat smoke and potato-salad-at-a-picnic smoke were dramatically less successful."
"But this, truly, was her favourite moment of the summer so far."
"The one good thing, Morrigan thought, was that their blackmailers must be on summer holiday also."
"'Gregoria Quinn is the most implacable person I've ever known,' he fumed."
"Each day that week brought a move to a new room with its own fresh variety of nuisance."
"'I'm not going with you!' Morrigan shouted again."
"The Museum of Stolen Moments. Crafted by the Wundersmith Mathilde Lachance."
"If people have died for it, it's because YOU murdered them."
"Morningtide's child is merry and mild, Eventide's child is wicked and wild."
"You're not Mathilde Lachance, You're not Ezra Squall."
"How could it be wrong? She was born a Wundersmith, that wasn't something she could help."
"And you get to decide what that means, Nobody else."
"She wouldn't be put off. She wouldn't be quiet until you listen to me."
"Another BLATANT example of Wun privilege at its worst," he roared, adding as an aside to Jupiter and Morrigan, "No offence."
"None taken," said Jupiter. "I quite agree, Frank." He shot a tiny wink in Morrigan's direction.
"The spirits are - hic - with us, dear friends," said the clairvoyant. "They are all around us, on this night of All Hallows' Eve, when the walls between the living and the dead are th-thing ... thingest."
"Yes, that's the one. He has a message for you. He says ... please take good care of his son. Love each other."
"The Wretched Art of Inferno," they said, their voices pitched in perfect, eerie unison. "An unlikely first manifestation in a young Wundersmith, though not unheard of."
"Wunder is both intelligent and impulsive. Wunder wishes to be used and directed by the only people born with the ability to use and direct it, but if we're not careful - if we allow it to express itself too freely - it will use us, instead of the other way around."
"Wunder is ... obsessively, dangerously in love with the Wundersmith. That energy has to go somewhere."
"The Wundersmith wanted me to set you up too. But I refused. I couldn't do that to you, not to my best student."
"You have waited patiently for this one, I know, and your considerable, sickening wealth is no doubt burning a hole in your collective pockets."
"Gather round, ladies and gentlemen, gather round," yelled the auctioneer. "You are the very worst and the very richest people we could think to invite, and for those two reasons it's been wonderful to have you here."
"The tidal wave curled above their heads. There was a lightning strike, white-hot and blinding, stuck in the moment of splitting a giant fir tree right down its centre."
"She closed her eyes, picturing that spark of energy inside, the caged flame in her chest."
"Despite every danger and disaster she knew that building contained, strangely none of them spilled out."
"The sound of that single note, the feeling of it, she would remember being warmed by the sun in winter, and held by a mother she'd never known."
"The comfortable illusion of Wunsoc - the idea that this was some safe haven where everyone protected each other and nothing bad ever happened - had long since been shattered for Morrigan."
"Some people are brave bullies. Some people are friendly cowards."
"You are sisters and brothers for life. Not because you took an oath, but because you proved it."
"It's illegal for people from the Republic to cross the border into the Free State. We're not even supposed to know there is a Free State."