
A Court Of Thorns And Roses Quotes

A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J. Maas

"The forest had become a labyrinth of snow and ice."
"Hunger had brought me farther from home than I usually risked, but winter was the hard time."
"I’d been able to do for years: focus on surviving the week, the day, the hour ahead."
"The icy snow crunched under my fraying boots, and I ground my teeth."
"Stolen hours in a decrepit barn with Isaac Hale didn’t count; those times were hungry and empty and sometimes cruel, but never lovely."
"Moments like this, admiring the glint of pale winter light on snow."
"We need hope as much as we need bread and meat."
"My life boiled down to one question: Was the wolf alone?"
"Who killed him?" The creature stalked toward us.
"A life for a life. Any unprovoked attacks on faerie-kind by humans are to be paid only by a human life in exchange."
"If you ever escape, ever convince them that you've paid the debt, don't return."
"Do whatever you want with your time. Just stay out of trouble."
"It's safe, and that's all you need to know," Alis said, setting down the teapot. "At least the house is. If you go poking about the grounds, keep your wits about you."
"All of them," Alis said. "My master's protection only goes so far. They'll want to hunt and kill you just for being a human—regardless of what you did to Andras."
"At least I had my father's soft mouth, though it made a mockery of my too-sharp cheekbones and hollow cheeks."
"We haven't had any progression in decades—magic seems to have stabilized, even though it's been weakened."
"I might take an animal form, but I am civilized, Feyre."
"I don't like to hunt," I should have probably used a more polite tone, but I went on. "I hunted out of necessity."
"They are under orders not to even touch you."
"The wall is an inconvenience. If we cared to, we could shatter it and march through to kill you all."
"You said my time was to be spent however I wanted. I didn't realize I was under house arrest."
"I talk to whoever bothers to tell me anything useful."
"I have no interest in the mortal lands, though I can't speak for my kind."
"The mastery needed to make the glass vase hold that light, to bend the light with the water within, as if the vase did indeed have weight to it atop its stone pedestal… Remarkable."
"The flowers seemed to be vibrant with their own light, as if in defiance of the shadows gathered around them."
"I prayed Tamlin wouldn't come prowling through them—prayed he wouldn't decide to go for a ride on his own and catch us here."
"My mother didn't have the time to tell me stories."
"He continued toward me, stealing the air from the entire hall."
"That’s what happens when you’re responsible for lives other than your own, isn’t it?"
"I didn’t know what to make of him, and said somewhat stiltedly, 'How’s your hand?'"
"Stay with the High Lord, human," the Suriel said. "That's all you can do."
"Every mortal instinct in my body bleated in panic at the thought."
"He glanced down at the map on the table, and his voice was void of anything—any emotion, any anger or amusement—as he said, 'What is that?'"
"I was almost at the open door, stifling the urge to bolt back to my room, when he said, 'You can’t write, yet you learned to hunt, to survive. How?'"
"His eyes were a brand upon me as I finished cleaning, and the room became too small, too hot."
"It was the least I could do. They shouldn’t have gotten this far onto my lands."
"Don't feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy."
"Because your human joy fascinates me—the way you experience things, in your life span, so wildly and deeply and all at once, is … entrancing. I’m drawn to it, even when I know I shouldn’t be, even when I try not to be."
"You think no one would tell me what you asked the kitchen to give you today, or realize what you went to trap? Foolish, stupid girl."
"Everything I do, everything I work for, is for those boys."
"Of course we can lie. We find lying to be an art."
"That everything you’ve done wasn’t about that promise to your mother, or for your sake, but for theirs."
"Because I’d want someone to hold my hand until the end, and awhile after that. That’s something everyone deserves, human or faerie."
"I know far too many High Fae and lesser faeries who wouldn’t have seen it that way—or bothered."
"I wondered how that sound would feel if he were fully pressed up against me, skin-to-skin."
"He took a step closer to me, the laughter still dancing on his face."
"High Fae wed without the mating bond, but if you find your mate, the bond is so deep that marriage is … insignificant in comparison."
"I was still smiling when we walked out of the park and toward the rolling hills."
"He gave me a wry smile. 'Oh, I can play a mean fiddle, but High Lords’ sons don’t become traveling minstrels.'"
"I tipped back my head and howled, my laughter like sunshine shattering age-hardened ice."
"It’s the Great Rite, Cauldron boil me! Didn't anyone tell you what it is?"
"That willow's singing always puts me to sleep."
"Magic—everything was magic, and it broke my heart."
"If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?"
"You have seconds, Rhys," Tamlin warned. "Seconds to get out."
"Because there are people who would hurt you, Feyre. Hurt you because of what you are to me."
"You can't," he said, and his voice wobbled. "Because I can't."
"I can't even protect myself against them, against what's happening in Prythian."
"Don't you understand?" He shot to his feet. "Rhys was the start of it."
"I'm sending you away because it makes me sick thinking about you in their hands!"
"I love you," he whispered, and kissed my brow.
"Good-bye to you, too," I said. Friend indeed.
"There's no debate," Tamlin snarled, pointing at the house. "I'll see you at lunch."
"I hope you get to be with your nephews again soon."
"You should come with me," Elain went on. "Nesta won't go, because she says she doesn't want to risk the sea crossing, but you and I ... Oh, we'd have fun, wouldn't we?"
"There is a better world, Nesta. There is a better world out there, waiting for you to find it."
"Don't bother. I don't think I'd be particularly fond of faeries."
"After the two sides made the Treaty, she butchered her own slaves, rather than free them."
"You couldn't know, it was part of Tamlin's curse."
"She knew that even with her personal army, she could never conquer the seven High Lords by numbers or power alone."
"The borders were collapsing because she laid them to rubble."
"You could have been the one to free him and his power, had you not been so blind to your own heart."
"My sister and I served in the Summer Court—and she and her mate were among those put down for spite when Amarantha first invaded."
"And where are they now? Are they allowed to live on their lands, like Tamlin was?"
"She keeps them and their entire courts Under the Mountain, where she can torment them as she pleases."
"If Tamlin were freed—if he had his full powers, would he be able to destroy Amarantha?"
"But none of that matters now. He’s to be her slave, and we’re all to wear these masks until he agrees to become her lover—even then, he’ll never regain his full powers."
"You’ll be lucky if she gives you a clean death."
"The High Lord vomited when he saw his friend."
"All you had to do was say that you loved him—say that you loved him and mean it with your whole useless human heart, and his power would have been freed."
"It was all I could do to keep from sinking to my knees."
"Solve this, Feyre, and you and your High Lord, and all his court, may immediately leave with my blessing."
"By large, my ministrations are soft-handed and sweet, but scorned, I become a difficult beast to defeat."
"I had to solve this riddle. We could all be free."
"Better to be obliterated than to endure Jurian’s fate."
"I was hauled toward a wooden platform... Let us see how deep that human affection of yours runs."
"My life depended on it. More than my life depended on my choice."
"And just like that, I heaved myself out of the pit mouth, and almost wept to be exposed to the open air once more."
"I looked up at her from beneath lowered brows and didn’t check myself as I exposed my teeth."
"I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd attached a collar and leash around my neck."
"The weight of the crown digging into my skull."
"The Faerie Queen straightened a little bit—even Jurian’s eye seemed fixed on me."
"Rhysand liked to play games, and it seemed I was now to be a key player."
"I kept my chin up. I wouldn’t let the others notice that weakness."
"I was tied to a spinning wheel, going around and around and around—"
"It’s done with. So you needn’t hold to whatever oath you swore to Tamlin to protect me."
"I’ve seen enough of you through that gown to last a lifetime."
"There’s no spell. Hasn’t it occurred to you that Tamlin is keeping quiet to avoid telling Amarantha which form of your torment affects him most?"
"Rhysand’s order to the guards had indeed held."
"And what has she been doing for the past forty-nine years? Holding court and torturing everyone as she pleases?"