
Such Sharp Teeth Quotes

Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison

"There’s no light pollution out here, and the stars are fierce."
"Well, yeah, but I’ve had false hope since we were thirteen, so I’m used to it."
"It might be the only defining quality of my hometown. Persistent mist."
"Bad things have a way of severing your life into 'before' and 'after.'"
"Denial is hard to sustain. It requires constant effort. The truth might not be pleasant, but it’s easy."
"Monsters are real. There are creatures out there, discovered and undiscovered, named and unnamed."
"I’m the soldier marching forward despite the arrows in my chest."
"The threat may be invisible, but it’s there. I know it’s there."
"That I’m being pursued by a monster only I know exists."
"I am safe in my bed. I am asleep. But I am also in the woods."
"The ground is soft from evening rain. There’s a crimson tint to everything, like the world is soaked in blood."
"It’s scary how easy it’s been to dissociate from the strange new reality of my body."
"I remember when Scarlett first got her period. I cried at the kitchen table because I knew I would be next."
"The things that happen to us are not who we are."
"Maybe deep down I knew all along. That if I allowed myself to feel anything for this person, the feelings would be too much, immense and unwieldy, impossible to contain, to control."
"We live in a society that wants us to be ashamed of our bodies."
"I can’t bullshit myself. A creature that looked like a werewolf attacked me during a full moon."
"We always want to save the monsters, don’t we? And it never works out."
"I sort of figured if you ever agreed to go out with me, it’d be like this."
"I don’t expect anything. But I don’t want this to be this and nothing else. It’ll fuck me up."
"I want to stay. I don’t ever want to get out of this bed."
"It’s not for you to be angry with Matty. It’s not good to be so angry."
"We never get to spend time together like this."
"I made excuses for her for so long. Once the spell’s broken, it’s hard to see anything else."
"A diamond is just a rock until you hold it up to the light."
"I take a deep breath and face myself in the mirror."
"I understand. The wolf will always be there in the mirror. The wolf is me. My second face."
"I understand, but it turned out fine. Scarlett had a good time, right?"
"I’m sorry I’ve been MIA. I had a bad week, okay? Like, epically bad."
"We make it inside but not up the stairs. His hands are in my hair; mine are unbuttoning his jeans."
"It’s that thing like when you’re in a cult and you don’t realize you’re in a cult until you’re out of the cult."
"I want him to promise me that he’ll keep looking at me the way he does, the way he always has."
"Maybe there is hope. Maybe there is a horizon."
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen you mad before."
"It’s easy to get stuck on how. Doesn’t really matter, though."
"Spinning like Wonder Woman until I'm so dizzy, I can't remember my problems."
"Time goes by so fast. Just gets away from you. Your whole life changes like that."
"I'm not one of those mom shamers. You can be honest."
"Once I stopped thinking about what my life wasn't going to be, I started to see what it could be."
"It's a nightmare out there, a great big, terrifying world."
"I'm dealing with it. No matter what, I'll be all right."
"I'm not scared, Scarlett. I'm a monster. I scare. I don't get scared."
"I wish I could believe you. I know about Brian."
"You don't have feelings for me. You never have. You never will."
"I could have sworn I made out with him in high school."
"I suppose I should be the one apologizing to you."
"I don't care. I'll rip your fucking throat out in front of everyone."
"Because I'm falling in love with you and I'm a fucking monster!"
"I might be the wrong sounding board because I obviously want you to stay."
"You knew. This whole fucking time, you knew."
"What if there are things that I'm not ready to tell you yet?"
"When I howl, I howl with everything I am, every fiber of me, in every form, every phase."
"Look at what the world has done to us and look at what we’re doing to each other because of it."
"You can’t free yourself of pain by causing pain."
"There’s no relief in destruction. I think you know that."
"I’m proud of you, too, you know. You’re the best sister I’ve ever had."
"I’ve been in love with you since the sixth grade... A lot has changed. A lot will change. But turns out I’ll always be in love with you."