
Next Door Quotes

Next Door by Blake Pierce

"But no matter what he did, the sight of all that blood had stuck itself to the walls of her head."
"The place they would learn the ins and outs of marriage—and maybe where they’d work at having a kid or two."
"Good old Pinecrest, Maryland. Small enough so you’ll always run into people you don’t want to but just large enough to not have to drive an hour to a grocery store."
"It was what she saw as the fat cop stood in front of her. It was all that she saw."
"The feeling of something deep inside cracking, and then breaking."
"It was a warm feeling, one that made her glance at the ring on her finger with a confident smile."
"She felt a tear sliding down her face but it was not like crying."
"Please," he said. "Make yourself comfortable."
"For now, let’s just focus on the crime scene yesterday," Skinner answered.
"No. But it was the grisliest thing I’d been allowed to actually see."
"I suppose. I mean, it’s never happened before. And even when it sort of tries to bother me, I can stomp it out pretty easily."
"My twin sister," Chloe said. "She lives here in Pinecrest."
"Yes. I knew by the time I was twelve, this is what I wanted to do."
"Well, it was an accident caused by my father. That’s why he was arrested. He didn’t even lie about it."
"You know how past memories are sort of fogged over with rose-colored glasses?"
"Chuck Taylors," Chloe said. "Red. Scuffed up. Big floppy laces."
"Mom is right there at the bottom of the stairs," she said. "Lots of blood."
"He said he was sorry…he said there was an ambulance on the way."
"It honestly just depends on the day. Depends on my mood."
"Please call me if you experience this sort of reaction to a crime scene again."
"She did it all with Skinny Puppy’s Too Dark Park album playing in the background."
"But there was the occasional day where she felt like going out into public was a mistake."
"It was far too easy to imagine the person who had been writing those letters to be following her."
"I owe you one hell of an apology for last night."
"We’re going to make out. I’m not going to sleep with you yet but…well, there’s going to be touching."
"You’re going to meet me at my apartment tonight and we’re going to make out."
"Because you never know. We may have one someday, and we may have five."
"Just smiling, nodding, and getting drunk, right?" Martin asked.
"This is far too swanky for me. I’m going to take advantage of the free booze and then I think Martin and I are going to split."
"You almost didn’t recognize you," Tammy said. "Your hair is…darker."
"She knew you had moved here. I think she lives a few streets over."
"Man…I forgot how quickly word travels around a place like this."
"I’m not really well-versed in uppity block parties."
"We were never really the same," Danielle said.
"Different at just about every level you can think of."
"I didn’t think her sister would be the block party type."
"These fuckers have had enough of a show for today."
"What, does he think he has her trained like a dog or something?"
"I think she lives a few streets over. She’s coming to the block party, too."
"I guess you were only thirteen or fourteen the last time I saw you."
"It wasn’t him," Danielle said. "It wasn’t Daddy. He didn’t do this. I know it wasn’t him."
"She had only ever taken two men home from her job at the restaurant bar."
"Still, driving home knowing that someone would want her—even if it was a partially drunk man who had been wearing a wedding band—made her feel good."
"Not a bad idea," she thought with a twinge of morbid humor.
"That’s in the past," she thought as she made her way into the thickness of trees.
"You seem…antsy. When I came in, you couldn’t close the door fast enough."
"I’m always on the verge of feeling like something really bad is going to happen, you know?"
"I don’t know. Are you still giving out hand jobs to any guy that gives you the time of day?"
"The one good thing about having an antisocial and moody sister was that it was usually a given that she would be home."
"Maybe that’s where Danielle gets it from," Courtney said.
"It’s not uncommon for men with no real roots or reasons to stay in one place to just uproot and move at the drop of a dime."
"I’d seen her boobs enough and read more than enough dirty texts."
"It tells me that it was backed into the water."
"Oh God, Danielle, what did you do? What did you DO?"
"Family is family. It’s a peculiar situation for sure."
"No. Technically it’s not outside the lines of protocol."
"I need you to be honest with me. Tell me the truth before another agent has to speak with you."
"I’m not used to being the one getting fucked over."
"I think someone might be trying to frame me for this."
"Just be here right now. I don’t know how to handle this."
"I know her well enough to know that she’s not capable of killing someone."
"It’s evident that you feel certain she didn’t do it."
"I’ve heard from two different people that your sister was arrested on some absolutely ghastly charges."
"I’ve just been inundated with a shit-ton of information in the last half an hour."
"My sister did not do this. And I don’t know how to explain it to you other than a sister’s intuition."
"I stand by the decision but I will admit wholeheartedly that it irritated the eternal piss out of me."
"No matter your feelings about Danielle, even your contempt can't overrule DNA evidence."
"Because there's just too much baggage there. And yes... partly because you'll constantly choose your delusional sister over me."
"No one has ever not given up on me, you know?"
"Despite the tension that existed between them ever since the block party, Chloe and Steven had managed to remain civil."
"When I was a teenager, I thought about learning to play the guitar. I figured I’d be a Liz Phair or Joan Jett or something."
"Good God, has it really been seventeen years?"
"No sense in waiting or trying to talk myself out of it."
"I know, I know. Seems weird. And I don’t want to cause any distraction at the club. I just need to get away from all of the drama, you know?"
"My goodness, I nearly forgot about Gale Fine’s cheese dip."
"I believe she also volunteered a few hours a week to help tutor kids that had problems reading."
"I’m sorry," she said. "Excuse me for a moment."
"No, no, not at all. I actually appreciate it."
"It makes the nights longer, but that’s okay."
"And if it’s not asking too much, could you send another of your ‘special’ pictures?"
"It was a bitch thing to do. I never liked that girl."
"Chloe, I’m so sorry. I think I need to be excused, too."
"She’s a wildcat in the sack, which is why I stuck with her for so long, but that bitch is straight up crazy."
"Sometimes, things just kept going on and on."