
Forget You, Ethan Quotes

Forget You, Ethan by Whitney G.

"It's a boring one," I said, stepping closer to her second set of comic books. "You'll have no problem making friends, though. Every family on this block and the next has daughters."
"Because you're right down the street," I said, laughing. "I'm always outside. Just come by if your parents let you."
"No, that's okay." I shrugged. "I don't want to meet another girl. I've met enough of those already."
"I can't believe Rachel was right about this shit."
"I've seen the way you look at other girls sometimes, and I don't say a word."
"You never kissed me in public to show people we were together."
"I'm not the only person who has ever made a mistake in this relationship, Ethan!"
"I need the promise," he said, smiling. "I've heard about what happens when you get angry. People tend to get their jaws broken."
"We still have to vote on who we want for our third roommate since Ethan prefers a male."
"Then we'll need a tiebreaker." I crossed my arms. "I vote for the drug dealer."
"Rachel is the ugliest girl on this block, and everyone knows it."
"I’m so happy that I’m finally moving away from you."
"I think if you had less fictional sex with your book boyfriends, you wouldn’t be such a hothead all the time."
"Because I’d prefer to sleep with someone I haven’t slept with before."
"You’re the type who wanted something serious, and I didn’t."
"I hope you get the help you need for that flesh-disease on your cock, Jordan Hampton!"
"It’s because Rachel lives next door to me and she’s always sat in the front seat since I got this car."
"You have every girl on campus fawning all over you for some strange reason."
"No. I’m admitting that this proposal is my last resort, and every woman on this campus is brainwashed."
"I want us to pretend to be friends for a few weeks until I find some real ones of my own."
"Friends talk without arguing, and they tell each other the truth about things. No matter what."
"I would’ve thought that before last night." He smiled.
"We’re not friends," we said in unison, a habit.
"It was just a kiss, Rachel." He looked me up and down. "A very good kiss...But nothing else happened."
"The 'senior lodge trip' might as well have been code for 'sex filled weekend with unlimited alcohol.'"
"Forget you," Rachel Marie Dawson, you deserved for me to burn your Wonder Woman toy."
"Are you planning to fuck him?" He cut me off.
"That no matter how long we lasted, I could always look back and remember our recent nights of spending hours in the hot tub, our mornings making loud love in the kitchen, and the weekends of never-ending dates that made me feel like this was definitely my first real romance. My first true love."
"I laughed and stepped out, shutting the door behind me. 'I didn’t know you were serious about bringing me to the carnival. We came here all the time when we were young, remember?'"
"'It’s okay,' I said, taking an even longer sip. 'It’s still not as good as my coffee.'"
"His lips met mine one more time, for so long that I knew everyone around us was staring, and by the time he pulled away from me, the nightlights on the pier were aglow."
"'I wasn’t supposed to know about the plan at all, but once Rachel started telling me that she’d been asked out on multiple dates in a row (by guys I knew were no good for her), I knew something was up.'"
"Despite my pain, butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and before I could come to my senses and toss it away, I was reading the words."
"'I hope you’re absolutely miserable in business school, and I won’t be writing you again until next Christmas, even though I won’t be on this boat.'"
"'I’ve told your father not to mourn my passing for more than a year... And later in life—much later, if you’re still single, do me one huge favor: If Ethan Wyatt... is still single, go out for coffee with him a few times.'"
"'You’re the main reason why I’m on that damn ship again...He insisted on being my ‘first real boyfriend,’ so I thought...I just thought he, I could’ve sworn we—'"
""'Rachel, Ethan came by two weeks before his freshman year started and asked why he hadn’t seen you at any campus events. When we told him that you were doing Semester at Sea, he demanded that we give him a copy of your port schedule and directions on how to reach you. You just happened to write him first...'"