
Waiting For Normal Quotes

Waiting For Normal by Leslie Connor

"It's not bad. I like small stuff. I'll make dinner tonight."
"I've always sort of liked small places like tents and bunk beds. You can make them all your own just by being there to fill up the space."
"But the human race likes to have things to believe in. Including me."
"Everybody gets the B.O. talk eventually. Now yours is out of the way."
"Don't you think it's possible that every person is a hero to someone else?"
"I figured I could stand it if they wanted to come surprise me every once in a while."
"Hampister! Hampister! We got you a hampister!"
"If there's no pee in that thing, I'll eat my hat."
"You're seeing the worst of it, Cookie. This is cancer. And it stinks."
"I never expected all of you to come into my life."
"Boxes, it turned out, was a place for me to shine, and earn my keep."
"Then I handle returns, get my spring crafts in and we go again."
"We learned about child labor laws when we studied immigration at school last year. I’m glad I was born now, not then."
"Heroes… They really had to build their lives from nothing but they did it. They’re heroes."
"Filling the orders isn’t the exciting part. Finding the artists and their crafts is,"
"I’m really proud of them, of all the immigrants. They really had to build their lives from nothing but they did it. They’re heroes."
"Never open the birdseed delivery with a knife."
"I think I would have just stayed there if it had been up to me."
"The whole idea of being that grown up made me grin—just for a second."
"It doesn’t matter what you wear. You’ll be awesome tonight. All of us will be."
"Sounds like a Chinese hibiscus, Cookie. Terrific indoor tree, and willing to bloom in conditions it was never meant to encounter."
"I wish we were done. I don’t want to come back tonight to play for the parents and grandparents."
"For something you want but don't really need."
"It felt good to know what was coming next, even if it was just lunch."
"I’m no techie, Elliot. I’m not going to be able to work that thing."
"Excuse me! You sell gasoline. As in ‘a highly flammable substance’!"
"It’s a huge weight off my back ever since I returned that instrument."
"I just want to go away from this school for the next two weeks and have everybody forget that I was ever in the Stage Orchestra at all."
"You’re very smart. You know that, don’t you?"
"I don’t want another school flute. Really, I don’t."
"But it’s all about how you learn, not how smart you are."
"Don’t let anyone tell you you aren’t smart enough or good enough."
"And when I’m not here, you just …just …take real good care of yourself."
"Soula probably wants a break. She told me the chemo is the cure but the cure is a killer."
"Not much changes around here. Then again, maybe that's a good thing."
"One minute yo're beatin' all the odds, and the next, they're beatin' you!"
"From now on, Pic, I clean up after me and you. I'm changing my life!"
"Keep crossing bridges and poking your nose behind gates, Little Cookie."
"Normal is when you know what's gonna happen next. Not exactly what, because probably nobody gets that. But normal is being able to count on certain things. Good things. And it's having everyone together—just because they belong that way."
"We'll get it someday, Addie. We'll get normal."