
Finding It Quotes

Finding It by Cora Carmack

"EVERYONE DESERVES ONE grand adventure, that one time in life that we always get to point back to and say, "Then … then I was really living.""
"Adventures don’t happen when you’re worried about the future or tied down by the past. They only exist in the now."
"An adventure is an open window; and an adventurer is the person willing to crawl out on the ledge and leap."
"I wanted to experience something extraordinary, something more."
"Sometimes it felt a lot like work. And the antidote to work was more play."
"The only expectations here were ones that I had encouraged and I was all too willing to follow through on."
"I refused to believe that my best years were all behind me now that I’d graduated from college."
"Everyone wants something from someone else. I just preferred to be up front about it."
"My problems might as well have been drowning at the bottom of said ocean for how much they mattered to me in that moment."
"For a few seconds, the warmth settled in my middle, grounding me."
"You don’t realize how small you really are until you’re faced with something like that."
"All of my friends were off chasing their dreams, moving into their futures, and I just wanted to want something with that kind of desperation, that kind of fire."
"I wanted to fill myself up with decisions and consequences, pleasure and pain, so that maybe when I returned to the States … maybe I’d have enough life in me to survive living in my own home."
"I was an actress. I’d spent nearly half my life stepping into a character, searching out her desires, finding what drives her. But for the life of me, I couldn’t do the same for myself."
"It was a lot of pressure … trying not to waste what you’ve been given. I wanted to accomplish something. To love something. To be something. But I didn’t know how."
"I felt like a flower trying to plant roots into concrete."
"Keep drawing like that and you won’t be able to keep the girls away from you."
"When I turned in the other direction, my phantom Hunt was nowhere to be seen. I sighed. It probably wasn’t him anyway. The odds of seeing him again, and on the street no less, had to be minuscule."
"HUNT DIDN’T FIND me that day. Not that I was broken up over it or anything."
"He was one guy. Hardly the first guy to catch my attention here, and definitely not the last."
"Something in me must have been broken, though, because I couldn’t even stay interested in what Tau was saying, and the guy was a beautiful specimen of man with a to-die-for accent."
"It made me feel successful in a way that a college degree and a padded bank account hadn’t."
"I’m pretty sure someone slipped something in that drink while it was sitting at the bar."
"I’ve got you, princess. You’re safe. If you can hear me, no one’s going to take advantage of you. I promise."
"It’s not that big of a deal. It is, though. I can’t take advantage of you like that. Not when you’re not sober enough to make decisions with a clear head."
"Life was easier when you stopped caring, when you stopped expecting things to get better."
"I thought home was a place you could go back to. To find your feet again. I know now that home is not a place, it's a feeling."
"Sometimes, you just have to throw away the map. Admit that you don’t know where you’re going and stop pressuring yourself to figure it out."
"The best parts of life are the things we can't plan. And it's a lot harder to find happiness if you're only searching in one place."
"It’s not a once-in-a-lifetime deal, Kelsey. People find home in new places, new dreams, new people all the time."
"A kiss sounds like a pretty great adventure."
"One week for one kiss? That's kind of a steep price."
"His smile wasn’t just bright. It was illuminating. And for the way warmth spread through my skin, I would have believed that there were two suns in the sky."
"I’m going to kiss you, princess. But not now, not when you’re telling me to. Not when it’s just something you want to check off a list. I’ll kiss you when it counts."
"Because in my family all that matters is what people see."
"You’re not horrible, Kelsey. You are vibrant and beautiful, and you burn. Burn so vividly. Fires can damage, but they’re also beautiful and vital and they can purify and give the chance to start fresh. You’re not horrible. Not at all."
"Oh God, I have never been happier than I am in this moment."
"I’m not going back to how we were before. I was sick of the will he–won’t he. I just wanted to be close to him. The consequences be damned."
"You may lose the key or give it away, but the lock stays with you all the same."
"Who touches you, whether it’s your skin or your soul, matters."
"I could watch that a hundred more times. A thousand."
"You’re the most confusing person I’ve ever met, and sometimes I hate you."
"I don’t plan on letting you out of this room until my seven days are up."
"I could think of a few ways to work up your appetite."
"I don’t think I could be any more fond of you."
"It was a warm summer day and the water was already crowded with tourists."
"We’re always a half a second late and one word short of what we really need."
"I swallowed. I could do this. It was a matter of will power. Of control. I wanted this."
"This was good. This was what I needed, to live in the now and let go of the past."
"Every single second I spent with him was perfect, which somehow only seemed to excavate more pain."
"Just that history matters. Mine, and yours, and the world’s."
"How could I listen? I couldn’t hear anything over this pain."
"Outside maybe the sound would have somewhere to go."
"I grabbed my bag. It didn’t have everything in it, but it had the most important things."
"You don’t realize how many bridges there are until the sight of one collapses something inside of you."
"But then I realized when no place felt like home, I had one other option."
"Bones pushed against teeth, both as strong as I wanted to be."
"Over the years, I’d learned how to twist the truth about my past."
"And though it was a hard story to start, it was easy to keep going."
"My voice choked over the words, 'You? Crazier than you were? Impossible.'"
"I settled my laptop on my knees, and Bliss answered my Skype call in seconds with a banshee scream."
"It was a new kind of satisfaction, being on my own and being okay."
"My bedroom was a sea of paper, words with the depth of an ocean."
"Every day. I will prove every day how much you mean to me."
"Because every time, every single time, I would choose our future over my future."
"You’re my adventure. The only one I want to have."