
You'll Never Believe What Happened To Lacey: Crazy Stories About Racism Quotes

You'll Never Believe What Happened To Lacey: Crazy Stories About Racism by Amber Ruffin

"I am not exaggerating when I say 'You won't believe what happened to Lacey.'"
"You're expected to walk people through every aspect of Blackness. You become the ambassador of Blackovia."
"It is an unchecked tsunami of dumb questions and comments."
"This could be your traditional white person who thinks Black people spend too much on stuff we can't afford."
"You have the right. It can hit you however it hits you at that exact moment."
"Leaving these things unsaid gives them power."
"No one has ever looked twice at me in a T.J. Maxx. I don’t shoplift but I could have robbed them BLIND."
"It’s like the description they gave was 'girl' when it should’ve been 'girl riding a unicorn.'"
"When you hear these stories and think, None of these stories are okay, you are right. And when you hear these stories and think, Dang, that’s hilarious, you are right. They’re both."
"When something shitty happens to you and you never say anything about it, it festers."
"I understand exactly what you’re saying. Several times people have come here for help, but when they got here and saw me face-to-face, they asked my race and then asked for a different doctor."
"You know how I know they’re making this up? Because they’re all from Africa. It’s not hot to them. They’re used to it being a hundred degrees. They’re from Africa. It’s a hundred degrees there. It’s hot in Africa."
"Did you say kidney stones? I've never had kidney stones."
"If this had happened in the 1800s, you’d both be dead!"
"I’m not talking to you. But it’s because I don’t talk to anyone."
"No one wants to relive their traumatic events with someone who may say it was all their fault."
"How is this person functioning in the world?"
"Your bad attitude can't affect my good day! But if you somehow manage to turn my good day into a bad day, I'm taking you with me."
"You love your little white friends and they love you, but they have no idea what racism is or how to stand against it. If given the chance, they will leave you high and dry."
"Once you file a complaint, they do an investigation and get back to you."
"We never called you because no one complained."
"Please don’t say anything. I’ll take care of it."
"We don’t touch people’s hair. You don’t touch my hair without permission and I don’t touch yours without permission."
"You’re just giving us all this food for free?"
"I am now in a world where I have to hide my song and how loud I sing it."
"You know you guys use profanity." This woman thinks it's okay to come into this place with Black people and start cussing at them. Because we are Black and Black people cuss a lot. Even in a frigging day-care center full of children! She’s crazy.
"Irish people had it worse than Black people! We weren’t given jobs and were arrested all the time! You don’t hear us complaining about it!"
"Your lawn reached out and grabbed my foot! If you took better care of it, people would be able to walk down the street!"
"That is correct," he said, "Wait. Come back. I need you to solve this one."
"I don’t know how to solve this." He said, "That’s what I thought. Now take a seat in the back."
"Music with drums is satanic jungle beats from Africa. It hypnotizes you to make bad decisions."
"When the pleading didn’t work, they tried a new tactic."
"Now, there are 300 people at this church and they don’t know who has the keys."
"My mom says you don’t have to leave but you do have to stay in the kitchen."
"You can eat the snacks, but you can’t come in the rest of the house because you weren’t invited."
"And one day I pray that you will move out of North Omaha into a nice place."
"Once, I was at a restaurant and I saw a Black kid walk through a door and not hold it open for an old white lady."
"It’s for people who live in our community. It’s not for people like you. It isn’t for you."
"These stories only reaffirm where we are. They don’t shine a light on anything new."
"Looks like Black hair products aren’t the privilege, but being white is."
"You’ve seen it in movies where the white people try to pick a fight with the Black people because they know the Black people can’t do anything because they’d go to jail forever."
"It’s when you’re having the most fun that people say the most fucked-up things."
"You should tell everyone you know that you’re writing a book just like this one. It has truly come in handy more than it should have."
"Even when they were easy, the Black children dominated."
"Everyone knows white kids are smarter than Black kids; everyone knows this."
"Maybe white readers learned that just because your Black friends aren’t sitting you down, going over all their trauma with you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!"
"We are not into trying to educate white America, but maybe we accidentally did."
"We support you in whatever decisions you make in situations like these."