
Crystal Storm Quotes

Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes

"It's when we feel the most uncertain, that we must appear at our most confident. To show weakness is to allow others to prey upon it."
"I learned a long time ago, your grace, that no matter what I might be feeling on the inside, I should show only strength on the outside."
"A mortal witch could never enter the sacred city."
"You need an attendant. Nerissa tended to Princess Cleiona and, I’ve heard, is greatly skilled at her job."
"I don’t care. Whatever the price, I’ll pay it. I want to be strong in the face of any challenge that lies before me."
"I'm not sure I truly believed it would work, but it did. And as I rose at dawn in the temple where I’d died the night before at my sister’s hand, I realized the truth."
"Legends of heroes who defy certain death are as old as legends about the Watchers themselves."
"She promises that we will all be able to leave here soon and be free to come and go as we please, finally, after all these centuries."
"Though this girl had so far appeared to be nothing other than sweet and friendly, Lucia would not allow herself to forget that Mia was an ageless immortal."
"And I’m here because I need to see Timotheus."
"The thought made her cringe with shame and embarrassment."
"Every being here was so beautiful, each more so than the last."
"How strange it must be to live in a world, she thought, where everyone and everything is perfect."
"No, that wasn’t entirely true. She had one other possession, a very important one: her ring."
"Alexius had ultimately given his life to save hers."
"The thought of being in love with someone perfect beyond compare would have become rather tiresome after a while."
"The sorceress has been reborn. And right now, this very moment, she stands among you."
"Pretend to be confident even when you are not."
"To continue to align myself with those who wish to deceive and oppose the empress would be committing treason."
"You have my deepest gratitude for intervening."
"You already made your plans for me very clear in your dreams."
"He saw weakness in all mortals, weakness that disgusted him. He wanted to burn it all away, to reduce everything and everyone to ashes, so the world could begin again as part of his quest for perfection."
"I’m sorry ... I’m so, so sorry. I was wrong."
"Fire is eternal. It cannot live or die; it can only be contained."
"All this time, I thought your vague hints and enigmatic riddles were meant to annoy me, to toy with me while you waited for the exact right moment to strike. But now I see why you couldn’t tell me anything real. You really don’t have all the answers."
"It must be lonely, being here all by yourself with the burden of all of these secrets."
"The most important thing she taught me was how to get anything I want."
"Everything that exists must one day change—but what is destroyed can be created again with patience and dedication."
"There are seven worlds, Lucia. My kind was created to watch over these worlds before Damen destroyed everything we held dear."
"You’ve been here long enough, Lucia. You must go now and attempt to stop Kyan."
"I think I’ll miss your candor. And I’m not going to attempt to stop him, I will stop him."
"If I thought you were lying to me, you’d already be dead."
"Promises, silly promises, nothing but words. You know what else is made up of words? Lies."
"This kingdom belonged to the Damoras. Not to Amara Cortas."
"You’re alive all right. And you’re damn lucky, too."
"If I were younger, you would have to fight his pretty young wife for his attentions."
"It seems as though fate is finally kicking you in the arse, don’t you think, your highness?"
"He’s not going to be happy with me when he wakes up."
"Extremely. And also extremely happy that you’re here."
"Nothing has changed between us, Magnus. Know that."
"The only horrible memory I have of Taran is that of his blade pressed to your throat."
"If you ask me, I don’t think they’re fighting nearly as hard as they could."
"Love is pain. Love is death. And love strips one of their power."
"My sister believed that those who die become stars in the skies. So every night we can look up and know they’re watching over us."
"We could have had a life together. A house, maybe even a villa."
"I promise his majesty is not going to break your neck."
"I’ve had enough to drink for tonight. Such a pleasure to have had this chat with you, Father. Try to make it back to the inn without dying."
"Together we will march forth into the future, hand in hand!"
"The crowd panicked and tried to escape. Chaos broke out, cries of fear and outrage ringing all around as blood began to spill."
"Those who wished to destroy her chance to make allies of these fierce people, who’d been ready to embrace her as their leader, would pay with their lives."
"Well, princess, I would bet a great many gold coins that you didn’t expect to see me again."
"Women weren’t weak. They were leaders. Champions. Warriors. Queens."
"I now rule a full third of the world and control all that fortune."
"The easiest way for a woman to avoid trouble or punishment, she’d found, was to feign weakness among men."
"I—I love you! I always will, no matter what you choose to do today!"
"Nice try, love. I might believe that if I were a complete and utter idiot."
"The empress sees our struggles. Recognizes them. And she wants to do something about it."
"All I know is that I have to deal with this now."
"She is indeed incredible. If there’s anyone who can rid our land of its current deadly disease, it’s the empress."
"This child is innocent and deserves a chance at life."
"I’m not wrong," she said, her fiery anger finally dissipating as weariness set into her voice. "But I can’t be bothered to convince you of something I know is right."
"Time is running out. The storm is nearly upon us."
"Enough of this," she whispered as she pushed herself out of the small bed.
"I’m so sorry, Nic," she muttered as she quickly ran the silver brush through her long hair.
"I know you’re grieving. But let this pain make you stronger, dear."
"The fire that hollows us out is what allows us to be filled with strength and power where before there was none."
"I’ve never felt more sane than I do at this very moment."
"Elementia can’t solve every problem, unfortunately."
"I think you were the only one who bothered to learn my name."
"How could I not learn the name of the woman who makes the best fig fritters I’ve ever had in my entire life?"
"You’ll do nothing to this woman. Do not come a single step closer."
"Ignore Lucia, tell me what happened, Maria. I won’t let the princess harm you or your family in any way, I swear it."
"The city is in upheaval. So many men have been murdered in the streets in recent nights, their throats cut and their bodies left there to rot."
"Death is a part of mortal life; nothing will change that for them."
"Do not do this to me, Amara. You never should have returned here."
"I was a prisoner of the choices taken from me."
"This is war. And in war, we must do what is necessary to survive."
"Life isn’t guaranteed, not at any time, not for anyone. Every single day, every single moment, could be our last."
"I don’t know where, but I wish I knew for sure."
"You should have woken me, my father shouldn’t have sent you away all alone."
"Which means we must take what we want most in this short mortal life while we have the chance."
"I’m not pretending to be something I’m not. Not anymore."
"Trust me, brother. Today, I’m exactly who I was meant to be."
"Magical markings as old as time itself that will make even an immortal obey my command."
"After all my sacrifices, I will finally receive everything I’ve ever wanted."
"I refuse to believe that we have absolutely no control over our own futures."
"Nature has a way of making it happen whether you know what you’re doing or not."
"I see your destiny as clearly as Timotheus can."
"I believe in magic. In evil sorceresses who deep down are really beautiful princesses."
"I don’t want to be a father. Not yet, anyway."
"We have the elemental magic inside of us, but we haven’t lost our minds or our souls."
"You are destined for greatness, Jonas Agallon."
"I love him. I love Magnus with all my heart. And I swear, if he’s... dead... I don’t think this world will survive my grief."