
Black Lies Quotes

Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

"Learned at an early age to hide treachery behind a sweet smile and innocent façade."
"I smiled for the photo and blew out the candles, missing three on purpose, seeing Mother’s eyes flicker, her smile remaining fixed."
"Chemistry isn’t important. He’s from a good family—will provide for you."
"My trust fund would provide for me. I didn’t need a relationship without chemistry."
"I smiled. "I have a degree in quantitative science. It’s not unreasonable for me to consider using it. I am doing consulting for a medical firm. Overseeing some FDA trials.""
""Please don’t. Work causes stress, which will prematurely age you. And you only have—""
""A few good years left." I finished her sentence, keeping my voice light."
"I drove to the attorney’s office, and, thirty minutes later, was a free woman."
""I spent my first two decades planning, holding out for the moment when I could desert this culture."
"I needed to escape this life, I needed to find something different, I needed to make my own path."
"I stared into my eyes and tried to find the person in them."
"Maybe tomorrow I could turn over a new leaf. Try again to leave the nest and live a genuine and happy life."
"Brant Sharp. Genius. Billionaire. Philanthropist."
"We celebrated with conspiratorial smiles when Yand was cornered."
""Let’s go." I jerked to standing, the legs of my chair squeaking as they slid across the floor."
""God, you taste so sweet. I want to bury my face in you, Lana.""
"Pleasing a woman… it’s important to me. I wanted to be taught, by a professional."
"Every kid wants love. To have parents whose focus is on their happiness."
"You don’t ever need motives, Lana. Anything you want, anything that makes you happy… just ask."
"I love you. Every dark and light piece of you."
"The more time in each other’s presence... it was only a matter of time."
"The pieces of him hidden behind his slight smile."
"Nothing but nature. Yeah, it was pretty. Big deal."
"Love had the power to destroy, to erase all logic."
"You're leaving? You don't want to talk to him?"
"Love isn't about being happy. Be single and be happy. Love is about putting him, his sanity, his happiness, first."
"Silence. I was at ease in the silence. It fit in this moment in time, reminded me of other times, other places."
"You’ll never do it." His words were a slur of depression, thickened by alcohol and desperation.
"A destroyed man sat before me, his arms around his knees, a shiver against my soul."
"He broke the contact, rested his head back on his hands, and silence fell back over the street."
"When I woke up in the morning, he was gone, along with the cash from my wallet."
"I missed you." I couldn’t hold the sentence back. It was true, no matter how much I hated it.
"We live in different worlds, Lana. Don’t insult me by ignoring that fact."
"Sometimes getting everything you ever wanted sucked."
"I’m absent-minded, I’m not living separate lives."
"I can’t lose you, Lana. You are my everything."
"I have you for how long? You aren’t going to want to put up with this."
"Forever. I’ve been telling you that for years, Brant."
"I love you too, Lana. Thank you… for sticking with me through this."
"Thanks for not giving up when I turned down your other proposals."
"That’s a yes, Brant Sharp. I will marry you and be your wife whenever you want to have me."
"I don’t really feel comfortable taking orders from someone who is not a BSX employee, Mr. Sharp."
"I did some pretty despicable things to win you over," I say. "Things I’m not proud of."
"Without the lies, without the secrets… it is better than it has ever been."
"Dissociative Identity Disorder is not an easily fixed affliction."
"Therapy. It’s not sexy, and it takes time, but it has the highest probability of success."
"I loved you. I still love you. Even when I hate you, I love you. I always will."
"Lee is still there, pieces of him sprinkled through Brant’s personality, sparkling like glitter when it hits the sun."