
Dying Light Quotes

Dying Light by Stuart MacBride

"The truth is a malleable thing, especially when I get my hands on it."
"The squat was halfway down a terrace of abandoned two storey buildings - dirty granite walls barely lit by the dull streetlights."
"He was hard too, the front of his trousers bulging with barely concealed joy."
"Rosie Williams died the way she’d lived: ugly."
"Rosie’s naked body. She lay on one of the glittering cutting tables, beneath the massive extractor hood, ready to give her all one last time."
"You are all here for one reason and one reason only, like me, you are a fuck-up, and no one else will have you."
"If anyone can work their way out of this crummy team back to the real world, it’s you. You’re a damn fine officer."
"It’s a body in a suitcase, Logan, who else am I going to trust to take with me? That bunch of fuckwits I’ve been lumbered with?"
"You know why they call it the Screw-Up Squad? The Pish Patrol? The Fuck Up Factory? ‘Cos every bastard that can’t find their backside with both hands gets dumped in it."
"Son of a bitch … Literally. This torso. It’s not human."
"You did, didn’t you? You loved her and she was out there every night, some stranger’s dick in her mouth. Screwing them in doorways. Your precious Rosie, out there with—"
"‘Jesus, it’s like a fuckin’ oven in here!’ He wasn’t kidding."
"Under Scottish law you have no right to legal counsel until we’ve finished with you. No lawyers. Interview first, lawyer later. Comprende?"
"But you did, didn’t you? You didn’t mean to, but you hurt her really bad. Was it an accident? Come on, Jamie, you’ll feel better if you tell us."
"He’ll be fine. Stick some cash in the whip-round: we’ll get him a stripper. This’ll all blow over. You’ll see."
"But I wasnae here yesterday. Couldn’t fuckin’ move yesterday, let alone work."
"You shouldn’t have to bury your grandchildren!"
"She led them into a large lounge done up in faded-yellow wallpaper with orange and red roses on it."
"It didn’t fit the image Logan had of Graham Kennedy from reading his criminal record."
"So much for the Rosie Williams murder being his ticket out of the Screw-Up Squad."
"Aberdeen Royal Infirmary was the biggest hospital in the North-east of Scotland, but you wouldn’t know that to look at its A&E waiting room."
"A short Asian nurse escorted them through the building to a large public ward, most of which was taken up with elderly men and the smell of boiled cabbage."
"Jamie McKinnon had been in surgery for a little over an hour, but now he was sitting up in bed, looking groggy."
"He flinched as DI Steel plonked herself down on his bed."
"You didn’t need to do all this just to get my attention."
"Chicken jalfrezi, chicken korma, nan bread, poppadums, lime pickle, raita and that red, raw oniony stuff you like."
"Ever since I did it, I’ve been bored out of my head."
"I’m having a fag because we have already searched every square inch of this clearing."
"I brought her in about a dozen times when she was younger: shoplifting."
"How’re we going to spot our man: pull them all over and ask?"
"What the hell’s wrong with this place? You’d think a quiet little city like Aberdeen would be safe … You ever look at the statistics? According to the Scottish Office, we murder more people here, per million head of population, than the whole of England and Wales combined."
"Wow … We must be really crap! How could we miss so many times? I blame the parents."
"It was the perfect day for drying towels: sun shining, light breeze and no midges."
"A loud shout from inside the house and the boyfriend jumped. In that moment his eyes caught Ailsa’s and she knew he was every bit as trapped by this horrible harridan as she and Gavin were."
"He couldn’t stand the thought of his baby inside her getting poked by strangers’ dicks every night."
"It wasn’t his fault. It would all blow over."
"This was a perfect opportunity for the slimy bastards to crawl out of the woodwork and stab him in the back."
"Right on cue the inspector stuck his pointy face around the door and beckoned Logan inside."
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and daughter."
"Naturally we can expect 'prominent citizens' like Councillor Marshall to make their feelings known on the subject."
"If you are found to have been negligent, you can expect a reduction in rank and possible expulsion from the force."
"Screw Napier. Logan hadn’t done anything wrong, had he?"
"Fine, you know what: two could play at that game."
"The sun was still shining, but the air was full of the stench of burning meat and roasting timbers."
"He wasn’t going to be sick, he wasn’t going to be sick."
"There was a little brass plaque on the door, just above the letterbox, and he squatted down, brushing away the dirt and debris until he could read it: Andrew, Wendy, Joanna & Molly Lawson."
"Please God let no one have seen him puking in the bushes."
"The fire at the squat, where six people died, had been a spectator sport."
"By the time the fire brigade got here it was all they could do to stop it spreading next door."
"The psychological pathology of the offender is very clearly one of hatred."
"‘All right,’ said Insch, hands in his pockets, ‘that’s enough effusive praise for one day, we don’t want DS McRae to get a swollen head.’"
"You really look dreadful. But then I suppose that's what happens when one gets into the habit of drinking before lunchtime."
"I have never forced anything up anyone's backside against their will."
"You and your mate can comply with my sharny arse—"
"If there's one thing I simply can't stand, it's paedophiles."
"Right, an accident. I get you. Mum's the word."
"The whole bloody team's sitting about like spare pricks, waiting for someone to brief them."
"First bloody dream in ages that doesn't feature dead bodies and you wake me up! Bastard!"
"That wee outburst you witnessed was the most he’d said all bloody night."
"Sure you are; long hair and a moustache equals child molester in anyone’s book."
"Finally Logan called the operation to a halt and sent everyone back to FHQ."
"Come on, let’s go tell Mr Sutherland some dirty, stinking lies."
"Maybe this was one of those times when the unique verdict allowable under Scottish law applied - 'not proven'."
"It's what you actually did that counts. Even a moron like you should know that."
"We’ve got someone out there burning people to death, and I haven’t got a clue how to stop him."
"Anyone asks, I’m off to the shops. There’s a big bag of sherbet lemons out there with my name on it."
"Looking for white, male GSOH, mid-twenties - into setting fire to people’s houses, with them inside, and masturbating while they burn - for long-term commitment at Her Majesty’s pleasure. Genuine psychos only; no time wasters."
"What am I supposed to do with that? Put an ad in the personal columns?"
"More important things in life than beer and nipples."
"If anyone wants me, you don't know where I am."
"She left me. Took the kids and all her stuff and walked out the door."
"I’m going out. If anyone wants me, you don’t know where I am."
"Apparently there was nothing he couldn’t do."
"They said if he talks to the police they’ll come back and finish the job."
"What if I’m wrong?" "Then you look like an arse. What if you’re right?"
"What’s the worst that can happen if we go in there and nothing’s wrong?" "You get your bollocks chewed off for breaking and entering."
"Why not just put a big sign in the front garden saying, I’m stupid: please rob me?"
"This isn’t going to achieve anything, Chib, why—"
"You can’t just kill them they’re not bloody animals, they’re human beings!"
"This is Scotland: you get a lawyer when we say so, not before."