
Prick Quotes

Prick by Sabrina Paige

"Unlike Caulter, I had exactly zero experience with that. I had been Little Miss Perfect my whole life -- 4.0 GPA, class president, valedictorian, the whole nine yards."
"It’s like watching two trains moving in slow motion toward certain collision."
"The casualness with which I consider it almost makes me laugh. Except that the situation is essentially a tragedy, not a comedy."
"I don't even know what water sports are, and I don't think I want to know."
"What happens next is out of character. I don't even think about it before I do it. I just step forward and slap Caulter right across the side of his face, my palm landing against his cheek with a crack that reverberates through the room."
"You're the tattooed, chain-smoking, beer-guzzling, train wreck son of the movie star who's marrying my family-values, ex-Marine Senator father. You're a tabloid headline, standing right here in front of me!"
"Jesus fucking Christ," she screams. "I can't listen to another second of arguing!"
"You're about to punch Caulter in the fucking kitchen! You don't see the irony here? Mom would hate the person you are - and you know it."
"Seriously, Caulter, I don't need your bullshit right now. I'm not in the mood. I'm on my way out."
"Mind your own business," she says. "Seriously. Look, we're standing right here, aren't we? Why don't you take a photo of us together, not killing each other. We're friends. That's my comment."
"I guess I don’t give a shit about your fucking dad."
"It must be nice to not give a shit what other people think," she says.
"You're to blame if the newspapers talk about how the Senator's daughter is now fat, instead of the re-election campaign," I say, shoving a bigger piece of the baked good into my mouth.
"Don't ever let me hear that word come out of your mouth again, Kate Harrison."
"It's not healthy, you know, moping around your room. She's not going to replace your mother."
"I'm not friends with any kids of future Presidents."
"That's the plan. Everything is about the plan."
"Shut your mouth. He's not my step-brother," I say. "We're not twelve."
"Some people wait to lose their virginity to someone they love," I say imperiously.
"I wonder if that's what happens when everyone loses their virginity, or if it's something about Caulter that's making me a sex-crazed lunatic."
"You never know the when opportunity will strike."
"I know that you're not the good little straight-laced girl your father wants, the poster child for his campaign. I know that you're so fucking pent-up with all your studying and being responsible and being so damn perfect all the time that you've been dying for someone like me to come along who will let you out of your pretty little shell and make you feel something."
"Fuck you. Fuck you, Caulter. You're so damn high and mighty, rebelling against anyone and everything because you're too cool for conformity."
"At some point, you have to grow up, Caulter, and stop acting like a spoiled little shit."
"I'm thrilled that you've found someone to hitch your wagon to."
"You kids don’t need to be on display all the time."
"Open the fucking door before someone looks up here and sees us."
"Despite what you might think, I'm not an asshole."
"You're the most irritating girl I've ever met."
"You want me to be your fucking boyfriend or something?"
"I'd hate for you to be walking down the aisle tomorrow any way other than bow-legged."
"I’m not sure," I say absently. "I'm unsure about Harvard."
"Some people might see it as fucked up, the way I just up and left."
"I tried to talk to her after the reception, but she wouldn't even look at me."
"I love him fully and completely, without reservation. And that has changed everything."
"It’s...it’s just breathtakingly beautiful. I can’t believe you brought me here."