
The End Of Oz Quotes

The End Of Oz by Danielle Paige

"The first time I flew, it was under very different circumstances."
"You’re not going to believe me, but we’re in Oz."
"The thing is that Dorothy is—was—actually evil."
"Amy, I think the road took us all the way across the desert."
"I understand exactly what you mean, Nome King."
"The Nome King was either a very dangerous friend—or a very interesting enemy."
"What’s a movie?" Nox asked. In all the time we’d spent together talking about Oz’s magic, I’d never gotten much of a chance to tell him about the magic in my world.
"Stop!" One of the Wheelers called out to the others in a deep, scratchy voice that made me think of an old man who’d spent his entire life chain-smoking and chugging hard liquor.
"Welcome to Ev, honored guests," the Wheeler sneered. His voice sounded like tin cans being dragged behind an old car.
"Look, knock it off. "Madison stepped forward. Her voice was clear and loud and somehow, even though I knew she must be terrified, she seemed confident.
"Cool, so you’re not going to kill us, am I right?" she said.
"You weren’t there, Nox. A lot happened in Kansas. She risked her life for me," I said.
"Flesh-feet think they’re too good for Wheelers! Wait until Princess cuts off your heads! Then you won’t be so smarty-smart! Little witches get Wheeler stitches!"
"I have a bad feeling about this," Madison said under her breath as we crept slowly forward.
"I’m not going to murder you. I just want to know a bit about the palace." She’d gone mute with terror, staring at me with beseeching eyes. This was really going to take some patience.
"You must help me select my court dress," I said imperiously.
"How will mistress be able to walk for the wedding?" Bupu blurted, staring at me. And then she clapped her hands over her mouth and stared at me in horror, her eyes wide.
"I’m pretty sure they don’t have Anthony Hopkins in Oz," I pointed out.
"I know all about you. You might choose not to remember the past, but I don’t forget. Anything."
"You’re the most recent conquest, I take it?" she said. "You know you’re not the last in a very long line. Nox is quite the pretty boy, isn’t he? Always an eye for the ladies. So troubled and remote. ‘Only you can save him,’" she said mockingly.
"I’m entertaining you as very honored guests." She smiled mirthlessly.
"Very much so, I’m afraid." She shrugged. "Until I kill her, that is."
"He’s up to something. But I can’t imagine what it is yet. It’s more than just marriage he’s after, I’ll bet all of Oz on it."
"Committing to a big-picture vision takes serious guts, especially when everyone around you is telling you ridiculous things like your approach is too dictatorial, or you should factor in human—or Munchkin—rights."
"Ensuring my style was up to my rigorous standards in these survival-only conditions was just the thing I needed to give me an extra dose of pep."
"I’ve always felt better when my ensemble is on point."
"I wasn’t sure I could do it now. Because if I did, that would make me just like her."
"No one has ever trusted me with an important mission before, mistress."
"The Nome King isn’t going to marry you. He’s going to murder you."
"We must come to terms with the wounds of our past if we are to survive the future."
"It was becoming increasingly clear that whether I cooperated with him or not, the Nome King was determined I obey his will."
"For the first time in a long time, something that felt like hope flared up in my chest."
"Power will always corrupt those who have not learned to serve it properly."
"She didn’t kill her. But what if she escapes? 'What if she does?' Lurline said. 'She will remember Ozma’s mercy.'"
"Compassion, not Good. Not Wicked. Forgiveness. And empathy. And love."
"None of us are entirely Wicked or entirely Good. Or entirely evil, for that matter. We are made of what shapes us."
"The road brought us to you for a reason. You know it as well as I do."
"A fairy’s kiss. Just like Gert had kissed me once, after my first battle in Oz."
"We are not as enlightened here as you are in Oz."
"A few casualties are unavoidable in service to the larger cause."
"Believe what you want," he said. "For now, we all want the same thing. To take care of Dorothy once and for all."
"You have to learn to be the knife. But I was the one who needed to learn. I never thought about myself. I thought of the Order. But I was the knife. I was the fight. You taught me how to love. You taught me how to choose. And I choose you. Always."
"If you help me escape I will lay down my life for you, Dorothy Gale."
"If I’m going to thwart my own murder and get us out of here, I need to come up with a plan."
"I know a few malcontents have had complaints about the way I did things in Oz, but I’ve only ever wanted for my subjects to be happy."
"I would never let my subjects suffer the way the Nome King did."
"I had one small advantage: the Nome King might have realized I could use magic again, but I was pretty sure he hadn’t seen that awful idiot Amy the way that I had."
"And if that didn’t work, I had to kill him first."
"You are a prisoner in my kingdom who couldn’t use magic until an hour ago."
"I’m not some dimwit glitterball like Glinda."
"When we are married, my darling, there will never be any secrets between us."
"I simply cannot wait a moment longer to be united with you forever."
"In our world women used to be property. It’s not so different."
"I don’t miss the Other Place for a minute. It was barren and boring."
"Coming to Oz must have been very strange for you."
"I’m perfectly capable of handling pressure, if that’s what you mean."
"But to be separated from your family so young, orphaned like that, forced to make decisions as a ruler of a nation . . ."
"Ballrooms were the cure for almost anything."
"Hundreds? I was thinking a more intimate affair."
"I have utter faith in your abilities. Tomorrow morning we shall be wed."
"It was just my luck to find the person of my dreams in a war-torn world where I was in danger of losing him any minute."
"Maybe that was what life was like for everyone. Okay, so people weren’t literally on the verge of being killed all the time back in Kansas, but everyone around you was changing and growing all the time and turning into different people."
"Falling in love with Nox hadn’t changed why I’d been brought to Oz, and it didn’t change how much I wanted Oz to be free."
"The more time we have before the Nome King sees me, the better."
"There was so much in my own world I hadn’t experienced. I’d never even been outside Kansas."
"I love you," I whispered. No matter how many times I said it, I knew I’d never get used to the feeling of the words in my mouth.
"Nothing worth talking about," I said honestly.
"But it was more than that. You were different. You saw the world differently."
"At first, when you came to the Order, I wanted to push you out. I wanted to make you leave. Because I could see it in you then, this goodness that you have, and I didn’t want you anywhere near us."
"You didn’t kill them. She did. Everyone who trains with the Order knows what they’re getting into."
"I looked at the Munchkin. "You are a good friend, Bupu.""
"Once upon a time we were both in the Other Place wishing for some magic, excitement, and friends. And here we were now. Two tornados later. Two girls from the Other Place all dressed up at my wedding ball . . ."
"I hadn’t come all this way to get killed underground at Dorothy’s stupid wedding. We were all going to make it out alive. I refused to allow anything else."
"Everything I’d been through, everything I’d learned, every battle I’d fought, had all been part of my journey toward the truth. To knowing that another world was possible if we took responsibility for creating it."
"But knowing and doing are two different things."
"If we changed the past—if Dorothy Gale never returned to Oz to become a tyrant—it also meant I’d be undoing everything else, too."
"I had the one thing I’d always wanted: the opportunity to free Oz for good. But it would mean losing Nox forever."
"Dorothy wasn’t always like this. It wasn’t until she killed the witch that she started to change."
"I forgive you," I said out loud. Like a mantra. Like a prayer. No—like a spell.
"Kansas is a part of me—but so is Oz. And Ozma wouldn’t contact me unless she absolutely needed to."
"There is magic on both sides of the rainbow. And there was no law that said that I had to choose one place over another forever."