
Chariots Of The Gods Quotes

Chariots Of The Gods by Erich von Däniken

"It is the right of all beginners to be so free, trusting and not so self-critical as their elders."
"It got even worse when some theses that I had never said or written were 'refuted.'"
"What has remained after all these years? Have I really spread nonsense?"
"There is something inconsistent about our past."
"There is a mass of know-how that we have only partially rediscovered today."
"Let us get used to the idea that the world of ideas that has grown up over the millennia is going to collapse."
"Knowledge that was hidden in the libraries of secret societies is being rediscovered."
"The past teemed with unknown gods who visited the primeval earth in manned spaceships."
"Not until we have taken a look into the future shall we be strong and bold enough to investigate our past honestly and impartially."
"We must challenge them to deliver up their secrets, for we have the means to find out all about our past, without leaving any gaps, if we really want to."
"The universe is estimated to be between eight and twelve billion years old."
"We—the paragons of creation?—took 400,000 years to reach our present state and our present stature."
"Only then shall we realize that we are nothing but ants in the vast state of the universe."
"What secret does this city conceal? What message from other worlds awaits its solution on the Bolivian plateau?"
"Our imagination is unable to conceive what technical resources our forefathers used to extract a monolithic rock of more than 100 tons from a quarry and then transport it and work it in a distant spot."
"Sacsahuamán and Tiahuanaco conceal a great number of prehistorical mysteries for which superficial but quite unconvincing explanations are hawked around."
"As long as our past is undiscovered, one entry in the account for the future remains blank."
"Why don’t we first or simultaneously seek the traces of unknown intelligences on our own earth, which is so much closer?"
"Their astronomy was incredibly highly developed."
"Our oft-quoted and extensively studied ancestors of Western culture, the Greeks, never rose above the figure 10,000 during the most brilliant period of their civilization. Anything beyond that was simply described as 'infinite.'"
"The old cuneiform inscriptions credit the Sumerians with a literally fantastic span of life."
"What would happen if here too we dared to take off our blinkers and look at the old things with fresh eyes, the eyes of today?"
"Even if a reactionary army tries to damn up this new intellectual flood, a new world must be conquered in the teeth of all the unteachable, in the name of truth and reality."
"The spacemen artificially fertilized some female members of this species, put them into a deep sleep, so ancient legends say, and departed."
"These first men had tremendous respect for the space travelers."
"Perhaps it will do some good to say a few words about the "truth.""
"The religious legends of the pre-Inca peoples say that the stars were inhabited and that the "gods" came down to them from the constellation of the Pleiades."
"It is no longer possible to block the roads to the past with dogmas."
"What is the purpose and goal of life after all? To believe in the "truth" or to seek it?"
"We must use a new working hypothesis, one developed from the technological knowledge of our age, to throw light onto the thicket behind which our past lies concealed."
"The almost uniform texts can stem only from facts, i.e., from prehistoric events."
"We owe a considerable number of all the epoch-making discoveries that our age thinks of as realities to lucky chances, not to steady systematic research."
"Glacier mummies left by the Incas survived the ages and theoretically they are capable of living."
"Americans are seriously concerned, as part of their space program, with the problem of how to freeze astronauts of the future for their long journey to distant stars."
"A future in which bodies, frozen in deep-freeze cemeteries or deep-freeze bunkers, await the day when advances in medical science can remove the cause of their death and bring their bodies to new life."
"One can see the terrifying vision of an army of deep-frozen soldiers who will be thawed out as necessary in case of war."
"How did the ancients know that the body cells continue to live slowed down a billionfold after special treatment?"
"The majority of ancient peoples knew the technique of mummification, and the rich people actually practiced it."
"Travel agencies will offer trips to the planets, with precise departure and return dates, in their brochures."
"Mankind will have a mastery of space travel that is inconceivable today."
"Occultists can put out their lamps, alchemists destroy their crucibles, secret brotherhoods take off their cowls."
"Once the universe opens its doors, we shall attain a better future."
"When men of all races, peoples, and nations unite in the supranational task of making journeys to distant planets technically feasible, the earth with all its mini-problems will fall back into its right relation with the cosmic processes."
"It is no longer a question of abstract research which is of interest only to the scientist. And let me impress on anyone who does not feel that he is responsible for the future that the results of space research have already protected us from a third world war."
"We must bequeath our grandchildren a chance to survive. Every generation which neglects this duty is condemning the whole of mankind to death by starvation some time in the future."
"Even though it will take millions of years, our sun will burn out and die one day. It does not even need that terrible moment when a statesman loses his nerve and sets the atomic annihilation apparatus in motion to cause a catastrophe."
"Is it more human or even divine to let millions of people die of hunger year after year than to save the poor creatures from being born?"
"I am convinced that one day men will settle on Mars and cope with the climatic conditions just as the Eskimos would do if they were transplanted to Egypt."
"The things of which the layman has no idea are legion: new welding and lubricating processes in an absolute vacuum, photoelectric cells and new tiny sources of energy conquering infinite distances."
"The leisurely transmission of acquired knowledge from father to son is over forever."
"In every epoch mankind has needed an inspiriting watchword that enabled it to rise beyond the obvious problems to the apparently unattainable reality."
"I quite realize that this comparison is imperfect, for electricity is a known form of energy and dependent on the speed of light. I am concerned with a form of energy that is available and effective everywhere simultaneously."
"Never have we known so little about so much as today. I am certain that the theme Man and Unknown Intelligences will remain on the agenda of research until every puzzle that can be solved has found an answer."
"The most audacious possibility gives 50,000,000 unknown intelligences who are waiting for a sign from the cosmos."
"Civilizations with more advanced technologies than ours may have existed hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"American astrobiologist Dr. Carl Sagan assures us that according to statistical calculations alone the possibility exists that our earth may have been visited by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization at least once in the course of its history."
"Exobiology would certainly find it harder to find acceptance if recognized personalities were not already devoting their work to this new field of research."
"The desire of all these men is to break through the taboos, to tear down the walls of lethargy which until now have always surrounded the desert areas of research."
"But how can a proof of life in the universe be produced until someone has been there?"
"The search for unknown intelligences has begun but has not yet produced results that are measurable, demonstrable, and convincing."
"The first astronauts will land on Mars by September 23, 1986, at the latest."
"The research for the electric rocket motor of the future is forever linked with the name of Dr. Stuhlinger."
"In Huntsville some 7,000 technicians, engineers, and scientists of related disciplines are working under Wernher von Braun toward the great goal, the conquest of space."
"The supertechnology in the course of development is truly no scourge of mankind. It is carrying mankind into the future which begins anew daily with seven-league boots."
"The new science is called futurology! Its goal is the planning and detailed investigation and understanding of the future by all the technical and mental means available."
"Mankind has a compulsive urge to think out in advance and investigate the future with all the potentialities at its command."
"But it is our fault if we know all this but disregard it and refuse to take it seriously."
"Man has a magnificent future ahead of him, a future which will far surpass his magnificent past."