
They Do It With Mirrors Quotes

They Do It With Mirrors by Agatha Christie

"The elderly maid with the grey hair and the small pinched mouth eased the gown carefully up over Mrs. Van Rydock’s upstretched arms."
"Everything that money could do had been done for her — reinforced by diet, massage, and constant exercises."
"Miss Marple was white-haired, with a soft pink and white wrinkled face and innocent china blue eyes."
"Strange that Ruth whose home — or rather homes — had been in America should be the sister whom she had seen the more often of the two."
"Miss Marple had not, indeed, ever expected it. Everyone’s life has a tempo. Ruth’s was presto whereas Miss Marple’s was content to be adagio."
"The paths of Jane Marple and Carrie Louise did not cross. It was as simple as that."
"Only, if you move in different spheres, that does not happen."
"Human nature, dear, is very much the same everywhere. It is more difficult to observe it closely in a city, that is all."
"‘The worst is so often true,’ murmured Miss Marple."
"You have never lived in a village, Ruth. The things that go on in a pure peaceful village would probably surprise you."
"I never get a glimpse of them or find out who they are. But I shall find out…"
"This is all confidential. You do understand that, don’t you?"
"I understand being poor. There’s nothing much wrong with it."
"Isn’t it plain crazy to kick your luck when you’ve got it?"
"It’s very unfair on a child when her sister is always put in front of her."
"It’s not a man’s birth that matters but what he is."
"One has to know just exactly how things are."
"You can’t really spare anyone anything. Things always have to be faced sooner or later."
"How difficult it is to know the right thing to do."
"Anyone could have come in by the side door to the terrace."
"You don’t expect murder and attempted murder in the same house on the same night."
"I believe that's what made me go along to Mr Gulbrandsen’s room later."
"It is a case — surely you see that — of someone possibly very near and dear to her…"
"My wife, Inspector Curry, is an idealist, a completely trustful person."
"It's very odd that Edgar Lawson should quite suddenly have a relapse, so to speak."
"It’s one thing to endow a scheme, and another to give it the personal touch as they do here."
"They come upon you there’s no knowing when or how."
"The details, the times and places, the pettifogging pettiness of it."
"What a soul-destroying job yours must be, Inspector!"
"A very beautiful woman, and because she thinks he’s funny!"
"But it’s so very important that Gina should be happy."
"They don’t take long, these things, do they?"
"I’m just pointing out that you had the opportunity to do murder."
"How wonderfully knowledgeable the police force are."
"Fog’s patchy, though. Sometimes it clears for a minute here and there."
"One gets in the habit, you know, of looking at things from the point of view of a stage set, rather than from the point of view of reality."
"The illusion is in the eye of the beholder, not in the set itself."
"It’s a cruel world! Sooner or later it will be cruel to me! But now I’m young and I’m nice looking and people find me attractive."
"Intensity is fatiguing in the home. With me, Gina, you will find life entertaining."
"Sometimes it clears for a minute here and there."
"The audience, of course, had an excellent view of both of them…"
"But everything fits in perfectly well if you can only make up your mind what is reality and what is illusion."
"They do it with mirrors, you know — that sort of thing — if you understand me."
"He wanted the power to do great good with it."