
Scion Of Ikshvaku Quotes

Scion Of Ikshvaku by Amish Tripathi

"The more the bow bends and stretches, the farther the arrow flies. I fly, not because I am special, but because they stretched for me."
"Fight for justice. Treat all as equal. Protect the weak. Know that dharma is above all."
"Creativity has no greater sustenance than the love and support of others."
"May your soul find purpose again, while your body sustains my soul."
"He will be remembered as one of the greatest among men and will be celebrated for millennia."
"Forgive me for killing you, O noble beast. May your soul find purpose again, while your body sustains my soul."
"We need a new way of life, Lord Parshu Ram. My great country must be rejuvenated with the blood and sweat of patriots."
"This soil is worth more than my life to me. I love my country. I love my India."
"The increase in agricultural yield allowed many farmers to free themselves from the toil of tilling the land."
"Prospective attackers would have to row across a moat that had river-like dimensions."
"Every square inch of the ceiling had been painted in vivid colours, chronicling the stories of ancient Gods."
"One of the main purposes of this canal was militaristic. It was, in a sense, a moat."
"He raised his hand and folded his hands in a namaste."
"The universe was born when The One, Ekam, split into many in a great big bang, thus activating the cycle of creation."
"Laws are the foundation on which a fulfilling life is built for a community."
"A king need be judged solely on the basis of what he achieves for his people."
"Expecting people to follow rules just because they should is being too hopeful."
"The honour was mine. I look forward to seeing what you do with your life."
"Sometimes, the truth may also have consequences that are bad."
"She's your mother, Bharat. She only wants what is best for you."
"How can I forget? I was a little boy. The glass was too big for my hands. It was heavy; it slipped! That’s it! Why did she have to slap me?"
"This attitude is basic human nature. We’d rather look outward and blame others for the ills that befall us than point the finger at ourselves."
"Nobody in Ayodhya gives two hoots about the law, Dada! We are a civilisation in an advanced state of decay."
"The law is and always will be an ass. It’s a tool, a means to an end."
"A relationship is not just for fun, it is also about trust and the knowledge that you can depend on your partner."
"And that line is only visible in retrospect, my friend. If I’m successful, people will call me brave. If I fail, I will be called foolish."
"It is better for the jungle if only the strong survive — it is nature’s way of maintaining balance."
"People will talk nonsense. It is, after all, their job."
"Don’t punish my brother for my sins; punish me, punish me."
"Dark clouds cannot hide the sun forever. One day, they will clear and true light will shine through. Everyone will know then, how great my dada is."
"Truth was, all businessmen had no choice but to trade with Raavan’s Lankan traders as the demon-king held a monopoly over external trade with the Sapt Sindhu."
"Being the most successful businesswoman, Manthara was the prime recipient of the anti-trader prejudice."
"She had suffered enough abuse in her childhood to inure her from bigotry for many a lifetime."
"My sweet Roshni has unwittingly revealed the character of the princes to me."
"The law cannot be broken. It is supreme, more important than you or me."
"What other reason can there be? Oh, I don’t know. How about angling for the position of crown prince?"
"I don’t know whether you’ve suppressed your true feelings completely or you genuinely don’t care about the ignominy that people have heaped on you."
"This is my janmabhoomi, my land of birth. I have to serve it by leaving it better than I found it."
"Being a noble is a great responsibility, not a birthright."
"Dharma is above all, even the king. Dharma is above the Gods themselves."
"There is a school of thought which states that brute force can only be met with equal brute force. One fights fire with fire, Ram."
"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."
"A real leader doesn’t choose to lead only the deserving. He will, instead, inspire his people into becoming the best that they are capable of."
"Every emotion in the universe exists for a purpose; nothing is superfluous in nature’s design."
"If there is too much anger in society, leading to chaos and disruptive violence, then the leader needs to move it towards stability and calm."
"Sometimes you have to break the law to do justice."
"The truth hit Ram. ‘The Asuras have joined the Vayuputras…’"
"He held his sword aloft and roared in defiance."
"‘Ayodhyatah Vijetaarah!’ The conquerors from the unconquerable city!"
"‘I am the crown prince of Ayodhya,’ said Ram. ‘Surrender and I swear by the honour of Ayodhya, you will not be harmed.’"
"‘I would like to speak with them alone,’ said Ram."
"‘Testing you?’ asked Ram. ‘Is the Ekam making the Asuras lose every single major battle they have fought for centuries, for millennia actually, just so he can test you?’"
"Their only reality is their law, Lakshman."
"The law applies equally to all. No exceptions. And the law cannot be broken. Except when…"
"‘You are committing slow suicide,’ said Ram."
"‘But how can we live by the rules of these disgusting, decadent Devas who worship everything in theory but nothing in practice?’ asked Tadaka."
"But I am an admirer of the way of the masculine, a life of laws, obedience, honour and justice."
"If He is beyond form then how can He have a preference for any one form? He can, therefore, never belong to any one specific group. He belongs to all, and at the same time, to none."
"Life is complicated, and a balanced person can see both sides."
"The only true One God is the one who picks no sides, who belongs to everything, who doesn’t demand loyalty or fear; in fact, who doesn’t demand anything at all. Because the Ekam just exists; and His existence allows for the existence of all else."
"Enough of protecting these scum from the Bees Quarter! Hand him over!"
"‘He will be punished by the law!’ said Sita. ‘Not by you!’"
"Had the entire universe garnered all its talents into creating a perfect feminine face — of delicate beauty and ferocious will — this would be it."
"The more transfixed his face, the deeper the tumult of emotions within."
"A line from an ancient poem came floating into his mind; one that his romantic heart had found ethereal."
"She has that something, like the thread in a crystal-bead necklace. She holds it all together."
"His heart, despite the fact that it had never been given free rein due to his immense self-control, was probably aware that it had just found its greatest ally."
"Marriage has a higher purpose; it can be more than just a political alliance."
"You should only get married if you find someone you admire, who will help you understand and fulfil your life's purpose."
"Even if all people think polygamy is right, it doesn’t make it so."
"We are the descendants of Ikshvaku, the descendants of Raghu. We will not run away."
"A person becomes a Brahmin by karma, not by birth."
"I have become alive. You have made me alive."
"The law must apply equally and fairly to every single person. It is as simple as that."
"Honour is for the textbooks. In the real world..."
"He is insisting on being punished because that is the law."
"Humans moved away from the 'natural way' when we began to wear clothes, cook our food, and embraced cultural norms over instinctive urges."
"A true leader will even take a sin upon his soul for the good of his people."
"I am with you, Ram. We will handle this together."
"An ideal state is one which treated everyone as equal before the law."
"He offers me immortality, not for my body, but for my name."
"If I expect others to follow the law, then so should I."
"Sweet are the fruits of adversity. I will return with more sense knocked into me, I assure you."
"He knows. But he still tries to change things."
"When the time comes, I will place these rather than myself on the throne."
"We hold duty above love; we uphold honour, even at the cost of happiness."
"May the land of our ancestors … the soil that was witness to great karma … bless us."
"Trust me. You don’t know how rare a person you are."