
Phantoms Quotes

Phantoms by Dean Koontz

"During the twilight hour of that Sunday in early September, the mountains were painted in only two colors: green and blue."
"In case you haven't noticed, Jenny, I passed through puberty while you've been gone."
"Discipline is an expression of concern and love. The trick is not to be too heavy-handed about it."
"I'll even let you make your own bed every morning."
"There are silences and silences. No one of them is like another."
"A person should face up to fears like that. Facing up to them is the only way to get over them."
"Whether they realize it or not, all kids want to have rules put down for them."
"It's wrong to give in to irrational fears. It's wrong and weak and stupid."
"But you're not an adult, either. You're an adolescent."
"My ears feel like they're stuffed full of cotton."
"Everyone," the girl insisted softly, bleakly. "The whole town. All of them. You can feel it."
"A graveyard," Lisa said. "The whole town’s a graveyard. Can’t we just get in the car and go for help?"
"Yeah. Then again ... it didn’t save him, did it?"
"Poisoned water supply?" "Not unless everyone just happened to take a drink at precisely the same moment, so that no one had a chance to warn anyone else."
"People like the Liebermanns made Snowfield a good place to live, a haven from the rude world where violence and unkindness were disconcertingly common."
"First thing is—I was wondering why you shot your wife and then did a load of laundry before calling us to report what had happened."
"I’ve never met her either. I was just wondering if maybe you’d heard anything about ... about whether she drinks. I mean ... booze."
"She said that everyone’s dead up there. Everyone in Snowfield. She said she and her sister are the only ones alive."
"Sis, I’m sorry that we never had much time together over the years."
"I always knew there was a lot on your shoulders, a lot you had to worry about."
"Gordy, when you frown, you look like a man who eats live chickens for breakfast."
"It wasn’t the prospect of disease or poison that occasioned fear in Gordy."
"His trigger finger became as brittle and inflexible as ice."
"For a cop, the inability to shoot (when shooting was clearly justified) was not only weakness but madness, perhaps even sinful."
"The bell tolled once more—a loud, deep, mournful sound."
"So there must be someone else here besides us."
"It was possible for a man to be peaceful by nature and still possess the nerve to save himself, his friends, his kind."
"Dawn, Bryce Hammond thought, will never come unless we move."
"Sometimes, deep down inside where it really counts, we all know it wasn’t people who did these things. It’s something really awful—Jeez, just feel it out there—something strange and disgusting. Whatever it is, we all feel it. We’re all scared of it. So we’re all trying hard not to admit it’s there."
"The only way we’re going to solve this one—maybe the only way we’re going to avoid becoming victims ourselves—is to keep our minds open and let our imaginations have free rein."
"Even in the midst of disaster, even here in the Twilight Zone, we have to have our coffee and supper."
"We don’t want to look inward and find primitive superstition. We’re all civilized, reasonably well-educated adults, and adults aren’t supposed to believe in the boogeyman."
"The world’s attention wouldn’t be diverted from Snowfield until the mystery had been explained. The pressure to find a solution was going to be unbearable."
"What kind of world have we let it become when things like Copperfield’s department are even necessary?"
"Turn your lights toward the floor or ceiling," Bryce said. One beam swung up, two down.
"It's like a damned stage play," Bryce thought.
"Impossible," Frank Autry said. "That's what it was. Just plain impossible."
"Whether it was tape-recorded or not," Frank Autry said, "it's probably a mistake to think in terms of hostages."
"We're not one bit safer in here than we would be out there," Bryce said gently.
"They had stepped through the looking glass. The impossible was possible. The enemy was the unknown."
"All the lights in the Hilltop Inn and all the lights along the main street flickered. Dimmed. Went out. But they came back on after only a second of darkness."
"That her mother had never blamed her for her father’s death was a profoundly liberating realization."
"If Mom didn’t hold it against me, I guess I’ve been wrong to hold it against myself."
"I’m just happy, honey. Happy about what you’ve told me."
"For a man who had spent so much of his life engaged in dangerous work, a woman like Ruth was indispensable medicine, an inoculation against despair."
"Life’s too short. That’s something that’s been brought home to me tonight. From now on I’m going to live, really live—if Snowfield will let me."
"The accusation I thought I saw in her eyes was only a reflection of my own guilty feelings."
"It’s hard to grieve properly. I’m just sort of numb."
"It’s driving me crazy trying to figure it out."
"I don’t care. Ask Gordy. He can stand outside the stall with his back turned."
"It’s something that just plain likes to kill."
"It was almost like a performance. As if it were bragging: ‘Hey, look what I can do; look how clever I am.’"
"Let your imagination run wild, General. No matter what hideous thing you conjure up, we can’t rule it out. We’re dealing with the unknown, and the unknown encompasses all our nightmares."
"Chemical or biological agents might be involved. As you observed, we can’t rule out anything. But it’s not a simple case."
"Because I have a hunch that time is running out."
"If anything moves down there... even if it’s just a mouse, get your asses out of there fast."
"And now there were snakes among the animals. Scores of them... all rushing down the road to Hell, swarming over and around and under one another, yet never once stumbling or hesitating or snapping at one another."
"The ancient enemy, Dr. Flyte. One of those creatures has struck again. Just yesterday. A town in California. Some are dead. Most are missing. Hundreds. An entire town. Gone."
"By the time we publish, the demand will be phenomenal!"
"Was the first British colony in America vanished without a trace?"
"He was out of sight, and he had transportation."
"She was troubled about exposing Lisa to more gruesome scenes, but she couldn’t refuse to assist the search team."
"In several houses, tables were set for Sunday dinner."
"Good God. He didn’t have time to spit the stuff out or swallow it. Death must’ve been instantaneous."
"To ridicule us. To mock us. To steal our hope."
"I’ll get them for this. Whoever did this... I’ll make them pay."
"Not all evil is in men. There’s evil in nature."
"The corpse seems to have been injected with an extremely effective preservative."
"It’s highly absorbable and enters the body by skin contact, then circulates through the tissues within seconds."
"The degree of bruising is the same all over the body. The tissues are damaged to precisely the same degree on the thighs, on the hands, on the chest, everywhere. Which is impossible."
"If you were to beat someone with a heavy weapon, some areas of the body would be more severely bruised than others."
"Obviously, the tissue compression that resulted in bruising was caused by something other than blows to the body."
"No theories, I’m afraid. No coherent thought. Just that... now I believe Isley and Arkham were wise to come along."
"No dog ever barks at me. Did you know that? No cat has ever scratched me."
"Animals respond to me. They trust me. Maybe they even love me."
"There’s always hope as long as we’re still alive."
"It’s everywhere. It sees all and knows all. Just like God."
"Death was terrifying, yes; however, senseless death was the worst of all."
"But to a kid, it seemed exciting and spooky."
"I figure the Satanic mumbo-jumbo is just something that amuses it."
"Somehow, it ate the knowledge and experience of its cousin when it ate the flesh."
"All six survivors were upbeat in their conversations... these calls had only one grim purpose; the six survivors were saying goodbye."
"If he had been six feet two instead of just five feet one, his face might have been as famous as Robert Redford’s."
"The human body is mostly water... Those pools and puddles we found were all the remains we'll ever have of the hundreds who're missing. No bodies. No bones. Just water."
"We know for sure that bullets won’t do the job."
"In spite of their optimistic tone, these calls had only one grim purpose; the six survivors were saying goodbye."
"The history of the sea is replete with stories of vanished ships and ghost ships from which the crews disappeared."
"Wait, wait, wait. Something in the dish must’ve reacted with the shape-changer’s tissue. Right? Isn’t that clear?"
"It’s the stuff that’ll kill the shape-changer."
"The human brain produces enzymes and hormones without which our own bodies wouldn’t be able to survive. Why shouldn’t the shape-changer’s brain fulfill a similar function?"
"The fog had lost its pale glow. Now the mist was dazzling, white-white, shining with refractions of the morning sunlight."
"She didn’t want to raise their hopes unrealistically and then see them dashed again."
"The streets, although not silent, were still. There was not even a breeze; the mist hung motionless in the air."
"It seems to know almost everythin’ there is to know about me, things that only my closest brother bikers ever knew."
"You’ve been thinkin’ this must be a demon, somethin’ from Hell. And it is from Hell, man. But it’s no demon. It’s Him. Him. Lucifer."
"He’s allowin’ me to go on livin’ because He knows I’m His true disciple."