
Ruby Holler Quotes

Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech

"How can we live every day of our lives without running or shouting or throwing or talking or dropping or spilling?"
"Good hard thinking and good hard work never hurt anybody."
"You are now entering Ruby Holler, the one and only Ruby Holler! Your lives are never going to be the same—"
"We might be big and clumsy and stupid like we are now, or maybe we'll get some brains and turn into geniuses or something."
"Earnings. How much money per hour?" "You mean to tell me you're going to pay me to work? Like in money?"
"I believe you've thought of everything, Dallas," she said. "You've got some real good ideas here, things I wouldn't have thought of."
"One person's trouble is another person's joy," that's what Tiller's mom used to say.
"Sometimes I think we were just getting really good at it when all of a sudden those kids were grown up and gone."
"You can’t send them back as if they’re a pair of boots that don’t fit right."
"In the fall all those maple trees turn scarlet red, and all those red leaves look like a million bazillion rubies dangling on the trees."
"Maybe these trips they were planning were foolish."
"If we’re going to get blamed for everything, we might as well actually do something to get blamed for."
"My brains are shut down. The motor’s off. The engine’s—"
"We’re trouble, Florida said. Double trouble."
"Money is trouble. I don’t want to know where their money is. I never, never, ever want to know where it is."
"It was a bad thing, he decided, getting used to all that good food that Sairy and Tiller heaped on the table."
"Let's not disturb Tiller and Sairy. Let's just try out this stuff without bothering anybody."
"Kids ought to have a little choice, that’s what I think. They ought to be able to do stuff without someone watching over their shoulders every minute."
"I can’t hardly think without food in my stomach."
"Sometimes you have to sneak up on it. Pretend you’re just moving your hand, your knife, and you don’t think you’re making anything. Then all of a sudden you look down, quick, and sometimes you can tell right then."
"I don’t know what it was like, but my guess is it’s not an ordinary stone. It’s probably a big one, or maybe a pile of big ones."
"Of course I’m going to miss you. How could I not miss you? You’ve been right here most of the days of my life."
"If you’d asked me that last month, I’d have said no, but lately, the holler seems more like the enchanting place it used to be."
"You don’t have to know when you start out. Just see what comes out."
"We’re on this scrubby patch of dirt on this hillside. Maybe we don’t know where exactly this hillside is, but I’m sure we’ll be fine, just fine."
"An idea took hold in his brain and raced around like a rabid dog."
"It's too much for a man to take in. I gotta let my head find a place to put it."
"Maybe he should tell those kids straight out and take them to his place, and they’d be a ready-made family."
"You just think everybody’s good, and that everybody tells the truth."
"Without you, I’m just a sock without a boot."
"It was the best smell in the world. Bacon. Welcome-home bacon."