
Last Night At Chateau Marmont Quotes

Last Night At Chateau Marmont by Lauren Weisberger

"Ninety-one percent of your patients evaluated your consultations as 'excellent,' and the remaining nine all ranked them as 'good.'"
"You don’t know how good you have it, boy. She doesn’t make you work in exchange for kibble."
"I love you too, Brooke. Now be quiet and let me watch."
"My father already tells anyone who will listen that you have the songwriting talent of Bob Dylan and a voice that will make them cry."
"Do you really think it’s going to be that bad? It’s not like they haven’t all met before."
"It’s brunch, baby. Some coffee, a few bagels, and we’re out."
"She was a brother’s dream, he was a fist of sand."
"Tonight is only the start, and it’s going to be insane."
"You are perfect, Kaylie. I know it doesn’t always feel that way, especially surrounded by girls with so many advantages, but believe me when I tell you that you’re absolutely beautiful."
"I can’t believe it. I mean, of course I can believe it, but it’s just so incredible."
"You don’t have to deal with dinner. Let me pick something up. Or we can go out! Why don’t we go somewhere and really celebrate?"
"Me neither." He made a kissing sound into the phone-something he hadn’t done in years-and hung up.
"Big date with my husband." Brooke corrected her, trying to salvage at least a little professionalism.
"That is the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever heard!"
"Hel, yeah, Mrs. A. This is big news for you."
"I think that’s freaking incredible!" she said, throwing her arms around his neck.
"I leave you alone for one afternoon and you get yourself drunk?"
"Rook, it was incredible! I nailed it, just absolutely nailed it."
"I think I can’t wait to canoodle with you by the bar and party all night in the bungalows."
"I’m so proud of you for this amazing accomplishment, now get over here so I can show you."
"Guess who’s staying at the Chateau Marmont?" he said, his smile a mile wide.
"I know, that’s probably what I would’ve guessed too. Eighteen grand."
"My weak heart can’t handle another threesome."
"You are not required to answer the question they ask you, and if you don’t like the question, you go ahead and answer any question you feel like answering."
"I love my wife very much. None of this would have ever happened without her incredible support."
"Don’t worry, I’ll put this all in an email and we’ll review it."
"They won’t ever sleep in Julian’s parents’ bed—way too creepy—but they did love using the master bathroom."
"They made love softly, slowly, like two people who have been together for years and know everything about each other, and for the first time in ages, they fell asleep entwined."
"I’ve been blown away by the response to the album, and now this? What an honor. What a truly phenomenal honor."
"Thanks to my beautiful wife, both my life and my music are infinitely better. She’s more than my inspiration—she’s my motivation, my influence, my… my everything."
"It’s every bit as much yours as it is his—hell, he probably wouldn’t have a dime of it if it weren’t for you, so don’t cut off your nose to spite your face."
"Every story, no matter how juicy or horrible it is, eventually goes away. The vultures always need fresh misery to feed on, so if you just keep your cool and refuse to comment, it will get better."
"If I can, anyone can. As for the show right now, remember to smile, smile, smile. Those cameras are going to be all over you tonight, just praying for a breakdown, so don’t give it to them, okay?"
"Cause the next time that he cheats / Oh, you know it won't be on me."
"I still have the twenty hours a week at Huntley."
"He's a singer, for chrissake, and I think he could figure it out."
"The dissolution of your marriage? Is that really what's happening here?"
"I think the exact quote was 'there was the removal of clothes.'"
"We're just like my parents. I always thought we'd be different, and here we are..."
"I'm not really a shower sobber. Besides, I'll probably take a bath."
"It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is a poor one."
"Excuse me, Mr.-NFL-All-Star-I-make-eighty-trillion-dollars-a-year, but I'm going to have to ask you to cut back on the high-fructose corn syrup."