
Crank Quotes

Crank by Ellen Hopkins

"Life was good before I met the monster. After, life was great. At least for a little while."
"Nothing in this story is impossible. Much of it happened to us, or to families like ours."
"It is hard to watch someone you love fall so deeply under the spell of a substance that turns him or her into a stranger."
"If this story speaks to you, I have accomplished what I set out to do."
"Alone, there is only the person inside. I've grown to like her better than the stuck-up husk of me."
"I remember the night I first let her go, opened the smeared glass, one thin pane, cellophane between rules and sin, freed."
"Besides, even good girls have secrets, ones even their best friends must guess."
"Life is full of choices. We don't always make good ones."
"The worse he treats you, the more you love him."
"Girls get screwed. Not that kind of screwed, what I mean is, they're always on the short end of things."
"You come home, and everyone talks at once and everyone asks questions, but no one waits for the answers."
"Home Sweet Home... I was happy to be home and I was undeniably sad."
"Despite All Trepidation... despite Bree, demanding I find a way to get high."
"Taking no chances means wasting your dreams."
"Forgiveness granted, I made some decisions: appreciate family, focus on school and hunt for Kristina."
"Until in one fateful day Adam wrote, Brendan called, and Chase showed up to drive me home after school."
"I looked him in the eye. 'I don't think I have a 'type.''"
"By the time I finished, I still loved Adam. But I was falling for Chase."
"Brendan: Give me a call. I want to see you again. This time I'll bring the refreshments."
"Have You Ever had so much to say that your mouth closed up tight, struggling to harness the nuclear force coalescing within your words?"
"Have you ever been so angry that you couldn't look in the mirror for fear of finding the face of evil glaring back at you?"
"Maybe you didn't want to hear that. But you're my very best friend, the only one in the whole world I could tell that to."
"Life had a certain rhythm. An easy downhill flow."
"Contentment thrived in repetition, routine, familiarity."
"Nothing felt right, nothing seemed proper but getting out, getting away, getting crazy, getting high."
"If you acquaint yourself with yourself, you don't always like the person you find inside."
"The bigger problem was discovering Bree didn't really give a damn about liking me."
"I laid down and surrendered myself to the comfort of dreams."
"The problem with resolutions is they're only as solid as the person making them."
"Mess with a teacher, even one that has always liked you in the past, you're liable to get screwed."
"I couldn't go that far back. She wavered between forgiving, stern, spiteful, and loving."
"It's like a giant octopus, weaving its tentacles not just around you, but through you, squeezing not hard enough to kill you, but enough to keep you from reeling until you try to get away."
"I was starving for speed and for Chase, in that order."
"Kissing him, knowing better things lay in store, right up the road."
"But there was nothing easy about finding out I was pregnant."
"Wearing them seems so straightforward. Keep your baby? Give it away? Abort your baby? Give it life?"
"Holding my baby for the first time, knowing just how to do it."
"Crying because suddenly, for the first time in a very long time, everything felt right."
"The monster will forever speak to me. And today, it's calling me out the door."