
Tunnel Of Bones Quotes

Tunnel Of Bones by Victoria Schwab

"Shadows rush past the windows, little more than streaks of movement, dark on dark. I can feel the ebb and flow of the Veil, the drumbeat of ghosts on every side."
"Speaking of cats, Grim scowls up at me from the cat carrier in my lap, his green eyes promising revenge for his current imprisonment."
"My name is Cassidy Blake, and one year ago, I almost drowned. Jacob saved my life, and ever since, I’ve been able to cross into the Veil, a place filled with the spirits of the restless dead."
"The fact that Jacob is a ghost is starting to seem normal."
"My parents don’t follow fairy tales. They follow ghost stories."
"I lift my camera and peer through the cracked viewfinder at the Paris sidewalk. The camera is an old manual, loaded with black-and-white film."
"Ghosts don’t belong in the in-between, and they certainly don’t belong on this side of it."
"The Catacombs are home to more than six million bodies."
""Watch and listen," I order the ghost. "See and know. This is what you are.""
""... the foot bone’s connected to the leg bone, the leg bone’s connected to the knee bone …""
""Stop!" recites Dad. "This here is the Empire of the Dead.""
"It’s hard to believe in ghosts, until you see one, and then it’s hard not to."
"But picture this: It’s enough bones to stack five feet high throughout every one of the tunnels under Paris. An Empire of the Dead as large as the city, the bodies unmarked and unknown."
"Watch and listen. See and know. This is what you are."
"Don’t look at me," he says. "I didn’t open it."
"And yet, to this day, if you linger in the park as the sun goes down, you just might be approached by a man in a black coat, extending the same invitation. The only question is, will you accept?"
"Maybe is a rope in a hole, or the key to a door."
"You’re turning yourself into a ghost thermometer."
"I’m not throwing anything away, Jacob. I’m paying my debt. Doing my job."
"Fear goes with danger, with risk, the kind that draws poltergeists like moths to a flame."
"I don’t know what’s happening to me. I don’t know what it means. It scares me, too."
"I inhale deeply, trying to shake off the weirdness that always follows me back from the other side."
"Tomorrow—it’s hard to imagine, in part because Thomas is still rampaging across the city."
"Tomorrow—which means I have less than a day to send him on."
"The only sound is the steady rumble of Grim’s purring."
"The Catacombs are where it started. It’s where it has to end."
"Such a sad story," murmurs Adele, "what happened to Thomas."
"But by then it was too late. He was already …"
"The Catacombs are home to more than six million bones …"
"Thomas may be gone, but this place is far from empty."
"Understanding the past helps us move through the present and discover the future."
"The only difference between me and Thomas is the fact I haven’t forgotten yet."
"If I ever start to forget, you can help me remember."
"I’ve only ever known Jacob the Ghost. What that really means is that I’ve only known Jacob from the point when he entered my story."
"Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there."
"What you don’t see is always scarier than what you do."