
Nemesis Quotes

Nemesis by Agatha Christie

"In the afternoons it was the custom of Miss Jane Marple to unfold her second newspaper."
"Miss Marple, being old-fashioned, preferred her newspapers to be newspapers and give you news."
"It’s sad really, but nowadays one is only interested in the deaths!"
"It will come to me," said Miss Marple, knowing from long experience the way old people’s memories worked."
"‘Nobody else would pay him half what I do,’ Mr Rafiel had said, ‘and he knows it. He’s good at his job, though.’"
"I believe I could be ruthless if there was due cause."
"‘In the cause of justice,’ said Miss Marple."
"She sighed, picked up her knitting bag and took out a small child’s woolly jacket in process of coming to a conclusion."
"Miss Marple nodded her head. Then she murmured softly, ‘Poor Mr Rafiel, I hope he didn’t — suffer.’"
"‘I shall receive instructions,’ said Miss Marple. ‘But what instructions and when?’"
"‘I believe in eternal life,’ said Miss Marple. ‘I have no doubt that you are somewhere— I will do my best to fulfil your wishes.’"
"If you prefer to serve the cause of justice, I hope that you may at least find it interesting."
"‘I shall know next Tuesday,’ said Miss Marple."
"‘Sleep well?’ asked Cherry, as she put down an early morning tea tray on the table at Miss Marple’s elbow."
"‘It’s so nice to see you,’ she said to Esther. ‘So very nice to see you again. You know, I do think things are so very odd in this world.’"
"In these days men age so much quicker than women."
"I think we shall rather enjoy living a life of leisure."
"I am very pleased to have seen you again and I do offer my best congratulations and hopes for a very happy life."
"The moment of the rose and the moment of the yew tree are of equal duration."
"She wondered why she felt nervous. Perhaps because she was now at home with the people in the tour, felt part of the group although as yet she had only known them for three days."
"It was not often that she failed to see a garden she was looking at, in either a mood of admiration or a mood of criticism."
"No, dear Jane, not decayed. Distressed gentlewomen."
"People who were in pain, helpless, crippled, even unhappy, still liked living and wanting to live."
"She must not be too long up here. She must unpack a few modest needs for two nights, something to change into this evening, night clothes, sponge bag, and then go down and rejoin her hostesses and make pleasant talk."
"It is hard to tell anyone about something without letting slip your own point of view about it."
"Rose white youth, passionate, pale, A singing stream in a silent vale, A fairy prince in a prosy tale, Oh there's nothing in life so finely frail As Rose White Youth."
"Who was there to guard Youth from Pain and Death? Youth who could not, who had never been able to, guard itself."
"There was no local hospital — they had to take her to Carristown which is about eight miles away."
"Well, it's no good our working ourselves up too much."
"It is very difficult to know what is the proper way to meet a catastrophe."
"Everyone had given their view, had expressed surprise and distress."
"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack."
"Accuracy is more a male quality than a female one."
"The object of it being that when that person removes that garment, gets rid of it, sends it by post in a parcel to some address, say, about a hundred miles away, or thrusts it in a rubbish bin in a city or burns it or tears it up or destroys it, she or he will be the one person modestly and rather drably attired who will not be suspected or looked at or thought of."
"Girls, you must remember, are far more ready to be raped nowadays than they used to be."
"The misfits are to be pitied, yes, they are to be pitied if I may say so for the genes with which they are born and over which they have no control themselves."
"A Headmistress knows a great many people. A great many people, shall we put it this way, have passed through her hands."
"Time passed. Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour, thirty-five minutes."
"‘With God’s help, I will,’ said Miss Marple."
"‘I don’t think I did,’ said Miss Marple, ‘but one never knows, does one.’"
"I thought it must be you. You could help. That’s what he — Henry, yes — would say if he were here."
"It’s a sad life. Yes, it’s a very sad life. You never know what’s coming."
"I’m staying at The Old Manor House until I finally returned to the tour. You will get away from all the reporters."
"I’m so sorry to have impinged on some tragedy. I didn’t know."
"‘I’m so sorry,’ said Miss Marple. ‘I’m really very, very sorry.’"
"She was idle and she wasn’t too clever at her books either. No. She was all for the boys from the time she was twelve-years-old onwards."
"And in the end he said she was no good to him and he’d divorce her. He said he’d only got to say 'I divorce you' three times, and he did and walked out."
"I wouldn’t like to say it, not when she’s my cousin’s child though, mark you, my cousin is only one who married my boy cousin, that is to say — but I mean it was something terrible the way she went on with all the boys."
"Girls behaved proper. And the boys knew they’d got to work if they wanted to get anywhere."
"She was a good mature girl as looked a lot older than she was."
"She come back again three years later. Yes. Terrible time, she’d had. Terrible."
"She said, 'I know what Mike is like. I know he’ll probably always be like it, but I love him. I may be able to help him and I may not. But I’ll take that risk.'"
"To love means the words of the marriage service. For better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health."
"She had the great misfortune to lose her parents before she was truly adult."
"Love is a very terrible thing. It is alive to evil, it can be one of the most evil things there can be."
"You loved Verity too much. She meant everything in the world to you. She was devoted to you until something else came into her life."
"I think hate would die out. You could try and keep it up artificially, but I think you would fail. It's not as strong a force as love."
"Nemesis is long delayed sometimes, but it comes in the end."
"Sometimes the most extraordinary things have happened."
"I suppose I could have known it if I'd thought about it."
"Let Justice roll down like waters And Righteousness like an everlasting stream."
"Anything I do now has got to be new — going forward."
"It is, you know, very embarrassing when one has to thank people and start life again and see everything from a different angle."
"It's just perseverance, isn't it, that leads to things."
"There's no point in saving at my age. I mean the point of this money — I'm sure Mr Rafiel meant it that way — is to enjoy a few things that one thought one never would have the money to enjoy."
"The only thing I shall want for a rainy day will be my umbrella."
"I'm going to spend it, you know. I'm going to have some fun with it."