
Why Men Marry Bitches Quotes

Why Men Marry Bitches by Sherry Argov

"The biggest attraction killer is neediness and insecurity."
"He doesn’t marry a woman who is perfect. He marries the woman who is interesting."
"In romance, there’s nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who has dignity and pride in who she is."
"Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical."
"It is better to be disliked for being who you are than to be loved for who you are not."
"Men like to be curious. They like to feel that there’s more to the story than what they already know."
"The mental challenge is not, 'Can I get her to sleep with me?' The mental challenge is, 'Can I get and keep her attention?'"
"Your power gets lost the minute you start asking, 'Where do I stand?' Because what you’ve just told him is that the terms of the relationship are now his to dictate."
"As soon as a man has his guard up, he will not fall in love or get attached. The only way he’ll get attached is if you lower his guard first."
"There’s nothing more prized to a man than something he had to wait for, work for, or struggle a little bit to get."
"The longer you keep him in a suspended state of not knowing if he’s won you over, the more he’ll cherish you and the more attached he’ll become."
"Every time he thinks he’s losing, all you have to do is sweeten the pot."
"Just because a man sleeps with you doesn’t mean he cares about you. Nor will good sex make him care about you."
"With adventurous sex that makes you seem like a seasoned pro, he will 'hit it and quit it.'"
"A man must feel desired for who he is before committing."
"The way to weed out the contenders from the pretenders is to assess their attitude about waiting for sex."
"Men respect anything that they have to invest effort into."
"Men are intrigued by anything they do not completely control."
"When you maintain a bit of privacy and he has to wonder a little where you are, you are stimulating his imagination."
"There are two types of women: those who want power in the world, and those who want power in bed."
"To a man, a relationship without sex represents a relationship with no love, no affection, and no emotional connection."
"Always preserve the mystery. Keep the sex sporadic and unpredictable. It makes it much more intense for a man."
"When a woman reacts emotionally, men get three things: attention, control, and the feeling of importance."
"When you are easily manipulated, he will assume he doesn’t have to give as much in the way of a commitment in order to keep you there."
"The best way to set limits with a guy when he’s testing you is by controlling the ebb and flow of your attention. An emotional reaction is always a reward, even if it’s negative attention."
"When a man tries to make you jealous, it rarely has anything to do with his desire for someone else. When you are upset he gets the reassurance that you care."
"Once you start doing the same thing he was doing, suddenly, the bad behavior will magically disappear."
"When a man doesn’t call, a bunch of scenarios will typically run through a woman’s mind. Similarly, his imagination will run wild when he doesn’t hear from you."
"The more rational and calm you remain, the more emotional he will become."
"To a man, it is totally inappropriate to be emotional when talking about something important. When you speak calmly, he assumes it’s much more important."
"Many men reduce women to a set of givens. A man relies on the fact that most women are emotional and that he’ll be able to push your emotional buttons once he finds out where they are. When he can’t, he’ll often crumble and become the more vulnerable one in the relationship."
"He is testing to see if you believe in yourself. He wants to know who is at the controls. When you aren’t easily shaken he sees 'This one can’t be manipulated.'"
"To encourage the right behavior, state what you want, and then give him the solution. Show him how he can be your hero."
"When he’s dating you, he’ll constantly be on guard and watching to discern, 'Does she like me for who I am? Or for what I can provide?'"
"When a man sees you are focused on your own dreams or on elevating yourself, he feels safer marrying you because he doesn’t worry about what you’ll be trying to take away from him."
"Men don’t judge how much money you have. They notice how you budget what you do have."
"Men admire women who want to elevate themselves and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, and fear women who are social climbers at a man’s expense."
"He doesn’t want to marry a helpless little girl whom he will have to take care of."
"For a man, the words respect and trust are interchangeable. If he doesn’t respect you, he will not trust you. And without trust, he will always keep you at arm’s length."
"More than food, more than sex—whether you make a man feel appreciated when you are seriously dating will often make or break whether he ties the knot."
"There are two things people want more than sex and money…recognition and praise."
"When he gives you something, always acknowledge the kindness behind the gesture, not the material item itself."
"A man’s favorite word is appreciate. He wants more than anything to feel revered and valued by a woman."
"Acknowledge what he did and make a fuss over it."
"A man will not be thinking about how much he spends on you if he believes you could be 'the one.'"
"A man who is financially comfortable but still very stingy doesn't want to give— anything."
"When you move into someone else’s place, you don’t just give up your personal space and belongings. More important, nearly always you also lose your feeling of independence."
"What it tells him is you can be manipulated and he doesn’t have to take you seriously."
"It’s not what you say, it’s how you hold yourself when you leave."
"Men are socialized to believe that women are the weaker sex."
"When you stand up for yourself in a dignified, feminine, and womanly way, you can get anything you want from a man."
"Don’t believe what anyone tells you about yourself."
"In life, half the battle has to do with the lens you choose to see yourself through. Your fulfillment hinges on whether you see yourself through a positive lens or a negative one."
"Men rarely take it as a compliment when you bend over backward or become too agreeable."
"He doesn’t marry a woman who puts him on a throne. He marries a woman who is his equal… that special woman whom he can share all of life’s special moments with."