
The Raven Spell Quotes

The Raven Spell by Luanne G. Smith

"Had to be gold to catch the starlight the way it did."
"Inside, with only each other to confide in, they felt the cold shoulder of rejection the same as anyone."
"Blessed Mother, what trouble has she found now?"
"There might have been a twitch of discomfort, but it wasn’t enough to erase any doubt he’d be dead soon."
"Quick as a bird after a moth, Mary grasped the thing with both hands."
"Memories were made up of intricate interwoven strands."
"Curing headaches seemed to be the only magic mortals were capable of."
"Stars above, helping mortals is rarely a risk worth taking."
"Whoever or whatever he was in this life, he gripped the knife with conviction."
"Who are you, Mr. ‘I.C.,’ and what are you up to?"
"Feel the weight upon your tongue. Breathe air and light into your lungs. Muscle, blood, and marrow bone. Accept this memory as your own. Remember all you’ve ever known."
"The newest ones have a certain gleam to them,"
"Guardian magic runs deeper than your scavenger witch magic that only knows how to take."
"It’s a symbiotic relationship, if I’m right," Edwina explained. "There’s a connection between the two. It’s as if they share the same experiences and memories. You must have been devoted to him from an early age."
"I’ve known my mister since he was a wee babe in swaddling cloth."
"Despite the lapse, I do have my faculties back, Miss Blackwood, if that is your concern."
"We volunteer to sit with the old and infirm at Saint Basil’s," Edwina said. "It isn’t hard to find death there."
"If a mortal has the power to move a human’s emotions with mere words, that’s an alchemy all its own. And something we can use to our advantage."
"He’s a canny one, if he does," Ian replied. "The tide is rising and we have nae choice but to climb the stairs straight into his hands."
"The voice doesn’t work like that for me. I can’t affect a group, only an individual. I think the spell gets diluted by trying to spread it too far otherwise."
"Aye, in my line of work, it’s sometimes required."
"Damn cholera," he whispered and shut the timepiece again, satisfied the decades-old ghost was the only other supernatural entity lurking in the train tunnel with them.
"Nothing about their surroundings struck him as familiar until they exited the station."
"The sound of heavy-footed horses hauling wagons collided with the clamor of men going to and from work."
"The grit in the air was thick enough to taste with each inhale."
"A living map laid out under the daylight stars."
"Trouble? It's the most excitement I've had since I was a girl."
"This way, if you don't want to end up in Northgate Prison tonight."
"You said stay out of sight. This is where I went."
"Life is sometimes more difficult in smaller rural villages, though the air is cleaner."
"I've seen men black out for days at a time before."
"You really don't remember anything I told you before, do you?"
"Better to keep to a low profile lest trouble was on the lookout for a new perch to alight on."
"Never ask a question you don’t want to know the answer to; that’s what their mother had always said."
"Death was the ultimate fascination. The finality of a person’s life confounded the ego."
"How could a body and mind that walked, talked, and had brilliant, witty thoughts suddenly cease to be?"
"The mystery of human death was too grand to be regarded as anything less than sacred."
"There were days the weight felt like a storm surge against a beaten wall, even for a sister who understood almost everything about her twin."
"The freedom they felt in the middle of the night above the rest of the world was one thing, but too much independence in a young woman on the ground could lead to unspeakable trouble."
"Love was a potion as potent as hemlock or wolfsbane in the right proportion."
"Everything eventually fell to the river in the end."
"The constant flow of water churned up pieces of the past as easily as it swallowed down chunks of the present, burying everything in layers of mud and sludge."
"Love, she’d once been warned, worked in much the same circuitous way as magic, with its enigmatic energy concentrating in the eyes of some but not others."
"Being in Ian’s company, she’d felt as if she were under a spell."
"Curiosity shop run by the Blackwood sisters holds key."
"The stunning starlight quality of blue in his eyes did not fail to shock her anew."
"There isn’t magic enough in the world to explain such a coincidence."
"Fear. Doubt. Bargaining with the All Knowing for release from any connection to the events unfolding outside."
"With your permission, might I have a look around to see if any of your offerings spark a connection for me?"
"The invisible worm, that flies in the night, in the howling storm."
"It’s not as straightforward as one might believe when dealing with the mind. Gets a bit twitchy if you get it wrong."
"You’ve had portions of your memory returned," he said with a glance at Hob. "And it may feel as though you are whole, apart from those four days, but I would caution you against such thinking."
"My dear, I’ve been studying and practicing magic so long the incantations have worn a rut in my brain so deep I need not utter them aloud any longer."
"There’s more. A flask she said she found on the shore this morning. And a pocketknife. But neither had been in the water, I’d swear it."
"It’s clear that whatever path my sister has taken, it has converged with your investigation."
"Sorry I couldn’t be more help, but so many of these young men have the same look with their long coats and high-and-mighty manners."
"Thank you, Mrs. Dower. You’ve been most helpful. Please come by the shop if I can ever be of service."
"Listen, I couldn’t say this earlier with Sir Elvanfoot standing there, but you remember those drawings I left in the hotel?"
"The only question is, how did she acquire the damn thing?"
"We need to find a better location where we can keep an eye on the place."
"Aye, sometimes it’s necessary to put one foot on each side of the law to walk a straight line."
"So this is what you do? Wait and watch and hope your suspect will show himself?"
"I’ve given my sister every benefit of the doubt."
"Death thrives in this city’s back lanes. And with it, so do I."
"Edwina and Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells, and bloody lads all in a row."
"You didn’t really think we used up that much milk, did you?"
"It was only a matter of time before the entire world would be bathed in the harsh white light of electricity."
"There isn’t another being in all the world who could understand more!"
"Throw in the threat of imminent death and the most precious memories come surging to the surface for the taking."
"There’s a moment in people’s eyes when they begin to figure out there’s something not quite right about us."
"You know what the mortals call a gathering of our kind? An Unkindness."
"Don’t settle for ordinary, Edwina. It wouldn’t suit you either, if you’re honest with yourself."
"They’ll hang you," she said. "Soon they’ll have you, too, and then you’ll all hang for what you did."
"I lost it," she said. "Your memory. The orb fell in the river."
"I find you many things—brave, remarkable, enchanting—but strange isn’t one of them."
"Sometimes a sinking spell is used to aid the weight of the stones, but we can’t be certain."
"But in the end, the compulsion controlled her, didn’t it?"
"A token of my esteem. Until we meet again. Yours truly, An Ardent Admirer"