
Blood Price Quotes

Blood Price by Tanya Huff

"Lord, but the woman had a temper. . . . His lips curled up into a smile almost without him willing the motion; the flip side of that temper made all the effort of staying on the roller coaster worthwhile."
"Ian gloried in the sharp terror that started his heart thudding in his chest and trapped his breath in his throat."
"Bounding down two, and then three steps at a time she yelled, 'Call the police!'"
"Nothing that she knew of could strike a single blow strong enough to tear through flesh like tissue paper and fast enough that the victim had no time to struggle."
"The distinctive slam of police boots against tile brought her around, hands held carefully out from her sides."
"‘I don’t not believe,’ she said, her brows drawn down for emphasis. ‘There are more things in heaven and earth. . . .’"
"‘If you can look me right in the eye,’ she said quietly, ‘and tell me you don’t want to talk about this with me, I’ll lay off.’"
"Do I throw away this resource? Do I refuse to take advantage of talent and skill just because the possessor of those talents and skills has become a civilian?"
"Please, God, just let him think he’s picking my brain. Don’t let him know how much I need this."
"You wouldn’t recognize a logical progression of facts if they bit you on the butt!"
"At least I’m not so caught up in my own cleverness that I’m blind to outside possibilities!"
"You’ve got to admit that a vampire fits all the parameters."
"Retinitis pigmentosa doesn’t get better. Ever. It only gets worse."
"You couldn’t stand the thought that you wouldn’t be the hot-shit investigator anymore... You quit because you couldn’t stand not being on top."
"Because lovers are easy to get and friends good enough to scream at are a lot rarer."
"A giant bat could be anything, Coreen. A blowing garbage bag, the shadow of an airplane, laundry falling off another balcony."
"Vigilantism? Trust me, Brandon, I am not going to dress up in some silly costume and leap around making the city safe for decent people."
"With a killer of this caliber on the loose, can the city afford not to have me on the case, even in an auxiliary position?"
"Who is it?"
"It’s the police, Mr. Bowan. We need to talk to you."
"You going to ask me questions or you just want me to start at the beginning and tell it in my own words?"
"You are no longer on the force, you are virtually blind at night, and you are more likely to end up as the corpse than the hero."
"But I’m telling you there’s evidence for the killer being a creature of the night."
"I’m not the only person who thinks so either!"
"At the risk of being considered facetious, all hell will break loose."
"I had hoped that when you left the force I’d be able to stop worrying about you."
"I wanted to change to the fourteenth floor because the fourteenth floor is really the thirteenth."
"There’s a lot of psychic significance in the number nine."
"Keep her at a distance, at least until the demon is defeated."
"Well, if it isn't Victory Nelson, gone but not forgotten. What brings you out to the ass-end of the city?"
"You hold back information on me, Vicki, and I'll compromise sources you never knew you had!"
"This is ridiculous. I'm thirty-one years old. I'm not seventeen."
"And the worst of it is, there's not a damned thing I can do about it."
"I doubt it'll do any good, but I have a friend who writes a human interest column at the tabloid. I'll give her a call when I get home and see if she can defuse any of this."
"The people writing these stories don’t believe in vampires, and most of the people reading these stories don’t believe in vampires, but we’re talking about a culture where more people know their astrological sign than their blood type."
"Anicka Hendle is dead because of the asinine stories you lot have been spreading about vampires. You're as much responsible as those two cretins we took away. Quite the story. I hope you're proud of it."
"I don’t want this to happen again, Vicki. The papers started it, they can finish it."
"Face-to-face, she knew she’d have a better chance of convincing the columnist that the press had a responsibility to ensure that there wouldn’t be another Anicka Hendle."
"Some detective. I could’ve smacked you on the head with a two by four and you’d never even have noticed I was there."
"The press started this. It’s up to the press to end it."
"Because you told me once that the difference between a columnist and a reporter is that the columnist has the luxury to not only ask why but to try to answer it."
"Power always attracts those who will abuse it."
"After all, how many hackers with black leather jackets, assault rifles, and their own personal demons can there be in Toronto?"
"There was a very good reason a lot of cops turned to substance abuse of one kind or another."
"Even losing would be better than much more of this."
"The path of power, still waiting for an anchor, pulsed sullenly, damped down by Easter Sunday and the symbolic rising of Christ."
"The concept of a vampire with an answering machine continued to amuse her even as she recognized its practicality."
"Demons and Armageddon aside, she couldn’t even begin to guess at what would make such an impression on a four hundred and fifty year old vampire."
"Things have been better," he admitted. "Could use a burger and some fries."
"I am beginning to lose patience with you, Smith."
"I was a fool not to have protected the apartment!"
"Hold, demon, you have not been asked to enter!"
"Well, he hasn’t hurt anything but a few eardrums," he reassured her.
"He’s never acted like this before," she explained.
"You’ve got less than twenty-four hours to find the person with the grimoire in a city of three million people. You may have been a good cop, Vicki. . . ."
"Because you were closest. Because you owe me. Because I trust you not to betray it."
"What were you expecting? A tuxedo and a coffin?"
"You’re not at all tame, are you? For all you look so civilized."
"Sometimes we win with greater firepower, through sheer numbers or more powerful weapons, but for the most part it’s knowledge that defines our victories. Know something and it has lost its power over you."
"It is a little like Alfred Hitchcock does Revenge of the Nerds."
"A joke? In your position? I think that your strength might be better spent pleading for mercy."