
Grave Dance Quotes

Grave Dance by Kalayna Price

"Sorry, John, but I need more than a foot to raise a shade."
"The foot is saturated with magic. Some pretty dark stuff from the feel of it."
"I don’t go out of my way to do it, if that’s what you mean."
"The only thing I regret at the moment is that the FIB took over the case."
"I wasn’t likely to score a new client without my phone, but clients weren’t the ones calling right now."
"Once upon a time I’d actually liked Witch Watch—that was before I started appearing on the show semiregularly."
"Magic filled my body, rushed through my veins. I felt like I could do anything."
"Death watched me, amusement once again lifting to his dark eyes."
"The cool liquid felt good in my aching throat."
"In the Aetheric plane I wasn’t restrained by the rules of a body. I could float. I could fly."
"Circle cast, I cleared my mind and let my consciousness sink deep inside until I reached the trancelike state I’d been taught to strive for."
"I’d reached the Aetheric plane the way a witch was meant to: my psyche, and only my psyche, projected into the magical plane."
"I wasn’t going to have trouble with the monthly payments."
"Kelpies are like sharks with hooves—they can smell blood in the water for miles."
"Gee, I’ll be pleasant-smelling company when I meet Rianna."
"I would definitely need a disinfectant when I got home."
"But I’m willing to give a taste to a man-eating horse?"
"I’m not fleeing the scene, I told myself, but I was. And I knew it."
"Those who don’t have loyalty to a court don’t have loyalty to anyone."
"The fae are not truly immortal, just unaging."
"I can’t claim ownership of Rianna. That’s crazy. You’re a person. You’re my friend."
"The grotesque offering? The meat was putrefied by magic. It offended me."
"You could tell me to help you," she said, her gaze dropping to the floor. "Could command me."
"I don’t care what the laws of Faerie say. You are my friend. That’s it."
"I might beg a little once in a while, but you’ll remember that well enough from academy."
"A doppelgänger spell, so you could skip class while still being there."
"Yes, trips out of Faerie frighten me, but trips to Faerie frighten you."
"No more ’an five minutes have passed on this side."
"They come," its gravelly voice said inside my head.
"Please, Miss Craft, I did not mean to offend."
"I opened my senses, letting my natural sensitivity to magic loose in the confined car."
"Money is always hard to turn down, especially when working freelance."
"I think you were misinformed about what I do."
"I wouldn’t want to waste away years in Faerie and end up old before my birth certificate said I should be."
"I’m not inclined to work with anyone who holds me against my will."
"I have no idea," he said, his whisper so quiet I barely heard him.
"Yesterday the cu sith’s scratch had looked like Holly had been clawed by a tiger, but today the jagged tears stretching from her collarbone to the top of her opposite breast were thinner, the skin pink and healing quickly from some of the best healing spells money could buy."
"If I hadn’t been looking for it, I never would’ve spotted the spell."
"So it would have to be active to be dispelled."
"You probably need to find a way to fix that."
"So he left. So what? It wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before."
"You’re mad at me. And that’s amusing because?"
"Head wounds bleed a lot, but that one wasn’t deep."
"Watch yourself, Alex Craft. You are attracting the wrong kind of attention. Again."
"Wait here a moment," he said, and walked to the door next to his.
"Falin. Hey. Long time no see. I was starting to worry," she said, wiping her hands on the thighs of her overalls.
"Yeah, feels like a shock for the first incorrect code, sickness for the second, and a knockout spell after that until the box runs out of juice."
"What about you? Do the fae have schools that little fae kids go to and learn about Faerie and being fae?"
"Jealous?" His lips brushed my neck as he asked, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Logic demanded that I couldn’t desire two men at once, right? But I could."
"Falin?" I said his name the same way I’d normally say "please" but with none of the debt incursion.
"If you’re that concerned, you can kiss me and make it better."
"You’d rather stay here?" He gave an open-palmed wave that encompassed the small apartment.
"I heard her bare feet scurrying over the hardwood floor, and then the bed shifted as she jumped up beside me."
"The house looks great, Ms. B," I said, because I suddenly felt like I had to say something.
"So, a brownie," Falin said, walking around the side of the bed. "You want to explain how you befriended a brownie?"
"I know how to use it. I stick the pointy end in things I don’t like."
"I hadn’t walked much farther than the threshold myself."
"I’ll catch back up with you later," he said. Then he vanished without waiting for me to say good-bye.
"I don’t like this. Those skimmers are drawing raw Aetheric energy with no filtering and minimal training."
"It’s a good idea," I told him. "Weren’t you going to get a warrant?"
"No," she said. "There is more to it than that. You know something, and I’m betting it’s newsworthy."
"I'm not following. Do you have a problem with me?"
"Hope and joy? What had happened in this circle? Had I been wrong about who cast it?"
"Mortal life ends when the soul leaves the body."
"You need to go shopping," he said without looking up.
"I hadn’t intended to rub Death’s nose in the fact that he wasn’t the one helping me, but it was there, in his eyes."
"I met my boyfriend, Andrew. We were going to go for lunch. We were walking across campus and …"
"Once her soul was gone, her body had hit the STOP button on the record of Jennifer’s life. That was it. The end."
"Sometimes people caught a glimpse of their collector before they died, but not always."
"Rest now," I said, pushing the shade back into Jennifer’s body.
"A stay-awake charm? John, those things are dangerous."
"So, what is the story with you working for the FIB?" "It’s complicated."
"You don’t exist," I told it, twisting the dagger to drive the blade deeper.
"Typically," he said, but didn’t expound on the answer.
"Right now? You don’t. Your fae mien is undergoing a kind of metamorphosis."
"Your friend, while useful, does not have your abilities. If you would like her returned safely to her home, come to the old bridge. Two a.m. Tonight."
"It’s bullshit. The reason they’re after me is tied in with the fact that I can see through glamour."
"Little girls shouldn’t drink coffee. It’ll stunt your growth."
"I’m uncomfortable. Could you take the cuffs off?"
"I could die right here, in this hole in the ground, and no one would ever know."
"You have not made a friend this day, feykin."
"Occam’s razor said the simplest solution was typically right."
"Being wrapped in the glamour, It is … confining."
"A moment," she said, and then seemed to shake herself.
"It is a beautiful"—unwanted—"dress. But I must pass on the dance."
"You are the guest of honor. You must join one dance before the night is through."
"You should hope it returns quickly. A planeweaver who will not join my court is of limited worth."
"I might have shocked you, but you scared the hell out of me."
"You can’t save the world if you fall over from exhaustion."
"I’m not trying to save the world. I’m just helping my friends."
"I fought the layers of skirt in the gown and shoved the dagger back in its holster."
"If I could figure out how to open a rift like the planebender’s door, I could search all of Faerie."
"There wasn’t even Aetheric energy to entangle my psyche or for me to accidentally pull into reality."
"The blood also gives me some benefits that make the other fae distrustful."
"I was switched as an infant, and I grew up believing I was human."
"You shouldn’t be stained by this. Let me take it from you."
"I carry all the victims of the winter court."
"I won’t be bound forever. The curse will pass to the next bloodied hands when my service to her is complete."
"I could almost see it pooling on his skin, as if it would drip at any moment."