
Seven Years Quotes

Seven Years by Dannika Dark

"I don’t care what anyone says, every girl needs to have a good long cry once in a while."
"Sometimes there are chapters in our lives we don’t want others to read."
"You don’t sound fine. Does this have to do with Beckett?"
"You’re still separated, right? Sorry, but he’s hot and you can’t blame me for assuming you worked things out."
"Learn from my mistakes, April. You’re a sweet girl and guys like that will only drag you down."
"Never expect anything less than devotion from someone who has claim on your heart."
"Sometimes good things come out of tragic events, and she reminded us of that every day."
"You gave me a bad reputation and then after my brother beat your ass, you had your friends jump him when he got off work."
"It’s not the size of a man’s wallet that counts, Naya."
"You’ll never know what that did to me, and it’s not something I can easily get over."
"Never take a ring from a boy unless he’s your prince."
"The world was nothing but a fairytale. Adults were blind to the magic that existed and only little kids could see it."
"You act like I don’t know how to handle something that big, Austin. Just give it to me!"
"When she really gets going, she sounds like Beaker from The Muppet Show."
"We sold sugar. That made most people pretty damn happy."
"I’m not for sale. Get out of my car if you’re not going to buy it."
"The car needs to go, so if anyone you know wants to take a look at it, give them my work number."
"I also handled food and giving our customers Ebola wasn’t high on my list for the top ways to earn a promotion."
"You may not realize this yet, Lexi, but you’re in my pack. And nobody fucks with my pack."
"If that’s true, then this is the proudest fucking day of my life."
"You’re always safe with me, Lexi. I want you to know I won’t let anything bad happen to you."
"Don’t try to deny what you are, Lexi. It won’t go away just because you choose to ignore it."
"Trust has to be established with the animal, and that’s one reason I don’t want you shifting around them."
"If you don’t develop a relationship with your animal, then you can’t be trusted with your own family."
"I know it’s a lot to take in. Here, sit down."
"Better warn your brothers, Austin. I’m dead serious. I’ve been called a lot of things, but bitch is one name I don’t tolerate very well."
"Someone got them riled up about an unclaimed woman in town—someone knows about you."
"I’m not afraid of anything, Ladybug. Not a damn thing."
"No one lays a finger on her. Maybe the man who dumped her on the side of the road like trash is your father, but you better pray I never meet him."
"Time doesn’t change people, experience does. And sickness. You can’t tell someone’s age by just looking at ’em."
"We protect our own. It’s instinct—one I’m sure you’ve felt your whole life."
"Sometimes you just need to let go when things fall apart in order to keep yourself together."
"Beginnings are always better than endings, even if you don’t know what the day will bring."
"I’ve always had to be the rock in my family; I guess it’s not in my nature to go apeshit over finding out I have paws and a tail. I’m handling it the best way I know how."
"Being a Shifter is an honor. We get enough shit from some of the other Breeds, I don’t want to hear it coming from you."
"I trust Ivan; he’s been around a long time. But I don’t know his pack and in your condition..."
"We joke all the time, Lexi. I just want you to keep your nose out of trouble when we’re around other packs."
"I’m not letting you out of my sight. If you gotta pee again, I’m going with you."
"What do you want me to do with the man who took her?"
"We’re not immortal, but some Shifters are hundreds of years old."
"It’s easier than you think. Just relax and call to her."
"Prefer mornings over sunsets because beginnings are always better than endings, even if you don’t know what the day will bring."
"I can’t see a thing, Lexi. I want you to trust me."
"No, you’re not. You’re Alexia Knight; you’re not afraid of anything."
"I’ve known you for years, and this is how it’s gonna be?"
"Someone’s about to make you feel real good, Cole."
"Who would have thought such a pretty boy with his golden locks and dashing smile—despite the scar, which wasn’t that severe—could be such a child himself?"
"Did you have fun, Maizy? Come with me and tell me all about it."
"You’re different, Alexia. You don’t act like the other bitches."
"I might have been overreacting just a hair, but I couldn’t get my mom off my mind."
"Thanks. I hope April knows what’s going on; she might have a problem with two strange men showing up to clean."
"You shouldn’t be doing all that work yourself."
"It was like a competition to see who had succeeded in life."
"My unbelievable life finally erupted into a burst of maniacal laughter."
"Everyone has that one place from their youth that transports them back to an earlier time. The Pit was that place."
"Funny how being around her made him feel young and stupid again."
"I even let her talk for five minutes with a piece of coleslaw stuck to her cheek because I thought she was too damn cute to spoil the mood by embarrassing her."
"You don’t officially belong to anyone yet, so you are your own woman. Make the right decision."
"Not everything comes in perfect condition, but it doesn’t mean it’s not the right one for you."
"You made me do this," he whispered. Something switched off in his eyes. The emotion evaporated, replaced by a vacant, soulless stare.
"It wasn’t the kind of tears you shed for a love lost; it was a raw emotion I’d never seen in him before. Ominous."
"This sure as hell didn’t look like something Beckett would dream up."
"Sometimes things that are worth having are worth fixing up."
"Somehow, a dead body was not a romantic gesture."
"’Cause that biting shit is starting to piss me off."
"All hell broke loose when your mom jumped on top of you. We tried to get her off and Austin suddenly shifted and guarded you two like his life depended on it."
"Between you and me, Austin’s wolf is one badass alpha."
"He talked about how that river carved away the land and he wanted to be a part of something that’s everlasting."
"He wanted his ashes to be spread across the Grand Canyon."
"The only way to taper it down and get you out of heat is to give you orgasms."
"I’m not going to even ask why, because it doesn’t matter. I’m only going to guess the men you’ve dated didn’t know a damn thing about the most erotic thing you can experience with a woman."
"So do me a favor and spread yourself over the hood of my black car, arms wide as I slide down your shorts very slowly. All the way to your ankles."
"I don’t run the kind of pack where we share."
"Don’t cover up your laugh," he scolded. "Now finish up your coffee and we’ll head out. I’m anxious to start moving in and the boys have a lot of work to do before that can happen."
"All guys cheat; I guess I just didn’t know how to keep him from going through them like potato chips. One is never enough."
"I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Can you throw your candy out? This is my sister’s car."
"If you need the car, it’s yours. I don’t want to worry about you taking the bus, walking, or hitchhiking."
"Like I’d hitchhike wearing an apron and skintight shirt with Sweet Treats written on it."
"I’ll think about it, but keep enforcing the work gear."
"April pulled up the driveway to Austin’s house and Reno was out front throwing horseshoes."
"April—who could sell a condom to a nun—couldn’t talk to a man."
"You’re traumatizing my friend with your scowl."
"You’re not signing your life away in blood. There’s always a choice to switch packs if your needs aren’t filled or you’re unhappy."
"I don’t think we have the stuff to make a pizza."
"It means they go into freak-mode," Ben replied in a humorous tone.
"I’ll help you with whatever you want. I’ll go with you if you just put her down."
"That’s more than a woman can handle. There’s too much involved with operating a business."
"We are all more than who we portray ourselves to be."
"I am a plethora of knowledge when it comes to rock and roll music. I love my family, rum makes me sick, my favorite sport to watch is soccer, and I’m a business owner."
"I don’t trust Shifters," he said with a curl in his lip.
"You were always too easy to please. I should have brought sushi or something better."
"This is perfection," I said, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "I love that you know me, Austin. No one else knows me like you do."
"Forget flowers and candy. Austin blowing up my car was the most romantic thing any man had ever done for me."
"You turn me on, and I don’t mean just physically. You turn on my mind and my heart."
"I love you. I’ve loved you for so damn long that it kills me to think about the time we’ve lost."