
The Dark Divine Quotes

The Dark Divine by Bree Despain

"We all need help," he’d said. "There’s a difference between people who do hurtful things because they’re evil and people who do bad things because of their circumstances. Some people are desperate because they don’t know how to ask for His grace."
"God is the ultimate judge of what is truly in our souls. But we are required to forgive everyone."
"You have a beautiful voice," Dad grinned, his eyes lighting up. "You would really be saving the day."
"It’s a shame about them windows," Don whispered to me. "I dreamed I had a time machine and went back and stopped the fire. That way they’d still be there."
"Holy Trinity Academy can offer hope and guidance to all teens from every walk of life. However, it is up to us to help less fortunate students to succeed."
"Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
"Dad says we have to forgive everybody. No matter how bad someone is or how much they hurt you."
"The decision is yours, Mr. Barlow. Daniel needs this class."
"Chicken and stars. That was always my favorite."
"Don’t want to be late to your Divine family dinner."
"People expect him to work miracles. But how can you work miracles in a world where an old woman lay on her porch for over twenty-four hours and nobody stopped?"
"She was all blue and cold … and those gashes …"
"She was wearing her green Sunday dress and that hat with the peacock feather she always wears when she sings."
"I was showing the people that I could stop the monster."
"Maybe it is your fault. Maybe you brought this on all of us."
"Curiosity replaced grief as I sat down in my seat."
"The hem of my simple black dress hiked up my legs and my matching Sunday heels suddenly seemed sexy as I placed them on the footrests of the bike."
"Cold air clawed at my face, ripping tears from my eyes."
"You know, some religious scholars believe that when faced with overwhelming temptation, you should commit a small sin, just to relieve the pressure a bit."
"I’ve had a lot of practice climbing since we used to race up the walnut tree."
"The Garden of Angels. I heard someone talking about this place once, but I never knew where it was."
"I met the man this statue was carved for. Gabriel."
"I don’t think they have feathery wings or anything like that. I think they’re people who do good things even if they get nothing out of it."
"It was a painting of my father’s hands slicing a green apple for Daniel’s birthday cobbler."
"I’m not in the mood for baking right now. And I’m not in the mood for this big dinner, either."
"I thought you could invite whomever you wanted, you must be prepared to deal with the consequences if she interprets your suggestion literally."
"You were invited; therefore, you are welcome."
"Stay," he whispered, and bolted into the thicket of trees.
"So what part of ‘stay’ did you not understand?"
"How on earth? What on earth? That was a freaking miracle."
"I’m the good one. I’m the one who does everything this family needs."
"Draw what you see. I’ll hold you until you’re done."
"God only knows the things I did to try to numb you out of my brain."
"Don’t forget about your boyfriend." Charity pointed at the phone.
"Like every remaining ounce of light and hope was sucked out of the shell I used to call my soul."
"I ran away. I didn’t want to go back into foster care."
"This. Any of this." He took in a deep breath and rested his chin on his knees.
"That beast—my father—was as horrid as they come, and my own mother chose him over me."
"It was like I finally let out every tear I’d ever held back."
"I felt like such a fraud. My father told me my name meant mercy, help, and guidance. But he was wrong."
"Everything I touched—everything I tried to help—fell apart and slipped through my fingers."
"You knew what he was, and you still brought him here!"
"I’ve been poring through every text on the subject since. Searching for the cure."
"We don’t forgive people because they deserve it. We forgive them because they need it—because we need it."
"The wolf preys on my love for thee. It tells me to return home."
"I smell the rage and the blood wafting from the city, and I feel drawn to it. What has repulsed me in the past now whets my appetite."
"You can’t save someone unless he wants to be saved."
"If this is what you want, then let me do it for you."
"I wish making you lonely was the only thing I had to worry about."
"They should just be outlawed. Seriously, I’m going to hell for this one."
"I need to do this," he said through gritted teeth. "I’m sorry. I’m sorry I did this to you."
"That knife must be very old. It’s much purer silver than what I’ve come across before."
"I am grace. I flew at the black wolf, raised the knife, and plunged it into the diamond patch of fur on his chest. I will be the monster for you."
"I can’t stay. I don’t know who I am anymore. I need to go."
"It looked like someone had come along with a brush and painted the world white, making it a giant blank canvas."
"What you did wasn’t predatory. It was an act of love. It’s why I’m still alive."
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the dark side."
"You can turn this curse into a blessing. You can become the hero. You can become truly divine."