
Goddess Of The Sea Quotes

Goddess Of The Sea by P.C. Cast

"I need your guidance as I strive for spiritual knowledge and growth. Help me also with creating magic in my life."
"This is exactly what I need. Some Girl Power."
"It's a lucky thing that I have such a green thumb."
"You believed last night; believe today, too."
"Maybe the night and the dream had been signs of things to come—things that would change—in her life. Maybe she just had to be open to change and answer when it called."
"Remember, you promised to break your own mold."
"Everything's so bright and clear that it still seems like morning."
"Magic… The word echoed in CC's head and she had to struggle to pay attention to the rest of what he was saying."
"I am having some seriously good parking luck today."
"Yes, you can borrow any of my videos! Enjoy!"
"I wanted it to be true; I wanted magic in my life."
"Why in the blue blazes would you join the flying branch of our armed forces when you're afraid to fly?"
"I researched it, Mom. The air force was the branch of the service that had the best overall package."
"She wanted it to be true; she wanted magic in her life."
"Do you desire to continue to live, no matter the cost?"
"Every inch of CC's body felt flooded with electricity. She wanted to throw back her head and shout at the surge of fabulous sensations."
"And to think I've always wanted to be gorgeous like Marilyn Monroe."
"My language would be the least of the things I would have to explain if my mother was here."
"Do not ever be ashamed of a gift from a goddess."
"She felt like she could stay there forever, basking in the warm sun and the honey-scented air."
"Feign loss of memory. You should even appear desperate to find your family…"
"Do not judge too harshly. Even good men can be misled. Be wise in your choice and all will be well in the end."
"I give you my oath that I will not harm you."
"You have nothing to fear. I will not let you fall."
"No, Undine. There is no debt between us. I only offered aid when it was needed."
"I am the Princess Undine, and I cannot leave the water."
"My name is Sir Andras Ap Caer Llion, eldest son of the great Lord Caerleon. I am pleased to be of service to you, and I pledge that I will not allow any harm to befall you."
"Sleep now, my lady. You will feel better in the morning."
"I am sure that my family will be looking for me, and that they will reward anyone who has helped me."
"Those of us who have chosen the priesthood seek a reward that cannot be found in this world."
"I am only glad my actions have brought you into my life."
"I didn't feel anything when he kissed me," she whispered. "At least nothing good."
"Maybe the spell will work if he just falls in love with me," CC said to the silent room.
"I'll try harder to care about him," she promised herself.
"Simply call your true body to you, Daughter."
"Your body does. Listen to it," the goddess reassured her.
"Then follow that call," Gaea said, as if she could read her mind.
"I want my true body back," she thought desperately.
"I've missed you, too," CC said. "Swim with me—I want to be surrounded by the water."
"I will be here every third night until the end of eternity."
"Remember that I will be here," he said resolutely. "For an eternity, Christine. I would wait for you for an eternity."
"Wild is not synonymous with evil," she forced her voice to be even.
"Just because something is beautiful or exotic or even wild, doesn't mean that it's dangerous or sinful," she said, forcing the knight to meet her gaze.
"A delicate breeze brought the tinkle of running water to her."
"Wildflowers painted the grasses with splashes of orange, violet and lace."
"You're going to give me a heart attack someday."
"The most delicious champagne I've ever tasted!"
"True love is not a potion one person can swallow and another refuse to drink. It happens only when the souls of two join together to form one."
"Please keep me safe from Sarpedon—I think I can handle the rest of this mess. Him, I'm not too sure about, though."
"It is good for a person to know one's purpose."
"I won't let one mean-spirited priest intimidate me."
"I'm giving you my word that I do not want Andras. He is not the man for me."
"Wow! That was almost like I had a tail of my own…"
"Dylan," CC breathed. "I've never seen anything like this."
"You really are a wonderful teacher. Thank you for showing me."
"I've been lost and afraid most of the night."
"Let's get going, girls, before they send out a posse."
"I didn't think I was doing anything out of the ordinary."
"I pledged that I would restore the statue of the Holy Mother."
"You always seem to be looking out for my welfare. I do appreciate your consideration very much."
"You act like you've never seen a woman work before."
"It's like an awful car wreck I can't look away from."
"Brothers, please add to your prayers those for the renovation of the Virgin's statue. It is long overdue."
"Understanding she was in love wasn't the answer to everything—instead it was the beginning of many more questions."
"Military clean was a good thing, not passionless and contrived like the gardens of the monastery; just everything in the place in which it belonged and everything in the best shape possible."
"The newly cleansed Virgin seemed to glow with life."
"You are washing away more than simple dirt. You are washing away hatred and neglect."
"Kindness will be the balm that soothes the wounds of life."
"The immortals have their own timetable, and gods, particularly, do not like to be rushed."
"There are some things all daughters do not want to know."
"He controls through fear and manipulation, preying on the weakness of others so that his own weaknesses will not be discovered."
"I have always believed art should not be controlled by one's purse."
"In a place filled with men, women need to stick together."
"It is a wise woman who understands the ways of herbs."
"In any form you and I were made to fit perfectly together."
"I will wait for you tonight," Dylan said. "And for all of eternity."
"You have no idea how much this means to me this morning," CC said, suddenly feeling near tears. "Thank you. I appreciate all of you."
"This silliness, as you call it, is part of the magic of love. And remember love is the strongest magic in the world."
"I'm not restoring the Holy Mother's statue out of religious zealousness or piety; I'm restoring it out of love," she said, reminding herself that it wasn't his fault that he was a medieval man.
"I think there is a world of difference between devotion to man and devotion to the divine."
"Truthfully, I haven't found much evidence of it."
"I would rather be trapped on land than accept their kind of love. Or, better yet, I'd rather have no lover at all than what they offer."
"I want what you offer me," she said. "But I have nothing to offer you," he said miserably. CC splayed her open hand on his chest over his heart. "You have this."
"I am not God of the Sea, but I do have some power of my own, Christine."
"Yes, I'll miss my parents, but it's time for me to grow up and move on."
"For an eternity," he said. "Yes, for eternity," she agreed.
"I didn't want to ruin my dress," CC said reasonably. "And I didn't escape. I used my window because I didn't want to wake any of the Brothers."
"I will not tolerate such treatment," she hissed at him. "Don't ever touch me without my permission. I am still a princess and even though this is not my realm I am not totally without power here."
"That's better," she said. "Now I will be pleased to return to my chamber; I was already on my way there when you interrupted me."
"It's a jail," she muttered, fighting down a sudden sense of panic.
"There's nothing to forgive," she whispered. "It's my fault. I should have confided in you, then you would have known not to worry."
"I did not mean to betray you, Undine," Isabel whispered urgently, almost causing CC to choke on a swallow of wine.
"Do not think on it. Women must help one another."
"How very convenient for the husband," CC said without glancing at Andras.
"Women need to stick together," CC agreed. "Even if we are different."
"You could never frighten me, my dear friend. Differences do not matter between us."
"Rest, Undine. Your eyes have that dark, haunted look. Sleep will strengthen you."
"You must take care not to arouse the knight's anger, then perhaps the evil spirit's influence will sleep."
"Think of Andras as the dashing knight who rushed to rescue you from the seas."
"I had found that if I dwelled on how much I missed him, the ache of my longing for him and for the sea merged into one painful force."